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Cultural Landscapes


Bibliography | Websites



  • Ames, David L. and Linda Flint McClelland. 2002. Historic Residential Suburbs: Guidelines for Evaluation and Documentation for the National Register of Historic Places. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Register Bulletin. (Also online at
  • Annals of the Association of American Geographers, volume 1, 1911-.
  • Burns, John A. and the Staff of the Historic American Buildings Survey, Historic American Engineering Record, and Historic American Landscapes Survey, ed. 2004. Recording Historical Structures. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Campoli, Julie et al. 2002. Above and Beyond: Visualizing Change in Small Towns and Rural Areas. Chicago & Washington, D.C.: American Planning Association.
  • Conzen, Michael P., ed. 1990. The Making of the American Landscape. Boston: Unwin Hyman.
  • Copps, David H. 1995. Views from the Road: A Community Guide for Assessing Rural Historic Landscapes, a Project of the Trust for Public Land and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Washington D.C.: Island Press.
  • Groth, Paul and Todd W. Bressi, eds. 1997. Understanding Ordinary Landscapes. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Hough, Michael. 1990. Out of Place: Restoring Identity to the Regional Landscape. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Hummon, David M. 1990. Commonplaces: Community Ideology and Identity in American Culture. New York: State University of NY Press.
  • Lippard, Lucy R. 1997. The Lure of the Local: Senses of Place in a Multicentered Society. New York: The New Press.
  • Mills, Stephen. 1997. The American Landscape. Edinburgh: Keele University Press.
  • Nye, David E., ed. 1999. Technologies of Landscape: From Reaping to Recycling. Amherst, Mass.: University of Massachusetts Press.
  • Ryden, Kent C. 1993. Mapping the Invisible Landscape: Folklore, Writing, and the Sense of Place. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
  • Trefethen, James B. 1976. The American Landscape: 1776-1976: Two Centuries of Change, ed. Kenneth J. Sabol. Washington, D.C.: Wildlife Management Institute.


State Resources for Historic Preservation


California State Office of Historic Preservation-Main Page
The Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) is the governmental agency primarily responsible for the statewide administration of the historic preservation program in California. Links to state and federal programs, codes, guidelines, publications and services.
California State Office of Historic Preservation-Publications
Guides, Manuals and Fact Sheets for state programs, along with information on laws related to historic preservation in California. This includes guidelines for historic property inventories, and all of the state historic property registration programs. Many documents may be downloaded, as PDF or MS Word files.


Federal Resources for Historic Preservation


NPS Historic Landscapes Initiative
The Historic Landscape Initiative provides technical assistance to the public through its diverse products and activities, including guidelines on appropriate treatment, research source books, documentary videos, and training symposia and workshops.
NPS Teaching with Historic Places
Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) uses properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places to enliven history, social studies, geography, civics, and other subjects through a variety of activities that help teachers bring historic places into the classroom.
NPS Technical Preservation Services-Preservation Briefs
Easy-to read guidance on preserving, rehabilitating and restoring historic properties for home owners, preservation professionals, organizations, and government agencies. Preservation Briefs 1-25 are available free online, with a link to their publications catalogue and to the U.S. Government Printing Office, and instructions on ordering.
NPS Technical Preservation Services-THE GOOD GUIDES
A user friendly web-based set of tools for anyone who is planning to work on historic properties. Starting with a basic introduction to historic preservation, assessing the property, planning your project, and application of federal standards and guidelines, it covers every aspect. (Now integrated into a new page featureing all TPS online education programs.)


Research Resources: Cultural Landscapes


UC Berkeley, Environmental Design Library, Landscape Architecture Internet Resources
Hosted by the UC Berkeley library.
Cultural Landscapes, American Memory Project- Library of Congress
A collection of large-scale maps including individual land surveys, county land ownership maps and atlases, large-scale topographic maps, and thematic maps that show the cultural modification of a physical landscape over time.
Institute for Cultural Landscape Studies, Harvard University
The Institute for Cultural Landscape Studies works with nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and colleges and universities to capture place-based knowledge about cultural landscapes.
Landscape History, Society for Landscape Studies
Landscape History is the international refereed journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, based in Britain.
SAPLING-The Architecture, Planning & Landscape Information Gateway
An international gateway to information resources on landscapes.


Community Based Programs and Initiatives


California Preservation Foundation
This statewide non-profit advocate for historic preservation provides training and technical assistance.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Since its founding in 1949, the leading non-profit preservation organization in the U.S. providing, education and advocacy to save America's diverse historic places and revitalize communities.
Scenic America
Non-profit organization advocates for scenic resources and rural conservation with an emphasis on grassroots community based planning and management. Good tools for community assessments.


Prepared by Suzanne Guerra and Judy Walton, 2003
Links Checked: January 7, 2009