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Humboldt University Oral Histories
Oral History Series
Humboldt State University Administrators, 1980
Humboldt State University Oral History Project, 1984
Humboldt State University Oral History Project, Spring 2004
Humboldt State University Administrators, 1980
In 1980, four HSU administrators interviewed each other with the goal of creating a record of the major changes in the character, nature, and purpose of Humboldt State University over time. The five interviews include reminiscences, personal accounts, growth as an institution, and changes in the goals and mission of the college.
The interviewees are as follows:
- Homer Balabanis (1923 - 1964)
- Joseph Trainor (1953 - 1974)
- Milton Dobkin (1955 - 1983)
- Whitney Buck (1964 - 1992)
Along with serving as an HSU administrator, each of the interviewees had been a member of the Teaching Faculty at HSU.
Interview with Homer Balabanis, Joseph Trainor, Milton Dobkin, and Whitney Buck
Interview with Homer Balabanis, Joseph Trainor, Milton Dobkin, and Whitney Buck on February 26, 1980. Topics covered during this interview include: the purpose behind the series of interviews, curriculum changes over time, the philosophy behind General Education courses, inclusion into the CSU system, refinement of General Education courses after World War II, organizational structure of the college, education philosophy of former HSU presidents, faculty recruitment process, budgetary issues during the Gist era, and the tension between the UC and CSU systems.
Interview with Homer Balabanis, Joseph Trainor, Milton Dobkin, and Whitney Buck
Interview with Homer Balabanis, Joseph Trainor, Milton Dobkin, and Whitney Buck on February 29, 1980. Topics covered during this interview include: the development of new programs, the expansion of curriculum, the increased enrollment of out-of-area students, faculty recruitment efforts, and the impact of expansion on the mission of the college.
Interview with Homer Balabanis, Joseph Trainor, Milton Dobkin, and Whitney Buck
Interview with Homer Balabanis, Joseph Trainor, Milton Dobkin, and Whitney Buck on March 4, 1980. Topics covered during this interview include: memories of and background on notable faculty members, recruitment of faculty during the 1960s and 1970s, development of campus specializations, the application process to become a member of the CSU, and faculty retention problems.
Interview with Homer Balabanis, Joseph Trainor, Milton Dobkin, and Whitney Buck
Interview with Homer Balabanis, Joseph Trainor, Milton Dobkin, and Whitney Buck on March 20, 1980. Topics covered during this interview include: Development and support for the academic senate, growth of the liberal arts education, Gist administration, Siemens administration, cluster college, St. Petersburg, FL incident/Holiday Bowl, parking fees on campus, memories of and background on notable faculty members, faculty/administrator relationships, and student/faculty relationships.
Interview with Joseph Trainor and Whitney Buck
Interview with Joseph Trainor and Whitney Buck on April 17, 1980. Topics covered during this interview include: Differences between campus administrators, academic reorganization, memories of and background on notable administrators, impact of state level changes on the campus, growth of committees, and changes in the relationship with the local community as the result of campus expansion.
Humboldt State University Oral History Project, 1984
The Humboldt State University Oral History Project was directed by Professor William Tanner of the History Department with the help of Edie Butler and Jeanie Allard. The project aimed at telling the history of Humboldt State University through interviews of former students, staff, faculty, and administrators. Interviews for this project took place between 1983 and 1984.
All interviews from this project were digitized during the 2013-2014 academic year with one exception where the audio was already in poor quality. All digitized interviews are available online with the exception of one, where special restrictions have been assigned. For more information please contact the Special Collections Librarian.
Frank Allard interviewed by Jeanie Allard
The following is an interview with Frank Allard. He was a student at Humboldt State College from 1964 until 1970, majoring in music and a secondary teaching credential. The interview was done in March of 1984 by Jeanie Allard, his wife.
Eleze Butler Coffman interviewed by Edie Butler
Edie Butler interviewing Eleze Butler Coffman for the Humboldt State University Oral History Project on February 4, 1984, in Williams, California.
Joanne Wilson Dale interviewed by Jeanie Allard
Interview with Joanne Wilson Dale who attended Humboldt State College as a student from 1946 until 1948 when she transferred to a private nursing school in San Jose. She was a premed major, art minor at Humboldt State. She currently lives in Crescent City. She was interviewed at the McNulty House in Crescent City by Jeanie Allard in May 1984.
Francis Givins and Beth Givins interviewed by Edie Butler
This is an interview of Francis and Beth Givins conducted by Edie Butler at the Givins home on March 12, 1984. The interview is part of Humboldt State University Oral History Project. Franny Givins was a student at Humboldt from 1935 to 1940 and majored in PE education and participated in many sports teams activities. Bess was an education major and attended from 1935 to 1939. After completing college Franny taught and coached at Fortuna and Ferndale High Schools, in 1952 he was offered a teaching position at Humboldt and continued to teach and coach there until approximately 1980.
Ugo Guintini interviewed by Edie Butler
Ugo Guintini was interviewed by Edie Butler at his home in Arcata on February 10, 1984, for the Humboldt State University Oral History Project.
Monica Hadley interviewed by Jeanie Allard
Interview with Monica Hadley who was an instructor at Humboldt State College, and the Dean of Women. The interview was held February 16, 1984, at the Arcata Union Office. The interviewer is Jeanie Allard.
Oden Hansen interviewed by Edie Butler
Interview with Oden Hansen, who from 1934 to 1938 was a student at Humboldt State. Upon completion of his education, he took a teaching position in the Sacramento area. After a varied career in the teaching and education administration field, Mr. Hansen returned to Humboldt State University in 1971 to assume the position of Dean of Campus Development. He retired from that position in 1977 and has remained active in the alumni association. This interview is being conducted in Mr. Hansen’s home in Arcata on January 13, 1984. The interviewer is Edie Butler representing the HSU Oral History Project.
DeEtte Franek Harrison interviewed by Jeanie Allard
The following is an interview with DeEtte Franek Harrison, who was a student at Humboldt State College from 1973 until 1979. She was an elementary education credential candidate. She currently lives in Cottage Grove, Oregon. The interview was done in May of 1984. The interviewer is Jeanie Allard.
Audrae Warren Lynn interviewed by Edie Bulter
Audrae Warren Lynn was interviewed in her home by Edie Butler on February 13, 1984 for the Humboldt State University Oral History Project. Audrae Lynn enrolled as a business student at Humboldt in 1930, the first year that curriculum was offered. She finished the two year curriculum in 1932. By her own acknowledgement, she did not fully participate in college life or activities and maintained her community activities and friends while a student at Humboldt.
Estelle Preston McDowell interviewed by Edie Bulter
Edie Butler interviewing Estelle Preston McDowell at her home on December 2, 1983. This is an interview for the Humboldt State University Oral History Project. Mrs. McDowell was associated with the college first as a student at the training school, next as a student teacher practicing teaching at the training school, and then as a supervising teacher at the college elementary school.
Francis Ward Short interviewed by Jeanie Allard
Interview with Francis Ward Short who was a student at Humboldt State College from 1946 to 48 enrolled in the two year commercial program. She is currently a resident of Crescent City. She was interviewed in her home in May of 1984, the interviewer is Jeanie Allard.
Jessie Turner Woodcock interviewed by Edie Butler
Jessie Turner Woodcock was interviewed in her Trinidad home on 8/20/84 by Edie Butler for the HSU Oral History Project. Jessie’s association with the University dates back to 1915. She enrolled in 1915, graduated in 1917, was employed as secretary to the president around 1919 and held a variety of positions until her retirement in 1951. She was instrumental in the creation of the Alumni Association and has been an active member ever since then. Jessie was conscious of the tape recorder and was uncomfortable about it throughout the interview.
Humboldt State University Oral History Project, Spring 2004
At the request of Dr. Richard Paselk (HSU Department of Chemistry), Dr. Jason Knirck (HSU Department of History) had his HIST 210 class record and transcribe interviews with some current and former HSU faculty members. The list of interviewees was put together by Dr. Paselk, and composed (with one exception) of longstanding members of departments within what is now the College of Natural Resources and Sciences.
Dr. Thomas Clark interviewed by Stephanie Pekarek and Carolyn Brady
Dr. Thomas Clark was interviewed on March 23, 2004 by Stephanie Pekarek and Carolyn Brady as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Clark was a faculty member in Chemistry from 1959 - 2000.
Dr. James Gast interviewed by Bryan DeMain and Katrina Schaal
Dr. James Gast was interviewed on March 30, 2004 by Bryan DeMain and Katrina Schaal as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Gast was a faculty member in Oceanography from 1961 - 1992.
Dr. John DeMartini interviewed by Chandra Miller and Adam Pinkerton
Dr. John DeMartini was interviewed on March 31, 2004 by Chandra Miller and Adam Pinkerton as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. DeMartini was a faculty member in Biology from 1963 - 1999. Dr. DeMartini was also a student at Humboldt State University from 1951 - 1960.
Dr. John Russell interviewed by William Wakeman and Kate Cronin
Dr. John Russell was interviewed on April 1, 2004 by William Wakeman and Kate Cronin as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Russell was a faculty member in Chemistry from 1956 - 1992.
Dr. Richard Thompson interviewed by Michael Sisco and Barrett Schwerin
Dr. Richard Thompson was interviewed on April 2, 2004 by Michael Sisco and Barrett Schwerin as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Thompson was a faculty member in Physics from 1968 - 2001.
Dr. Charles Parke and Barbara Parke interviewed by Charmaine Stanec and Emily Taylor
Dr. Charles Parke and Barbara Parke were interviewed on April 3, 2004 by Charmaine Stanec and Emily Taylor as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Parke was a faculty member in Physics from 1953 - 1981.
Dr. Roscoe Peithman interviewed by Andrew Sathrum, Rachel Zizza, and Jocelyn Godinho
Dr. Roscoe Peithman was interviewed on April 3, 2004 by Andrew Sathrum, Rachel Zizza, and Jocelyn Godinho as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Peithman was a faculty member in Physics from 1946 - 1977.
Dr. John Yarnall interviewed by Christina Medina and Joseph Freeman
Dr. John Yarnall was interviewed on April 3, 2004 by Christina Medina and Joseph Freeman as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Yarnall was a faculty member in Biology from 1969 - 1992.
Dr. Rodney Sievers interviewed by Eric Hall and Andrew Cabello
Dr. Rodney Sievers was interviewed on April 10, 2004 by Eric Hall and Andrew Cabello as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Sievers was a faculty member in History from 1971 - 2001.
Dr. Mervin Hanson interviewed by Yvonne Wilson and Josh Farrell
Dr. Mervin Hanson was interviewed on April 14, 2004 by Yvonne Wilson and Josh Farrell as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Hanson was a faculty member in Chemistry from 1965 - 2001. Dr. Hanson was also a student at Humboldt State University from 1956 - 1961.
Dr. William Brueske interviewed by Brittany Doss and William Wade
Dr. William Brueske was interviewed on April 16, 2004 by Brittany Doss and William Wade as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Brueske was a faculty member in Zoology from 1966 - 1998.
Dr. John Longshore interviewed by Jesse Rathbun
Dr. John Longshore was interviewed on April 28, 2004 by Jesse Rathbun as part of his History 210 class project. Dr. Longshore was a faculty member in Geology from 1965 - 2000.
Dr. William Lester interviewed by Steve MacDonald and Alex Lundberg
Dr. William Lester was interviewed on April 29, 2004 by Steve MacDonald and Alex Lundberg as part of their History 210 class project. Dr. Lester was a faculty member in Biology from 1970 - 1998.
Dr. John Longshore interviewed by Ryan Seil
Dr. John Longshore was interviewed on May 4, 2004 by Ryan Seil as part of his History 210 class project. Dr. Longshore was a faculty member in Geology from 1965 - 2000.