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Special Collections Recommended Websites

Government and Community ServicesNatural Resources - Agencies
Local HistoryNatural Resources - Organizations


Links checked 7/10/2015, comments not updated. 

Government and Community Services

Arcata, California, City Hall Web Page
View the General Plan and Municipal Code and check out the Community Forest and the Arcata Marsh.
City of Eureka
Under City Departments, City Clerk, Redevelopment, and Community Development have the most information. The Municipal Code is here as is a map of ward boundaries.
Civil Liberties Monitoring Project
This group deals with government activities and civil liberties in Humboldt County. Also check the Newsletter for stories on the Round Valley Indian Reservation.
A very comprehensive list of local web sites; see also Humboldt County Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Cal Poly Humboldt Institutional Research, Analytics and Reporting
This is a great site for locating factual and statistical information about the University and its students, faculty, and programs.
Humboldt Community Switchboard
This site offers a searchable "comprehensive database of information on resources available in Humboldt County."
Humboldt County Association of Governments
Fulltext of regional plans and studies are here.
Humboldt County Services and Departments
See also Prosperity: The North Coast Strategy and The Headwaters Fund.
Humboldt Economic Index
This is an excellent site for monthly economic information beginning in January 1994 when the site was called Index to Economic Activity for Humboldt County. See also their project reports.
Redwood Coast Energy Authority
"RCEA was formed in 2003 as a Joint Powers Association, representing seven municipalities... to develop and implement sustainable energy initiatives that reduce energy demand, increase energy efficiency, and advance the use of clean, efficient and renewable resources available in the region."
Redwood Region Economic Development Commission
RREDC "is a collaboration of Humboldt County communities dedicated to the ongoing implementation of the comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, Prosperity!"
Redwood Technology Consortium
RTC "is a non-profit public benefit corporation organized to serve as the primary information and educational resource on issues related to the technology industry on California's North Coast."


Local History

American Memory from the Library of Congress
Try a search for "Humboldt California".
California Genealogy
Many links here for genealogists and local historians. Information varies by county; Humboldt County includes Redwood Genealogical Society.
California Historical Society
Under Publications there are both author and subject indexes to the journal California History; many entries under Humboldt County.
Clarke Historical Museum
The Humboldt County History section includes brief information about Lumber, Gold Rush, Farming, etc.
Cultural Landscapes
This bibliography of print sources and websites was prepared for a workshop on Jan. 3, 2003, at the Humboldt County Library.
Del Norte County Historical Society
This site includes descriptions of the collections and the full text of the first issue of their Bulletin.
Eureka Heritage Society
"Current Events" includes slide shows of previous Home Tours.
Ferndale Museum
The genealogy section has useful history links.
Fortuna's History
Much here on both Fortuna and Rohnerville, including excerpts of publications by Susie Van Kirk.
Historical Sites Society of Arcata
The architectural information is particularly rich, including walking tours.
Humboldt County Historical Society
Includes a very useful description of their collections as well as County sources for genealogical information. The Humboldt Historian is now indexed in the California Information File II, with more than 400 articles included from 1990 to the present.
Humboldt County Office of Education
Includes historic school pictures.
Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society
Follow the link to Local History for profiles of prominent doctors, including Harold W. Comfort, Ernest M. Fine, Ted Loring, and Richard R. Ricklefs.
Mattole Valley Historical Society
This growing site includes Mattole Chronology and Walking Tour of Petrolia. See also Laura Cooskey's West of the Redwoods blog.
Native American Studies Resources on the Web
The Northwestern California and Cal Poly Humboldt sections are particularly relevant.
Learn about Harry Roberts, read parts of the book, and enjoy the photo gallery.
Searching for "Place" in the Cal Poly Humboldt Special Collections
This is a guide to major works on Humboldt County history.
Siskiyou County Library Homepage
There are several local history links on this site, including newspapers and the Siskiyou Pioneer Index.
Timber Heritage Association
Logging history, photographs, and plans for a museum are features of this site.
Trinidad Museum
View current and past exhibits.  See also Trinidad History where J. Scott Shannon compiled this photographic history. See also his history of otters at


Natural Resources - Agencies

Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office
Many of their reports are available here.
BLM, Arcata Field Office
Good links for Headwaters Forest, King Range, Samoa Dunes, and South Spit.
Bureau of Reclamation, Klamath Basin Area Office
News releases, reports, environmental assessments, and more.
California Coast & Ocean
Examples of articles from this California Coastal Conservancy magazine include "What's at Stake in the Klamath Basin (Autumn 2004) and "Downstream from the Clearcut" (Spring 2004).
California Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Read the annual report and check their lists of theses and publications, all under Documents.
EPA Region 9
Much of interest here from environmental education to fulltext of local river TMDLs to the Indian Program Newsletter.
Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation & Conservation District
Select Port of Humboldt Bay to get the Harbor Revitalization Plan documents, Humboldt Bay Eco-Atlas to explore the Bay via GIS, and Weather Service for local weather.
"The Klamath Resource Information System, KRIS, is designed to capture watershed data relevant to fisheries and water quality so that it can be shared quickly and easily among agencies, private land owners, and citizens." Klamath and Trinity Rivers are included. Most items in the Kris Web Bibliography are linked to fulltext of the documents.
Natural Resource Projects Inventory
Search this database from UC Davis by county to get a list and description of local projects.
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Information related to Pacific Lumber Company from the NCRWQCB: check Publications/Available Documents.
Pacific Fishery Management Council
Agendas, minutes, decisions and reports are all online.
Pacific Salmon Archive
Cal Poly Humboldt is a depository for material on West Coast Steelhead, Coho, and Chinook.
Redwood National and State Parks
Explore the History & Culture button.
Redwood Sciences Laboratory
Many of the titles in the complete list of Publications & Products are online.
Schatz Energy Research Center
It's all here from history to published works.
Six Rivers National Forest
Check under Maps & Publications for watershed analyses, etc. See also Klamath and Shasta-Trinity National Forests.
Southern Oregon Digital Archives
SODA includes fulltext of many U.S., state, and local documents in three collections: Southern Oregon History; Bioregion (i.e., Klamath-Siskiyou); and First Nations/Tribal Collection (including Karuk, Hupa, Yurok, Tolowa, Wiyot).
Yreka Fish and Wildlife Office
Many fulltext documents.


Natural Resources - Organizations

American Rivers: Protecting Your Rivers, Protecting Your Clean Water
Search for Klamath on this site for articles and reports: 30 found on 10-5-12.
Buckeye Conservancy
Read articles and reports from this organization devoted to family stewardship of natural resources.
Environmental Protection Information Center
EPIC has gathered and organized a very extensive collection of information about environmental issues in Northwestern California. Expect to find the latest breaking news here.
Klamath Basin Tribal Water Quality Work Group
A tribal perspective on the Klamath River.
Klamath Basin Water Crisis
The "website of the irrigators and their community."
Klamath Restoration Agreements
There are many useful links on this site.
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center
A good place to find current information on the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion, combining the Siskiyou Project and K-S Wild.
Marine Wildlife Care Center
This site provides an historical archive of information related to the oil spills of 1997, 1999, and 2006.
Mattole Restoration Council
This site concentrates on the Mattole River watershed.
Mid Klamath Watershed Council
"The mission of the Mid Klamath Watershed Council is to promote watershed restoration and active participation in restoration by coordinating education on resource issues, encouraging communication among the community, tribes, and other resource management agencies, and creating local economic opportunities by planning and implementing restoration projects."
North Coast Chapter CNPS
Local chapter of the California Native Plant Society. Includes links to activities and various plant inventories.
North Coast Region | California Trout
Includes local river restoration projects.
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations
PCFFA "embodies the working family fisherman" and maintains a very active website on issues of interest to its constituents.
Pacific Forest Trust
"The Pacific Forest Trust works to enhance, restore and preserve the private productive forestlands of the Pacific Northwest, with a focus on California, Oregon and Washington." Projects in Humboldt County include Howe Creek Ranch and Fred van Eck properties.
Salmon River Restoration Council
Text and pictures about the Salmon River in Klamath National Forest.
Save-the-Redwoods League
This site includes an annotated bibliography of biological information on the coast redwood (1955-1997) by Deborah L. Rogers as well as current management plans. See also Coastal Redwoods for James Snyder's 1992 MA Thesis (San Jose State University) and 5 talks given in Humboldt County in 1965 by UC Berkeley faculty.
Trees Foundation
This site is useful for the extensive list of affiliates as well as its newsletter.