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Humboldt County Newspaper Enterprises

from the 1890 Humboldt County Business Directory

"Humboldt County Newspaper Enterprises". 1890. History and Business Directory of Humboldt County, 175-181. Marvelous chronology of births, marriages and deaths of newspapers, 1854-1890.


The Humboldt Times was established at Eureka in September, 1854, by Mr. E.D. Coleman. Mr. Coleman moved the Times to Union (now Arcata) December, 1854. In December, 1855, Mr. Coleman sold out the Times to W. Van Dyke and A. Wiley. In January, 1858, Mr. Van Dyke transferred his interest to Mr. Wiley. In August, 1858, Mr. Wiley moved the Times back to Eureka. In June, 1860, Mr. Wiley sold the Times to W. Van Dyke and L.M. Burson. The Northern Californian was established in December, 1858, S.G. Whipple, editor and proprietor. The Northern Californian was merged into the Times in July, 1860, L.M. Burson withdrawing, S.G. Whipple and W. Van Dyke continuing its publication. In March, 1861, Mr. Van Dyke transferred his interest to S.G. Whipple. In August, 1862, Mr. Whipple sold out to A. Wiley and Walter Bohall. In May, 1864, Mr. Wiley transferred his interest to J.E. Wyman, the firm being Wiley & Bohall. In August, 1865, Mr. Bohall sold his interest to J.E. Wyman.

The "Times" from a Weekly to a Daily

The first number of the Daily Humboldt Times was issued January 1, 1874. In 1875, W.H. Wyman was taken into the business, when the firm was known as J.E. Wyman & Son. J.E. Wyman died in November, 1880, when W.H. Wyman succeeded to the entire control of the paper. In 1866, Col. S.G. Whipple resumed the editorship and management of the Times, which had passed into the hands of a company, and is at present known as the "Times Publishing Company."

The "Humboldt Standard"

The Standard was founded in June, 1875, by R.V. Chadd under the name of the Daily Standard, and conducted as an independent Democratic paper. In the beginning of 1877 the daily edition was discontinued, and on June 1st of that year the paper passed into the hands of William Ayres, who continued the weekly issue, changing its name to the The Democratic Standard. Mr. Ayres retained the ownership and control of the paper for over five years, during which time it was conducted as an independent Democratic journal. On December 1, 1883, R.A. Thompson bought the Standard and placed his brother, F.P. Thompson, in control, who again changed its name to the Humboldt Standard and commenced the publication shortly afterward of a semi-weekly edition, which was continued until July, 1884, when the Humboldt Daily Standard was resumed, together with the publication of a weekly issue, known as the Humboldt Weekly Standard.

In 1887 R.A. Thompson conveyed the property to Mary Thompson, wife of F.P. Thompson, the latter continuing its publication until May 1, 1888, when J.F. Thompson bought a half interest in the paper, and its publication was continued with J.F. Thompson as managing editor, the firm being known as the "Humboldt Standard Publishing Company." On April 26, 1890, J.F. Thompson bought the remaining interest of Mary Thompson, thereby becoming its sole proprietor. He has since continued the publication of the daily and weekly editions. The Standard is Democratic in politics, thoroughly independent on all matters of public concern, and is now firmly established as one of the permanent institutions of the county. It enjoys a liberal patronage and is rapidly pushing to the front as one of the leading journals in the State.

Daily and Weekly "Telephone"

The Telephone was issued in December, 1881, by Wiley & Heney, and shortly afterward merged with the Times.

One of the early papers was the Sluice Box, published at Orleans Bar, in 1856, by Frank Ball, but was discontinued in December of the same year. The Casket was issued in Arcata in 1860. It died in a short time and was buried. The Humboldt Bay Journal was published in September, 1865, Rev. J.W. Hines, editor. In December of the same year it passed into the hands of J.B. Baccus, Jr., who conducted the journal until its demise in April, 1867. The Humboldt Bay Democrat, started in October, 1868, L.M. Music & Co., proprietors, only lasted three weeks, when it died under a musical strain.

The National Index appeared in June, 1867, and suspended in March, 1868. The Northern Independent was first published in July, 1869, by A.M. Parry. The paper passed into the hands of Eugene Russ who pronounced its obituary, in August, 1872. The West Coast Signal, D.E. Gordon, editor and proprietor, first appeared in February, 1871. In October, 1876, the Daily Evening Signal came out. As a daily and weekly it was published by Mr. Gordon until March, 1880, when it suspended. The Age was established by W.H. Clipperton in 1876, but soon suspended. Betteridge & Sinnerton purchased the material and started the Evening Star in December, 1876; suspended in 1878. The Evening Herald appeared in March, 1879, by W.B. Thorpe. In a short time it was removed to Arcata and afterwards suspended. The Leader was started, W.B. Thorpe again as editor. After issuing about one volume the Leader was suspended. In December, 1880, the Leader was revived by A. Wiley. It lasted one year and again suspended.

The Eel River Echo, published at Rohnerville by W.H. Runnels, appeared in 1878. After two years it suspended. A.J. Bledsoe purchased and removed the material to Eureka, and issued the Semi-Weekly News in 1881. In three months the News suspended.

The "Ferndale Enterprise"

The Ferndale Enterprise was established in January, 1878, by Wm. G. Jones & Co., by whom it was run until December 1, 1880, when it was sold to F.A. Alford. In 1883 the paper passed into the hands of Shaw & Carr, who conducted it until May, 1884, when E.B. Carr became sole proprietor. In November, 1885, A.J. Bledsoe was taken in as a partner, but only remained as such for two months, when the paper again became the sole property of E.B. Carr. On January 1, 1890, S.W. Scotton purchased a one-half interest, and the Enterprise is now published by the firm of Carr & Scotton. The Enterprise is published weekly, and is to-day recognized as one of the leading journals of the county.

Rohnerville "Herald"

The Herald was first published in November, 1881, by Chas. E. Gordon, at the age of 19 years. It is a newsy and creditable journal; justly and fairly representing southern Humboldt county. It is one of the best advertising mediums north of San Francisco. The Rohnerville Herald has a large and well merited circulation.

The "Humboldt Mail"

The Humboldt Mail was first published by W.G. Bonner. About August 1, 1890, a daily was issued by the "Humboldt Mail Publishing Co." On November, 16, 1890, the Daily Mail died a natural death, with no excuse for its brief existence. The Weekly Mail is a newsy and ably edited journal enjoying a liberal patronage.

The "Home Journal"

The Home Journal, Wm. M. Michel, editor and proprietor. This paper is published in one of the finest farming districts in the county. Hydesville is a beautiful town with an enlightened community. These people demand a newsy and wide-awake journal. The Home Journal merits patronage - it has a good circulation and makes a splendid advertising medium.

The "Eel River Valley Advance"

Published every Thursday at Fortuna, Leon F. Stinson, editor and proprietor. This publication takes rank with the best journals issued in any interior town. The Eel River Valley Advance is interesting from beginning to end, from top to the bottom. It is ably edited and well patronized. In fact this journal holds a leading position.

The "Blue Lake Advocate"

The Blue Lake Advocate is owned by Mr. C. Chartin. Mr. J.W. Traverse is editor and manager. Since Mr. Traverse has assumed the management the style and spirit of the Blue Lake Advocate is progressive and fearless.

The "Arcata Union"

An able and fearless journal, Wiley & Borg, editors and proprietors. Mr. Wiley in company with Walter Van Dyke bought the Times in 1855. In 1857 he bought out Mr. Van Dyke, and moved the paper from Arcata to Eureka in 1858. In 1865 Mr. Wiley bought one-fourth interest in the San Francisco Call but sold his interest in the Call in 1866 and returned to Humboldt. He afterwards started the Weekly Telephone, which was merged into the Times and called the Times-Telephone. Mr. Wiley is the pioneer journalist of Humboldt. He keenly appreciates the wants of the people, ever on the alert to bring about the needed changes that progressive enterprise requires.

The "Western Watchman"

The Western Watchman, a weekly journal, published at Eureka, W. Ayres & Son, editors and publishers. A journal of considerable ability, claiming perfect independence, and warmly espousing the temperance cause.

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The Northwest California Newspapers Website is managed by Special Collections located in the Cal Poly Humboldt Library.