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Klamath Forest Alliance Collection - Container List
Series: Oversized - Rolled and Flat (Box 1)
Series one consists of maps and posters used By KFA for public education, to evaluate Forest Service land use and species protection proposals, to plan and inform Old Growth and other forest conservation strategies and to evaluate and propose salmon, Northern Spotted owl, other species and biodiversity protection. It includes a variety of Forest Service maps and poster-presented data and the Klamath Corridor Proposal maps, a KFA/Felice Pace proposal to link national forest wilderness areas in the Klamath Mountains (NW Ca. and SW Or.) with landscape linkages, including roadless areas. An earlier Regional Trail Plan map-based proposal developed by Felice and presented to the Forest Service is included. Also included are a few of the signs and posters used in Siskiyou County to oppose KFA's objectives.
This series includes Old Growth maps generated as part of National Audubon's Old Growth Mapping project, including the first map of national forest Old Growth within the range of the Northern Spotted owl which was taken to Washington DC and presented to congressional committee staff by Felice Pace and Brock Evans. It also includes remote sensing products produced by Reed Noss, Carlos Carrol and other scientists to identify old forest habitat and to inform science-based conservation proposals.
Box 1
- [unlabeled map with overlay]
- Old Growth & Seral Stage KNF / N. CA TWS Maps FS Humboldt St.
- [unlabeled]
- KNF Grove Maps + 91 proposal - paper + overlays
- PACE Gulch House Plans
- Anadromous Fish Status
- [unlabeled posters]
- Pesticide Impacts to Aquatic Species
- Extinction Is Forever
- SOSS sign
- [SOSS education board]
- [Stop Logging Ancient Forests]
- [KFA education board]
- [Protest Poster]
- [Upper Klamath Basin Wetland Losses: 1905-1990]
- [KFA Poster]
- [Rare Serpentine Plants of the Siskiyous]
- [Good Fischer Habitat in the Klamath National Forest]
- [Celebrating Wildflowers]
- [Fisher Habitat Suitability by Watershed in NW California]
- Felice's Regional Trail System Proposal
- Orleans RD transport (92)
- [unlabeled]
- [unlabeled]
- [maps]
- [Posters]
- RA's Wildlands 2000 KNF Quads (orig. plus 1 copy)
- Coho Strategy Meeting Ukiah, Ca 1999
- NSO HCA's G-O-4 Grove Map
- Klamath Corridors Map
- SPI Strategy Session 2000
- NSO HCA's State Maps
- Grider + Vicinity Cutting + OG Map
- Salmon R - Fire History -Watershed Overlay
- Salmon R. -Bedrock geology -Fire History Overlay
- KNF Legal Base Map
- Earthdesign C. KNF 1,000 ac. RAs
- KNF - O-9 Overlay NSO Locations Mortality -95
- North Fork Salmon River Access Analysis Transportation Map Overlay Sept 1997
- Shasta / Trinity Aerial Photo Guide
- ERFO KNF District Maps w/ Overlay -97 Storm Alt. - Not Coms for Streams
- [unlabeled]
- [Protection and Independent Certification]
- K~S Elevation Map 99 Noss-Stritt
- Klamath Siskiyou Noss Stritthold 1999 Reserve Design
- Lower Klamath Lk + Lost River 190 Klamath River Basin -big base map -Restoration -H2O monitoring
- U. Klamath Basin units + -NWRs Flows -Klam Project Monitoring
- Sisk. Co Ag Land
- Modoc NF - 1998 Roadless Status - S.B.I.
- Modoc NF Wildlife Ter + Location
- FS + TWS - NWFP Maps NW Ca / SW OR
- [unlabeled]
- [unlabeled]
Series: Library - Bound Volumes (Boxes 2-7)
Included in series two are government documents and documents produced by the environmental community. Government documents include national forest land use planning documents, planning and project environmental analysis documents, national forest watershed assessments and other assessment document that are primarily for the Klamath National Forest but also include documents related to other Northern California national forests, the Upper Klamath River Basin National Wildlife Refuges, geothermal development in the Medicine Lake Highlands, mining proposals and documents related to fisheries (salmon) assessment and protection. Consultation documents for PacifiCorp's Klamath Hydroelectric Project relicensing are included as are various county and regional economic assessments and development plans, including a regional economic assessment of the Klamath River Basin commissioned by KFA and its allies and a study of the Siskiyou County Economy conducted by sociologist Kari Norgaard for KFA.
Also in this series is the regional water quality plan that implements the Clean Water Act a media analysis on attitudes toward forest protection, KFA materials in binders used for public education, and other miscellaneous bound documents.
Box 2
- illahee journal for the northwest environment 11(1&2) 1995 1995
- DRAFT Integrated Pest Management Plan for Leased Lands at Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuges Oregon / California
- Mid-Klamath River Fisheries Restoration Subbasin Action Plan Draft 1999
- Life History and Persistence of Anadromous Fish Stocks in Relation to Stream habitats and Watershed Classification
- Status Review for Klamath Mountains Province Steelhead 1994
- Klamath Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2082 First Stage Consultation Document Appendices 2000
- Klamath Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2082 First Stage Consultation Document 2000
- Approved Pesticide Use Proposals for Lease Lands within the Tule Lake and Lower Klamath National Wildlife 2000
- Fisheries Habitat Monitoring 1987-1989 Klamath National Forest Salmon River Ranger District 1987-1989
- Water Allocation in the Klamath Basin: An Assessment of Natural Resource, Economic Social, and Institutional Issues
- Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project Vol IV
- Klamath River Basin Fisheries Resource Plan 1985
- Final Eligibility and Suitability Report for the Upper Klamath Wild and Scenic River Study 1990
- Grider Fire Recovery Project Klamath National Forest DEIS
- Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project EIS / EIR Preparation Plan Addendum 1996
- Fourmile Hill Area Geothermal Exploration Project EA 1995
- Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project Interim Scoping Report 1996
- Klamath National Forest Westside Roads Analysis 1998
- Nicore Mining Plan of Operations Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project Volume III
Box 3
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement Klamath National Forest
- Draft Forest Land and Resource Management Plan Klamath National Forest
- Deadrun Environmental Assessment Klamath National Forest Happy Camp Ranger District
- Greenmill Environmental Assessment Klamath National Forest Happy Camp Ranger District
- Adaptive Management Areas 1997 Success Stories
- Six Rivers National Forest Roads Analysis version 1.0
- Timber Resource Statistics for the North Interior Resource Area of California 1997
- Blue / Ray Landscape Environmental Assessment Klamath National Forest Salmon River Ranger District
- EA Parsnip Basin Forest Health and Wildlife Improvement Project - Modoc NF 1995
- Poker EA
- Whittler EA Scott River Ranger District Klamath National Forest 2004
- Dillon Fire Recovery EA 1996
- Hackamore Ecosystem Restoration and Enhancement Project EA
- EA Willow Creek C&H Allotment Management Plan 1999
- EA Pull Plug Forest Health Project Modoc National Forest 1999
- Summary Draft EIS and Proposed land and Resource Management Plan
- Plan of Operations for Development and Production Glass Mountain Geothermal Unit Area Glass Mountain K 1996
- Memorandum of Agreement among the USDA, FS, DOI, BLM, Ca State Historic Preservation Officer and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regarding the Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project
- Biological Assessment / Biological Evaluation Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project 1998
- Biological Assessment / Biological Evaluation Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project 1999
- Klamath River Fisheries Assessment Program Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring on the mainstem Klamath River 1997-2000
- Klamath River Fisheries Assessment Program Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring on the mainstem Klamath River 1992-1995
- Klamath River Fisheries Assessment Program Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring on the Mainstem Klamath River 1996
- A Conservation Vision for the Klamath Basin
Box 4
- Arcata Resource Area King Range WSA and Chemise Mountain WSA 1988
- Baldy Fire Recovery Project Klamath National Forest FEIS 1990
- Baldy Fire Recovery Project Klamath National Forest Record of Decision
- King-Titus Fire Recovery project Klamath National Forest Record of Decision
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement EIR Gasquet Mtn. Mining Project
- Black Panther Fire Salvage EIS Klamath National Forest Final Environmental Impact Statement
- Forest Service Roadless Area Conservation DEIS Summary and Proposed Rule
- Forest Service Roadless Area Conservation DEIS Vol 1 2000
- Forest Service Roadless Area Conservation DEIS Vol 2 2000
- DEIS Meteor 2003
- FEIS North Fork Eel Grazing Allotment Management 2005
- DEIS Horse Heli 2005
- DEIS North Fork Eel Grazing Allotment Management 2005
- FEIS Proposed Designation of Five California Rivers in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1980
- FEIS Proposed Designation of Five California Rivers in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1980
- FEIS Proposed Designation of Five California Rivers in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1980
- FEIS Proposed Designation of Five California Rivers in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1980
- Grider Fire Recovery Project Klamath National Forest FEIS
Box 5
- Gap Analysis: The Vegetation of Northwestern California
- The Wise Use Movement: Strategic Analysis & Fifty State Review 1993
- Shasta Trinity National Forest Citizens' Alternative
- Stewardship in the Applegate Valley: Issues and Opportunities in Watershed Restoration 1995
- Words into Action: A Community Assessment of the Applegate Valley 1994
- Overall Economic Development Program 1996-1997
- Klamath County Overall Economic Development Program 1997
- Learning from the Past: Timber and Community Well-Being in Siskiyou County
- Klamath-Siskiyou Socioeconomic Scoping Workshop 1998
- Forest Service Response to PG&E's First State Consultation Package & Forest Service Recommended Study 1999
- Proposed Protection for Endangered Ecosystem: Headwaters Forest Biological Reserve 1992
- Attitudes Toward Protection Proposals On Public Lands 1997
- The Potential Economic Consequences of Critical Habitat Designated for the Lost River Sucker and the Shortnose Sucker Draft Report
- Coping with Competition for Water: Irrigation, Economic Growth, and the Ecosystem in the Upper Klamath Ba 2001
- Financial Incentives for Stewardship of Nonindustrial Private Forestland in Humboldt County 1998
- The Sky Did NOT Fall: The Pacific Northwest's Response to Logging Reductions
- Media and the Movement: A report on the Pacific Northwest news media and attitudes toward forest protection 1998
- Economic Profile of Klamath County, Oregon
- Economic Profile of Klamath County, Oregon [Copy 2]
- An Evaluation of Northern California Jobs in the Woods Projects 1995
- An Evaluation of Northern California Jobs in the Woods Projects 1995
- An Evaluation of Northern California Jobs in the Woods Projects 1995
- Report: 1999 Wildlife Habitat use Project Tule Lake national Wildlife Refuge 1999
- Nomination of the Klamath River as American Rivers "most endangered river 2005" 2004
- A Conservation Vision for the Klamath Basin
- California Forests at Risk: The Impact of the Rescissions Act Logging Rider on National Forests in California 1996
- Watershed Restoration / Jobs in the Woods Summary Report 1995
- Stewardship Under Siege: The Coming Attack On Our Public Lands 1996
- Managing for Forest Ecosystem Health: A Reassessment of the "Forest Health Crisis" 1996
- Managing for Forest Ecosystem Health: A Reassessment of the "Forest Health Crisis" 1996
- Crisis Profiteering Inequities and Excesses of the Klamath Project Bailout 2001
- New River and Big French Creek Watershed Assessment Report 1991
- Elk Creek Ecosystem Analysis 1995
- Dillon LSR Assessment 1996
- Public Report on Proposed Action to Amen the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region 1991
- Soil Survey of Siskiyou County California Central Part
- Recovery After Logging in Streams With and Without Bufferstrips in Northern California 1983
- California Environmental Quality Act: A Step-by-Step Approach to Successful Compliance 1996
Box 6
- [Klamath Project Operations Plan Workbook]
- [Fourmile Hill Geothermal Development Project]
- [Scott Valley Community Guide & Business Directory, Jefferson Project EA, Telephone Flat GeoTherm Final Executive Summary]
- [Water in the West: Challenge for the Next Century, June 1998] 1998
- [The Klamath Fishery management Council Long Term Plan for management of harvest of Anadromous Fish Population of the Klamath River Basin. Final]
- [Scott River Granitic Sedimentation Study French Creek Subbasin - Phase II Erosion Control Assessment by USDA Soil Conservation Service Yreka Field Office
- [Scott River Watershed Granitic Sediment Survey Phase 1]
- [Well-Being Assessment of Communities in the Klamath Region, USFS, Forest Comm. Research 1997] 1997
- [Klamath River Basin Assessment Draft 9/97] 1997
- Middle Hayfork Creek and Salt Creek Watershed Analysis 2000
- Housing Rehabilitation Manual: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Peters & Associates Tribal Action Planning Workbook
- Peters & Associates Tribal Action Planning Workbook
- Capability Statement Peters & Associates
- Workbook for Grant-Funded Program Planning
- The Directory of Indian Appropriate Technology Projects in the U.S.A.
- Old Growth in Northwestern California national Forests 1996
- National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1988 Northwest (Region 9)
- Mammalian Species of Special Concern in California
- Proceedings of the First Conference on Siskiyou Ecology 1997
- The Northern Spotted Owl: Status on Managed Forestlands in Northern California 1989
Box 7
- [Multiple Use Plan, Oak Knoll Ranger District, KNF]
- [Multiple Use Plan, Salmon River Ranger District, KNF]
- [Multiple Use Plan, Happy Camp Ranger District, KNF]
- [Record of Review and Approval, Klamath Working Circle, Timber Mgmt Plan]
- [Multiple Use Plan, Scott River Ranger District, KNF]
- [A Guide for Multiple Use Management of Natural Forest Land and Resources Northern Ca Subregion]
- [Multiple Use Plan, Ukonom Ranger District, KNF]
- [Welcome to the Heart of the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion]
- [Binder –misc. contents]
- [Clear Creek Watershed Analysis] 1996
- [KNF North Fork Watershed Analysis] 1995
- [Lower South Fork of the Salmon River EA] 1997
- [Ishi-Pishi / Ukonom Ecosystem Analysis] 1998
- [Indian Creek WA] 1997
- [McCloud Flats EA 1995] 1995
- [Clear Creek WA 1996] 1996
- [Integrated Pest Mgmt Plan for Leased Lands at Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuges Oregon / California]
- [Upper Sacramento WA Shasta-Trinity]
- [Iron Canyon WA Shasta-Trinity]
- [Upper Squaw Valley + Panther Creek Shasta-Trinity] 1995
Series: Paper Files (Boxes 8-86)
This series includes files on all the major issues KFA focused on but also includes files from Felice's pre-KFA work with Indigenous American tribes. Forest issue files deal mostly with national forest issues (logging, forest roads, forest fire, discretionary fire suppression, mining, land use, wildlife, fisheries) but also include Bureau of Land Management, private industrial logging and endangered species issues.
River, water and fisheries issues include files dealing with agricultural practices (especially stream diversions and groundwater pumping), dams, watershed analysis and rehabilitation, and water management. Included are watershed and fisheries restoration efforts on the Salmon River and the organization and work of the Scott River CRMP - a collaborative approach to dealing with agricultural impacts to salmon and steelhead, ESA salmon listings and related issues which operated during he period following ESA listing of Southern Oregon and Northern California (SONCC) Coho Salmon.
There are files on KFA's Outreach and Public Education efforts, including the handouts used in tabling at Siskiyou County Fair, environmental conferences and other events and workshops. Several files contain separate time-series press clips for Forest and Klamath River issues. These files document how local, regional and (occasionally) national print media reported on the "Forest Wars" of the late 80s through the early part of the present century.
Files dealing with local political issues in Siskiyou and Humboldt County include files dealing with alternative housing, folks living on mining claims, herbicides and harassment of Felice Pace, Petey Brucker and other KFA folks by activists trained in techniques developed by the Wise Use Movement to intimidate environmental activists.
KFA administrative files are in this series including grants received, grant reporting, mailing lists, tax filings and other administrative files.
Box 8
- Bioregional Conference 4/11-4/13 1986
- Bioregional Conf '87 1987
- Bioregional Conference + Meetings 1984 + 1985 1984-1985
- Siskiyou Regional Education Project // Grant Projects
- Carpenter Grant - Proposal correspondence
- Annual Program - 1975 1975
- Policy Formation Process
- Siskiyou Country Magazine -articles -reports -correspondence -mailing lists
- Bioregional Report
- Council - Minutes + Agendas 1986 - 1987 - 1988 1986-1988
- Grant Info
- Financial Statements + Budgets
- Forestry Network
- Organizational Issues and Descriptions (By-Laws) (Flyers)
- Juniper / Minimum Action Newsletter
- Su Porcelli Poems
- Correspondence begun: March 1984 end: July 1987 1984-1987
- Pending: from Medical + Aetna, pay when payment is received
- Medical // Medicare Handbook Medicare Correspondence
- Medical // Aetna Correspondence Aetna Handbook
- Action Required
- Claim Forms - Medicare + Aetna
- S.V. rural Health Clinic + other W. Coast Providers
- Minutes + Correspondence
- Orientation + Laws + Plans
- Siskiyou / Modoc CAP - Elections RFP
- 1986-87 Proposals + Related Info.
- "601" Interagency Process
- Community / Court Schools
- Interagency Youth Pgm OCJP Grant
- Staff Planning Day Youth Services 10/4/85 1985
- Am. Ind. Training I / T + TA - Indian Alcohol Services
- Child Abuse / Conference Articles / Prevention
- Children's Home Society
- Community Service Pjcts.
- Group Home
- Media Resources: Sisk Co Children's Problems
- Youth Diversion Pgm - Plan of Operation
- Supportive Workplace Workshop {Drugs in the Workplace}
- Blue Cross Health Assessment
- Health Hot Lines
- Mental Health: Wholistic / Prevention Food + Behavior
- Wholistic Health - Shanta Kelley
- PARENTING TOT Jun '86 1986
- Parenting Presentation
- Parenting: One Day Workshop Design
- Parenting: other materials / approaches
- Personnel File // Memos re: position Job Descriptions Contract
- Mental Health: System Planning Dept. Reorganization idea "The Balanced Service System" org. charts
Box 9: Felice's 1980s: Bioregional Report, Work at County, Personal (cont'd), Native American Work 1980s
- Mental Health / Staff Mission Planning Workshop
- Flemming Report, Abstract, Contract
- S.C.M.H.S. // Task Force Reports
- P + A: Important addresses (Region 1, WFRC Ind. Comm, Consultants
- Primary Intervention Pgm
- School Directory
- Econ. Dev. (for non-profits, etc.)
- Tribal Govts + Leaders addresses
- Board + Staff Training
- BIA Labor Force Rpt, Jan/ '85 1985
- Brochures Newsletter
- Cultural Preservation USFS MOA
- Karuk History + Culture
- Language
- Block Grant
- JOM Needs Ass.
- Library Proposal
- Modoc-Sisk. CAA Proposal
- Nutrition Site
- OEO Weatherization
- Special Library Pjct
- KAROKS - Orleans HUD '79 + Demo Study '80 1979-1980
- Consulting
- Population - Broken down by Community
- Beartooth / Karuk Partnership Agreement
- Program Description
- Business Plan - Karuk Beartooth WS
- Elders Program, Title VI Self-Evaluation Form
- Elders Program AOA Title VI: Program File
- Herbicide Appeal, 5/89 1989
- ICWA - Karuk, Licensed Foster Homes
- Tribal Council - Names + Addresses
- Organizational Issues: Org Chart
- Tribal Roll 11/88 1988
- An Old List of Potential Tribal Members
- Manpower / Ed. Plan
- ICW 1984 1984
- P + A Joint Ventures - Tribes + Contractors
- Film Mailing
- Budget Financial Rpts + Data
- Crow + Nana Munk
- Staff Meetings
- Project Renewal - Shenandoah - SCRIPT
- Project Renewal
- Pjct Renewal Reap fiscal '88 1988
- Project Renewal - Quarterly Reports
- Project Renewal - EVALUATION
- Project Renewal
- AB-90 Proposal, 1988 1988
- Quartz Valley Rancheria
- 93-638 - Basic Grants
- UIDA / SBS 8a
- Current / To Process or File
- T + TA
- Corporate Formation - profit - non-profit
- American Indian Religious Freedom Act, PL 95-341
- BIA - J.O.M. Program
- Ca. Indian. Population 1982 1982
- Tribal Govt. Rights + Resp. Board Training
- Cal. - State Services to Indians
- Drug Abuse + Youth Pgms + Funding
- Econ Dev. Survey
- E.P.A. - TA to Tribes
- I.C.W., 1987 1987
- The Indian Education Act in the 80's, 1986 Report 1986
- Indian Finance Act
Box 10: Native American Work 1980s (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Audubon – Miscellaneous
- IRA + Indian Lands Consolidation Act
- Klamath River Indians - Photographs
- Publications
- Native Am Research Information Service
- Shenandoah Films Capability Statement
- Org. Structure Alternatives
- Tribal Land, Land Consol. + Aquisition
- Veg. Man S.E.I.S. 1986
- Recovery EAs Deep + SPUD [1980s]
- Upper Boulder EA [1980s]
- Olsen Appeal, + EA [1980s]
- [KFA v. USDA, Daley, NMFS] [1990s]
- [KFA v. USDA, Daley, NMFS Volume 2 [1990s]
- 7D Ranch (RP-94-02) [1990s]
- Drop-Outs - Statistics for Sisk Co. [nd]
- Kidder Creek Pit (RP-88-07) [nd]
- Klamath Fisheries Restoration Plan + Program [1990s]
- Corridors: Workshop with KNF/CDF/MMA Spring '89 89
- Forest Summit - Press Releases KFA + Others [1990s]
- Prison - employment - sewage, etc. [1990s]
- Baxter EPA Clean-Up till 1996 1996
- EA-EIS, 6 mth Lists KNF (before 10/90) [1990s]
- Ca Board of Forestry / Sinkyone Decision [1980s]
- Mill Creek R.A. - logging plan [nd]
- Smith River NRA [1990s]
- Yew Tree T+E Petition [nd]
- Budget Issues: FY '93 93
- 6 Rivers NF "EA List" Qtrly Enviro List 1993-1995 1993-1995
- SRRC Grants - NWEAI: Nursery F.S. [1990s]
- Klamath PAC/PIEC begun: 3/95 end: 2/96 95-96
- French Cr. Watershed Group [1990s]
Box 11: KFA Archive Files: Audubon – Miscellaneous (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Mining-SO – NSO – Public Education – Local – Local Politics – Politics, Housing Reform: Siskiyou Country – USGS – HGCA – SCHR – Citizens for Building reform – Humboldt
- Klamath ERO: Projects + Work Agreements, 1995 1996 1995-1996
- Publicity: Press Releases Press List [1980s]
- Kidder Creek Gravel DFG Info Request [1990s]
- Kidder Creek - Gravel Extraction County Files: use P, Rec Plans, etc [1990s]
- Biological Opinions of USFWS - sold sales - 90 sales [1990s]
- Thomas Rpt: Rpt. Econ Reactions [1990s]
- Forest Service Management R.5 + R.6 [1980s]
- KNF Owl Study begun late '93
- KNF: Timber Sale Mod [1990s]
- Educators: Outreach on Forest issues 25% Receipts [1980s]
- Workers: Outreach to Mill + Woods Wkers [1990s]
- Save Am Forests: Citizens Action Guide [1990s]
- Fisheries Abstracts - Klamath TF, Restoration Projects [1990s]
- Ancient Forest Legislation [1990s]
- KFA's Economic Recovery Plan + Press Initiative 1989-90
- Gravel Mining: Kidder Creek Kiewit Pacific Use Permit Kidder '96 96
- Gravel Mining: Kidder Creek 1) Schoonmaker Use Permit / Pre-exist use [1990s]
- Siskiyou Bioregional Group (SBG) (through May 95 95
- Miners + Civil Rights / Old Cabins (Public servants questionnaire) [1980s]
- Financing Local Gov't [1990s]
- Siskiyou Bioregional Group [1990s]
- Pol. Action Questionnaire S.C.H.R. 10/90
- Fire-Safe Rules [1990s]
- Current Siskiyou Bio-R Group [1990s]
- Salmon River: Miners Townsite [1990s]
- Economic Future of Sisk. Co, MMA Jan '92
- Siskiyou Citizens for Building Reform [nd]
- Zoning Regs ind PD & Nonconform (also Title 25) [nd]
- Groundwater + Rural Homeowner [nd]
- S.C.B.R. - Building Reform [1990s]
- EPA Report: Biological Toilets + Greywater Systems [1980s]
- Ca. Rural Wastewater Alts Report Phase 1 [1977]
- Political Arguments - strategy notes of sups [nd]
- Siskiyou Co Building Dept: Inspections, Applications, Codes [nd]
Box 12: KFA Archive Files: Mining-SO – NSO – Public Education – Local – Local Politics – Politics, Housing Reform: Siskiyou Country – USGS – HGCA – SCHR – Citizens for Building reform – Humboldt (cont'd), KFA Archive Files Fire Recovery / Salvage / EA's - Congress handbooks Bio-Diversity
- Waste Disposal incl. NCWOB Policy [nd]
- Sisk. Co - Zoning Regs & Ordinances [nd]
- Housing Element, Sisk Co 1991 1991
- Builders Bill of Rights (Humboldt Co) [1980s]
- Grand Jury Complaint Dec. 90
- Mailing list + Stamps [nd]
- Press Conf [nd]
- Housing Element - Builders Bill of Rights [1990s]
- Privy Ordinances [nd]
- Class K, Clean Slate Ordinances: State Law, Mendo, Humboldt [nd]
- Waste + Building Alts. - Other States + Countries [nd]
- United Stand Flyers, Brochures, etc. [1980s]
- Sisk. Cty. Initiative Procedures [1980s]
- Siskiyou Co Health Dept: application, codes [nd]
- Composting Waste Systems: Items submitted with zone plan correction [nd]
- Greywater Systems [nd]
- HUD Housing Standards [nd]
- Compost Toilets [nd]
- Clean Slate - Briefing Paper [nd]
- Building Reform - current [nd]
- Legal - issues corresp contacts
- Middle EA, Scott R.
- Norcross EA - Happy Camp RD
- Notelling EA, Salmon R.
- Panther EA + Appeal
- Payne EA
- Piglet - Salmon R RD EA [1988]
- Fire FONSIs - No EAs
- Poorboy EA - Knownothing Creek [1988]
- Poor Boy / Hotelling
- Standards + Guidelines
- King-Titus E.I.S. King Heli Sale [1990]
- Slater EA [1988]
- Bear Indian
- Copper EA + FONSI
- Crapo Creek
- Hotelling EA [1988]
- Shake EA - Scott R RD [1988]
- French EA [1989]
- Appeals: Notices, SORs Guides [1988]
- Wash T.S.
- Ca DFG Input [1987]
- Five Mile Creek
- King EA [1987]
- Congress: Hearings Legislation [1988]
- Salvage Hearing, Redding, 10/95 1995
- Scoping for 1994 Fires Recovery [1994]
- Silver Fire - issues + alternatives
Box 13: KFA Archive Files Fire Recovery / Salvage / EA's - Congress handbooks Bio-Diversity (cont'd), Ancient Forests (AFA), Option 9, Salmon R. MAG, Other 87 Fires [incomprehensible]
- [press release]
- House of Reps Hearing on 87 Fires 1987
- Klamath Fires of 1987 1987
- [Congress Handbooks]
- Rogue NF Workshop [1992]
- EM - Tuscon Conf. 1995 1995
- Symposium on Bio-D in NW California, 10/91 1991
- California: Bioregional Councils + MOU (Timberland Task Force) [1991]
- Wisconsin Forest LMP Case
- Corridors: Defender's W'shop + Landscape Lincages Book c. 1991-92 1991-1992
- [Misc Gray Literature - re Beaver Creek, Option 9, FEMAT, etc.]
- Ancient Forest Preservation Proposal: Maps ing + Narrative Criteria
- Forest Reform Rally 9/97 Ely. Mn. 1997
- Appropriations '99 1999
- Fisheries Focus - info., Salmon Alliances, etc. Scientific Support for Watershed Protection
- EPA: Negotiated Rulemaking
- CAFA - Sierra Nevada Campaign begun: 5/97 1997
- International: Log Imports + Exports (Chips) (Economics, Pests, Legislation, etc)
- International: Central Asia Forest Reconn. - Proposal
- International: Native Forest Network - Contacts - Organizations
- International: -Rio Conf Follow-Up - UN Principles of SD / Forestry, etc. - Biodiversity Support Pgm (USAID/WWF)
- Industry Positions - WFIA
- IEN - Forest Capacity, Pjct
- Headwaters Forest land Exchange for Public Lands
- Ancient Forest Program '94 (C:\WP\KFA\94-A-FOR.PRO) 1994
- Clearcut Book Pjct
- FEMAT/DSEIS Comments Option 9 Other Groups
- Idaho: Salmon River Country Wise Use + Ecosystem Res.
- Legislation - Adams Bill Adams/Leahy
- Legislation: Ag. Comm
- Legislation - Ancient Forests ('til 9/90) 1990
- Legislation - [Au Coin Momson?]
Box 14: Ancient Forests (AFA), Option 9, Salmon R. MAG, Other 87 Fires [incomprehensible] (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Contents: KFA, THP's, Private Timber, Private Forest
- Legislation: Economic: CAFA Paper KFA Flyer
- Legislation - Economic: DeFazio Bill, Unsoeld Bill
- Legislation: Economic Stark - Taxes
- Legislation: Economic #2
- Legislation - Dela Garza / Miller
- Legislation: HR4492 Jonce Bill
- Legislation: Interior Comm Charlene/Miller
- Public Forest Reform File #2 begun - 4/94 end - 1994
- Public Forest Reform File #1 end 4/94 1994
- Ancient Forest Movement General File begun - March '95 end - Dec '95 1995
- Option 9 FSEIS - Notes, Summaries Analysis - Our Comments
- FSEIS: Comments Analysis
- Salmon River MAG - #1
- District-wide Salvage - Salmon River RD [1990s]
- Blowdown (96) TS's: (FY 96) - Salmon River RD - Happy Camp RD [1990s]
- Bear Fire Recovery, Happy Camp RD, FY 96-97 96-97
- Group Process - Ashland Principles & Guidelines [1990s]
- Kelley, Lawrence - Request to inspect tax forms [1990s]
- Salmon River MAG: Water Q. + Fish Monitoring [1990s]
- Salmon River MAG - #2 [1980s]
- Salmon River - Salmon Ed Project [nd]
- News Clips - Publicity 1990-92
- Proposal 1992-93 1992-93
- 93 Fundraising Mailing - BBR [1993]
- 93 Fundraising Mailing [1993]
- Fundraising Mailing '94 94
- 94 Fundraising Mailing 1994
- Publicity / Press Clips 1994
- Publicity / Press Clips, 1995 1995
- 95 Fundraising Mailing 1995
- Retreat - Otter Bar '95 95
- Minutes, Agenda Corr. pre-1995 [1990s]
- Staff / Personnel - Sam Stroich [1990s]
- Depree, Jim - Consulting [1990s]
- Retreat - Otter Bar '92, Otter Bar '93, Otter Bar '94 92-94
- Press Releases (beginning through 1996) 1996
Box 15: KFA Archive Files: Contents: KFA, THP's, Private Timber, Private Forest (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Contents: Appeals
- Staff: Lori Cooper Personel File 1998
- Publicity / Press Clips 1996 1996
- Beaver Creek (+ Cottonwood): NCWQCB FGS THPs + Comments [1990s]
- Crawford / Jackass Gulch Salmon River 2-95-361 (Sis) [nd]
- Blackbear THP, 2-94-86-Sis(6), 4/94 94
- Church Guidelines (federal) [nd]
- Concern for Sustainable Forests [1990s]
- B.O.F: 1) Comments on THPs 2) Complaints to CDF, water Boards, etc. [1990s]
- Old Growth: USFS Policy State - merits + Speeches [nd]
- Fruit Growers Supply pre 1991 [1990s]
- Prop 130, 138 + B.O.F. Rules, UC Berk. Comp. Study [1990s]
- Beaver Creek: THP 92-4 "Sterling Bean" [1990s]
- BOF - Silv/ Sus Yield Rules (early versions) [1990s]
- Sierra Pacific Ind. THP's [1990s]
- Sierra Accord Spring 1991 / Wilson Proposals [1990s]
- Beaver Creek: THP 92-18 [1990s]
- Beaver Creek: THP 92-19 Pauls Gulch [1990s]
- Grand Accord - Gov. Wilson Le. Proposal [1990s]
- Environmental Task Force BOF [nd]
- THP Review + Appeal - Agency Review Contacts "New Dir." [1990s]
- Initiative - Forest Practices 1991 1991
- French Creek: THP 92-278 SPI "Clarks Cr" [1990s]
- KNF, LRMP 1995
- TMDL's: N.CA Impaired waterways - J. Bresher on CWA [1990s]
- Six River NF LMP Appeal [1990s]
- Shasta-Trinity NF LMP Appeal, 8/95 1995
- Mendocino LMP Appeal NF 1995
- La Finca Lan Xchange KNF + Other NFs 1996
- Upper Boulder II T.S. FOIA Request + Data [1990s]
- High Winds Blowdown [1990s]
- Herbicides // 1) Salmon R. Appeal 1983 2) SRCC et al v. Dale Robt'son, 1992 1983, 1992
- Boulder EA Appeal [1980s]
- Upper Boulder II T.S. Appeal File + Correspondence [1990s]
Box 16: KFA Archive Files: Contents: Appeals (cont'd), KFA – Files: 1) Grider (MMA vs Rice), 2) SOHA Mod. (KFA vs. Stewart), 3) HCAs ISC: NEC/KFA v. Stewart
- Sold Sale Aqua Screen + Take-Back [1990s]
- SAS v. Lyons #3 [1990s]
- Rough Gulch Appeal (Chinquapin R.A.), Shasta - Trinity NF [1980s]
- Rider Litigation 1996
- Rangers signing Recovery EAs [1980s]
- PCT Reroute - Man Eaten, Cliff Lake [nd]
- Oak Bottom USFS Site Jenerette - Jacops - Johnny [nd]
- NAFTA Challenge to Salvage Rider [1990s]
- Logging w/out Laws Rider [1990s]
- Guffy TS [1990s]
- Fire Salvage: Cottonwood Area, Tahoe N.F., Recission Language 1995
- Ca. Rider Sales (late 1996) SCLDF / Volker 1996
- Blue-Ray, FY 1993 1993
- KNF A.S.Q. 1987 Appeal KARE Karuks [1980s]
- KNF ASQ Reduction, 1989 1989
- Jersey Jack Decision (Roadless Areas) [1980s]
- Herbicides: N. Ca, Audubon Chapters Appeal [nd]
- Mill Cr. SOHA: Road Project [1990s]
- Giant Sequoia Decision Related Actions [1980s]
- SAS v. Lyons (Evans) #2 [1990s]
- KNF LMP Appeal 1995
- Grider EIS 1989-90
- Grider Suit Current till 5/90 90
- Grider EIS, Issues Summary, Input of Other Groups 89-90
- Grider: Press Clips, Press Releases
- Grider - Current begin 5/90 end 90
- Grider: Court Docs: Briefs
- Grider (MMA vs Rice): Appeal Briefs (ours + theirs)
- SOHA - MOD - Court Decisions
- Disco, etc Case - Notes + Correspondence [1990s]
- SOHA Mod.: Court Doc's (Theirs)
- SOHA Mod.: Court Doc's (Ours)
Box 17: KFA – Files: 1) Grider (MMA vs Rice), 2) SOHA Mod. (KFA vs. Stewart), 3) HCAs ISC: NEC/KFA v. Stewart (cont'd), Audubon, Local, Klamath River
- SOHA Mod.: Affadavits + Exhibits
- SOHA Mod.: Owl Data
- SOHA Mod.: Correspondence w/F.S. + Others
- SOHA Mod: Press Coverage + Releases
- SOHA Mod.: Internal FS. Documents
- SOHA Mod.: KFA Internal Correspondence/Notes
- SOHA Mod.: North Russian
- SOHA Mod.: Disco
- SOHA Mod.: Evening Star
- SOHA - Mod Case - Bills $
- H.C.A. 1990 Case Depositions + Declarations
- HCA - '90 Sales Case + Appeals - Court Docs
- Klamath Irrigation Pjct KPOP begun - 7/95 end - 1995
- Klamath Irrigation Pjct 1998 Operation Plan 1998
- Klamath TF Upper Basin Amendment
- NCWQCB: Water Quality Assess. 1996 (3oz(d)list) (305(b)report) 1996
- MMAudubon - Board of Directors begun: 3/96 end: 9/96 1996
- MMA Board begin - 6/96 end - 1996
- Activist label Request/Service
- Binocular Catalogues
- Board of Directors ('till Spring 96) 1996
- Bulk Mailing Instructions
- Chapters 1) Western Region 1990 2) S. Ca. 1996 1990s
- Chapter Renewal
- Christmas Bird Count
- Dan Taylor
- Council Meetings 1) Klamath Basin, 5/96 1996
- Fay lane/Farmer Incident + Letter, May 1993 1993
- Forest Habitat Initiative, 1996 1996
- Fundraising Letter
- Green Corps
- Insurance
- Letterwriting - Format
- Lobbying + Taxes Guide
- Kidder Cr. Outdoor School Grant Proposal
- National Aud - Organizational Issues
- Non-Profit Letters
- Population Pgm
- Sanctuary Director
- Ski Class Feb 89 1989
- Spaghetti Feed
Box 18: Audubon, Local, Klamath River (cont'd), KFA (Admin) (Grants) (Mailing Lists), Wildlife / Bio-D / Botany / Trails, etc / KNF Plan / Mining & Grazing / Toxics / Loc Pol / Aud / Personal E-Orgs
- Stationary Original
- Marble Mtn Audubon - Movin File begun: Jan 1984 end: 1984
- CLC begun: 9/98 end: 1998
- KRIS - Klamath Resource Info. System
- ERO - 1998 Projects (incl. JTW - Hatfield - other) 1998
- Klamath Coalition
- Appropriations Initiative - 1999 1999
- High Ridge
- CRMP - Special Meetings 5-6/99 1999
- CRMP - Fish Committee
- ByLaws - Scott CRMP Council
- Fall Flow Action Plan
- Appropriations, FY 98 Klamath River Basin - Boxer 1998
- [State Mussel Watch program 1987-93 Data Report] 1987-93
- Adams + Goldband - Fall 90 Training
- Consultants / Training
- Earth Seals
- French Recovery Area EA / FONSI / Decision
- Mapping Project - Adopt-A-Forest (MMA)
- Mediation: Notes, Letters from Chris + Barbara
- Work Plan
- Database Completed
- Publicity / Press Clips 1993
- Publicity (early)
- Grider / Sold Sales
- Little N. Fk: Titmouse (slides)
- Tiger 6% TS: Scott River RD also Cum. Impacts on French, Sugar + Wildcat Creeks
- Forest Soils: Ca. F.S. Councils, Prof. Assoc. of Soil Scientists
- Gasquet Mountain Mine
- Beaver Lumber
- Big Green Initiative
- Bio-Tec Report - National Toxics Campaign
- Blue Lake Forest Products
- Carlotta
Box 19: KFA (Admin) (Grants) (Mailing Lists), Wildlife / Bio-D / Botany / Trails, etc / KNF Plan / Mining & Grazing / Toxics / Loc Pol / Aud / Personal E-Orgs (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Phone Messages – Water – Fish
- Mills
- Molalla - Arcata
- McNamara + Peepl
- L.P. + Simpson Pulp Mills
- Dr. Baywk
- Econ. Dev for Rural N. Ca. - conf. - state pgms
- Economic Development UIDA Small Buss.
- Ent Forestry Co-op By-laws
- Friden Texaco - Ft Jones: Plans, etc
- Housing: Sisk. Citizens for Housing Reform
- Townsite Expansion - Salmon River
- Adopt-A-Forest Pgm Rpt
- Water Pollution, Non-Point Sisk. Co + State of Ca.
- Earth Day 1990 1990
- Newsletter "Monitor" - begun 9/89 end 11/91 1989-1991
- [Miscellaneous Bound Publications]
- 10/91 to 10/92 91-92
- 11/91 to 10/92 91-92
- From Oct - 92 to 7 - 93 92-93
- From 4/94 to 2/95 94-95
- From 7/21/93 to 4-94 93-94
- From 6-24-96 to 5-8-97 96-97
- 1995 1995
- [nd] [nd]
- Scott River Snow Creek Disaster 2/1/1995
Box 20: KFA Archive Files: Phone Messages – Water – Fish (cont'd), KFA Archive: boxed: 7/08
- National Rivers Inventory USDI 1980
- Mtn Lake Survey (Water Quality) [1980s]
- Gravel Extraction: Kidder Cr [1990s]
- RAPID Assess. 1988
- Riparian StG's for Sierra and N. East Ca Forests + PAC Fish (includes Modoc NF) [nd]
- Klamath Compact Comm. [nd]
- Klamath Basin Assessment 1994
- Klamath Basin: CRS Study Betsy Cody [94]
- Klamath Irr Pjct - 1995 Operating Plan [1990s]
- Klamath TF to QVR + KFA Proposals [1990s]
- Klamath R. Fisheries Symposium March 23-24, 1994, Eureka 1994
- Trinity River Restoration Pgm [1993]
- Magnuson Act: Reauthorization [1993]
- PCFFA - Watersheds, Forests + Fish Proposal [1993]
- Salmon + Steelhead - O.R.C. T + E Prioritization Project [nd]
- Klamath Fisheries Task Force begun 1/91 end 8/92 91-92
- Klamath Fisheries Restoration Task Force: B: 9/92 end - 6/94 92-94
- Klamath Task Force: Stream Protection Recommendations [1993]
- Klamath Fisheries T.F. began: 12/94 end: 12/97 94-97
- Klamath Fish T.F. - Projects Submitted for Funding / Work Plans [nd]
- Klamath Basin: General File 1) press clips 2) notes 3) correspondence start: 9/92 end: 12/95 92-95
- NCWQCB: Triennial Basin Plan Review 1992
- Klamath Fish Manag Council [1990s]
- Klamath Salmon + Steelhead Symposium 1993
- PAC-Fish - Pacific Salmon + Steelhead Strategy + Federal Task Force
- Drain Case (Settlement)
- Yreka Sewage Problems
- NCWQCB - Members Nominations/Confirmation
- Am Heritage Rivers Pgm
- ESA Salmon Listings ONRC Meetings
- Coho - DFG Recovery Pln and Comments 11/03 2003
Box 21: KFA Archive: boxed: 7/08 (cont'd), Canon/Canyon, Dillon Creek Timber Sales, Grider, 1991-94
- Coho/TMDL Strategy Meeting
- AP Cattle Ranch - Hooch Newton begun: 4/00 end: 2000
- Klamath CSD - Wastewater Plant
- ONRC: Slapp Suit
- Five Risk Reduction Proposals
- Obnoxious Weeds Siskiyou Co. Prgm.
- Obnoxious Weeds - SRRC Pgm.
- Monitoring Rpt, 2003 2003
- FOIA - Requests, Problems
- BOF - Landowner Option A Alternative
- Task Force (current)
- Klamath Clips 2006
- Klamath River Basin Clips start: 1/05 2005
- Dillon Cr: Fire History Fires of 30, 50, 94, 95
- Dillon - List of documents in File
- Sam's unit maps - please don't take feel free to copy!
- Canon TS: Cancellation Effort
- Dillon Cr: outside TS FY 96 (including DN)
- Dillon Log Removal Timber Sale, FY 95 1995
- Dillon: FY 96 Sam's File/Copies
- [Loose Dillon]
- Dillon Creek: Overheads for Presentations
- Dillon - Road Issues
- Dillon Defense: Yreka Rally, 6/97 Forest Actions 1997
- Dillon Creek FY 96 timber Sale Info.
- Dillon - Maps
- Dillon Cr: Outside TS Rider Suit Adm. Record (portions we didn't already have)
- Dillon Creek Other Agencies 1) NCWQCB request for investigation 2) EPA Scopin Cmt 3) REO/Researcher Review (Reeves, et al)
- Visual Impacts - from Mosier
- Dillon Creek - Tribal Positions
- Dillon TS (FY 96) - SCLDF Submission + Correspondence
- Dillon 1995 - our comments
- Dillon: Comments from other groups and individuals
- Dillon Creek Outside TS, FY 96, Fax / handout maps
- Dillon - current
- Canon TS: Fire Issue
- Canon TS: Cany / Kels Underburn \\ FOIA Response
- Canon TS / C-K U6 Biological Assessment USGWS BO + correspondence [1996]
- Canon TS: Prospectus, Bid Forms, Maps. etc
- Canon TS: Press Clips + Releases + Packet Flyers + Action Alerts
- Canon TS: negotiations file
- Dillon TS
Box 22: Canon/Canyon, Dillon Creek Timber Sales, Grider, 1991-94 (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Ancient Forest (AFA)
- Canon TS
- Land Exchanges 1) Grand Nat'l Mine Trinity Wild
- Jobs-In-The-Woods Squaw Creek Toad Rehab FY 1995 - Shasta NF (also road maint Funding)
- Watershed Analysis - U.S. FK Sac.
- Weaverville RD Timber Sales
- Mt. Shasta Historic District Projects - 106 Processes
- Management Issues - sup letters - Reinvention / Restructuring
- Management Issues - letters to/from sup - abuses, etc
- Comments on EAs, Timber Sales, other Projects begun: 10/95 end: 1995
- Cooper-Scorpion Fire Salvage (Coffee Complex - 1994) Weaverville RD 1994
- Shasta-T: 1) Plan Input 2) Forest Data (92) 1992
- [Middle Hayfork Creek and Salt Creek Watershed Analysis] [1999]
- Storm Damaged Road Repair + Decomm'ing
- Thinning in Reserves FY 95 1995
- Stride EIS - Leary (Red Cap) Cr - Orleans RD
- Tom Dot T Sale - Orleans RD
- Waterdog TS - Orleans RD
- Siskiyou Project Timber-Sale
- Panamnik Group in Orleans
- Botanical + Special Interest Areas
- Bluff Creek "Partnership" (Michael Evanson) Vision 2020
- Orleans Mtn Corridor ORV Issue
- ERFO: Six Rivers NF FOIA New Year 97 Storm Damage Assessment + Maps
- Timber Sales, FY 94, 95 1994-1995
- Quarterly EA List
- Legislation - 1995, Recessions Bill + its Implementation 1995
- California Stop the Rider campaign [1990s]
- Legislation: Forest Health 1) S 391 (Craig, 95) [1990s]
- Legislation: Fish/Water 1) Crip [1990s]
- Wild For Review (Plaintiff "DEAL" Article, etc. [1990s]
- Ancient Forest Alliance: begun - Aug 96 end 6/97 96-97
- Forest Water Alliance begun 6/96 end 11/96 96
- Sustainable Communities Meeting (Portland 2/94) 94
- Save Americas Forests [1990s]
- Press Releases [1990s]
- National Audubon: letter from chapter leaders [1990s]
- Ancient Forest Forest Reform Periodicals 90s
- Lighthawk Flight - Press Packet 8/95 95
- Legislation: Headwaters/Riggs Bill 1996
- Lobby Folder - Ancient Forests [1990s]
- Legislation - Rider Repeal - Senate 1996, Murray Bill, Bradley-Boxer 1996
- Legislation - Rider Repeal - House Rescission "Logging w/out Laws" Repeal, PL 6/1/1995
- National Forest Campaign #1 begun: 12/95 end: [1990s]
Box 23: KFA Archive Files: Ancient Forest (AFA) (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Ancient Forest (continued) (AFA)
- Westside Campaign begun - 10/95 end - 6/96 95-96
- GO4 - Summary + Tables 1991
- Legislation: Klamath River/Basin 1) Hatfield 1996
- Lighthawk [1990s]
- AFA - begun 10/9[?] [1990s]
- Sierran Bio-D Project (incl. GIS proposal) [1990s]
- Rocky Mtns: Groups [1990s]
- Legislation: Metcalf on Forests 97
- Partnership - Lead Partners Group begun: 1/95 end: [1990s]
- K-S United Effort 93
- Headwaters Forest Conf. 1997
- American Forest Congress 7th, Feb. '96 96
- Partnerships - CLC begun - 4/95 end - 9/98 95-98
- Klamath Province Alliance Feb '95 @ Sandy Bar Ranch 95
- Ancient Forest Alliance, Nat'l begin 8-1-90 / end 12-30-92 90-92
- CAFA - EC Meetings [1990s]
- Ashland Conf: Jan / Feb. 1992 1992
- Audubon - Eugene Conclave [1980s]
- Economics: Wilderness Soc. Study 1990
- Legislation - McDermott Bill [nd]
- Legislation: Miller / Foley [1990s]
- Legislation: Packwood Industry Bill [nd]
- Legislation: TREE - Unsold Restoration Bill [1990s]
- Legislation - Vento Bill [1990s]
- Partnership - Lead, Partners, Groups, pre-1995 [1990s]
- Partnerships - Collaborative Learning Circle, to 4/95 95
- CA. Ancient Forest Alliance - General [1990s]
- Audubon Mapping Project - Protocol - KNF timber type + stream guide [1980s]
- Briefing Paper - Reserve System + Bio-D legisl. [1990s]
- Forest Funders Conf Portland 2/92 92
- Forest Summit Follow-Up [1990s]
- Forest Summit - Main File [1990s]
Box 24: KFA Archive Files: Ancient Forest (continued) (AFA) (cont'd), KFA: 2004: Lamp shades, Econ Files, Also Local
- Plaintifs Process [1990s]
- Forest Summit Resolution Siskiyou County 4/93 [1990s]
- Ancient Forest Alliance - National - (end 8-1-90) [1990s]
- Western Anc. Forest Cpgn 2/91 - 12/92 91-92
- Ancient Forest Alliance begun: 1/1/93 end: 4/95 93-95
- WAFC Network begun - 11/92 end 6/94 92-94
- Restoration Initiative Salmon R. + Plumas Pjcts [nd]
- Partnerships: LPF - Policy Papers Fire/Fuels/Forest Health [nd]
- TWAP Project Mary [1990s]
- Ca. Forests At Risk Conference, Nov '96 Bay Area [1990s]
- Assessments, Socio-Econ - KPA Proposal for Klam-Sisk BR
- Assessment: benefits + costs of conservation actions 1) Grizzly Recovery, 97 1997
- Charts/Graphs
- County Data Revenues
- Forest: Non-trad products Coast Range Exhibit
- Incentives for Enviro Protection on Private Lands
- Information Sources -EDD -US Commerce - FS Libraries
- Land Ownership, data
- N.CA Counties (incl Siskiyou) Data/Statistics
- NWEAI: Clinton Plan + Accomplishments (PRC Analysis + Recommends)
- Recreation - Outdoor Wild Public lands, Outdoor Products
- Rural Development: 1) GAO on Capital 2) 1997-1998
- Siskiyou Co / NW CA Economic Stability Comm Well Being Articles Clips
- Siskiyou County Economy "Learning from the Past" Original Manuscript
- Siskiyou Co Economy -# loggers + companies (89-95) - Timber Cut / Timber value - 25% Receipts
- Siskiyou Co. / N.Ca. - Poverty
- Siskiyou Co: Logging Jobs + Companies, 1989 + 95
- Klamath R Sisk Co Klam Sisk-Sisk Bio-R - studies - value - articles, etc
- Siskiyou County: Private + Public Logging, MMBF + $ 1977-1986 1977-1986
- Siskiyou Co Economy graphs, etc From Kari's study
- Siskiyou Co: Data / Graphs
- Siskiyou Co / N. CA: Data File - Econ + Stability
- Siskiyou Co + other N.Ca.: Forest Receipts
- Siskiyou County - Socio - Econ Presentation Materials
Box 25: KFA: 2004: Lamp shades, Econ Files, Also Local (cont'd), KNF Sales to 1996
- Siskiyou County / N.CA Taxable Sales
- Small Business as Growth Engine
- Salvage Timber Sale Econ - Treasury - Co Receipts
- Siskiyou Co. Wages Change over Time
- Subsidies for Resource Extraction 1) Species Impacts, Wilcove, et al
- Sustainability - GPI v GDP (Redefining Progress) - Sustainable NW - specialists + network
- Tourism - Economic Impacts to Communities
- Socio-Econ. Studies
- Timber Industry (incl. History)
- Timber cut + value unemployment Graphs
- Timber Supply + Demand Statistics / Info - World, US, NW, Ca. - articles
- Timber: Trade International Issues - NAFTA + GATT
- Timber: Ca timber Econ + Cut levels - N. Ca national Forests - Pub / Priv + Silv Methods over time
- Timber - Subsidies
- Timber Sale Economics
- Timber: Where Cut vs Where Processed (KNF)
- Trinity Co: Watershed Ctr 1997 1997
- Weed
- Humana - People-to-People
- Joan Smith / Kay Bryan
- Juan Veridad ltrs
- Kiewit-Nash Gravel Mine Proposal, 1999 1999
- Kiewit-Nash - Siskiyou Co APCD
- Kiewit Nash #2
- Knoll, Pete (DA) - Enforcement of E-Laws
- Libraries - Sisk Co
- Annie Mash Campaign 2002 2002
- Code Enforcement Pgm
- Election results Siskiyou Co.
- Election Issues esp. county sups.
- Etna: Wetland Issues
- Etna, City Issues
- Etna, City of - zoning ord '03 2003
- Farm / Ag Issues open Rane Roads - Rt to Farm
- Farm Subsidies + special treatment by Siskiyou Co Govt. - Junk ord. - ag build. permt.
- Federal payments / Projects under HR 2389
- Fire Safe Councils - Salmon R.
- Grand Jury Forms
- Happy Camp: decline revival history
- P_USA / Ric Costales
- RCRC: General File - correspondence
- Salmon River Fire Safe Council
- Salmon River Rd - SCLD F letter
- Shasta CRMP / RCD
- Siskiyou Co: Ag. Dept - Information Request Policy + Forms
- Sisk. Co - B.O.S.
- Siskiyou Co.: General Plan Revision 2001- 2001
- Sisk Co Schools / Dillman - Barbara Dillman (Coho Issue)
- Siskiyou RCD - WC: Strategic Action Plan 2002
- Siskiyou RCD - WC: Plans - Fish - Monitoring - Quality Assurance
- the Source: Cindy Summers
- Black Panther, Ukonom RD
- High View
- Thinning R.S. - Salmon R. RD
- Blue Ray - Salmon R. RD (now Cecil Ray) Concerned Citizens
- Cecil: Salmon River RD
- District-Wide Salvage - Ukonom RD
- District-wide Salvage Pgm + Other Salvage (Scott River RD)
- Soap TS / Scott R. RD
- Lew/Lewey (in Grider) (Oak Knoll RD)
- Twenty-six TS (Oak Knoll RD) (Formerly "5 Point")
- Rusby TS (Scott R. RD)
- Slide TS (Scott R. RD)
- Mule RS - Scott River
- OXB: (Scott R. RD)
- Northzone EA Ukonom R.D.
- Joey Sale - Applegate RD, Rogue NF
- Jack TS (Scott R. RD)
- Somes/Butler (formerly Exit) Ukonom RD
- China/Crater, etc. Scott River RD
Box 26: KNF Sales to 1996 (cont'd), Misc KNF Sales Until 1997, Modoc NF Salvage Sales
- Crawford Heli
- KNF Road Program 1988
- High Winds 1990
- B.E.'s - Salmon River RD 89-90 Sales 1989-1990
- 1990 Sales 1990
- 1991 Scott River RD Sales 1991
- Sale Program, 1991 1991
- Methodist Heli T.S. Salmon R 1991 1991
- Salmon River - 1991+1992 Sales 1991-1992
- 1992 Timber Sale (DNs + Ads) 1992
- Blind Cecil TS - Salmon R.R.D. 1992 1992
- Ben Fire - Happy Camp RD 1992 1992
- Bowerman San/Salv. T.S.: Sal R RD FY 92 1992
- Upper Boulder TS (FY 92) 1992
- Swanson TS - Scott R RD FY 93 1993
- 1993 - Decision Notices, Dec Memos. Ads. 1993
- 1994 FY Timber Sales (DN's, Ads, etc) 1994
- Humbug Pjct, FY 94 Oak Knoll RD 1994
- Indian Creek '91 Sales (Poker, Dead Run, Green Mill) 1991
- Trail-Fish (94), Scott R. RD 1994
- District Thinning FY 95 Salmon River RD 1995
- Shanty TS, FY 95, Salmon R RD 1995
- FY 95 Timber Sales: In D-Base -DNs -DMs -FONSI -Ads -Legal Notices 1995
- FY 95-96 TS/EA Comments Ukonom + Happy Camp (Blyth Reiss) 1995-1996
- FY 95-96 TS/EA Comments Salmon River (Peter Brucker) 1995-1996
- FY 95-96 TS/EA Comments Goosenest, Oak Knoll, Scott River (Tom Dimitre) 1995-1996
- Sharp, FY 96/Goosenest RD 1996
- FOIA + Other Info. Requests
- Herbicides: USFS Program - 1991 through 1991
- Karuk Tribe: 1) Stewardship 2) Log Sort Yard Article
- Concurrent BMP Monitoring
- Road Decommissioning, Abandonment, etc
- Timber Program for FY 96-97 1996-1997
- Data on KNF: Land Allocations 25% Receipts Timber Cut, Recreation Use, etc
- Community Forest Group
- Holder, Barbara - letters to + from
- W. Warner EA (1995) 1995
- Warner Mtn. RD: FY 95-96 Salvage Sales 1995-1996
- Salvage Stone Coal. + Tucker EAs, etc
- Salvage: Canyon EA / TS Ralston
- Salvage - Ralston + Spring Ash, FY 94 1994
- Salvage - Knox + Salt Log. EA/DN/FONST/Appeal
- Salvage Johnson Salvage TS Modoc NF
- Predator Control EA
- Parsnip TS, FY 95 1995
- Poison Springs TS modoc NF, FY 97 Ca Spotted Owl 1997
- Salvage: Dutch Salvage
Box 27: Misc KNF Sales Until 1997, Modoc NF Salvage Sales (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Ancient Forests (AFA) (Continued), KNF-KNF Timber/Manage/etc., USFS/FS Timber/Manage/Budget/etc.
- Big Valley RD - FY 96 Big Heart TS 1996
- Bench TS
- [Loose, Folder 1 of 5]
- [Loose, Folder 2 of 5]
- [Loose, Folder 3 of 5]
- [Loose, Folder 4 of 5]
- [Loose, Folder 5 of 5]
- Damon Fire Salvage Sale
- Clearview - Happy Camp RD KNF
- Goosenest Projects - Scoping notices
- Salmon River RD - Categorical Exclusions, other small projects
- Pot-Cabbage: Ukonom RD FY 96 1996
- Small Diameter Pgm, FY 95 1995
- Taylor TS (FY 96) Salmon RRD - S. Taylor Creek (includes road upgrade + decomm) 1996
- Specimen Creek: WA LSR EA Salvage Sale
- Lover's Bar Salvage 1) Letter to Glickmann FY 96 1996
- Lick Resource Area, Scott R RD
- Herd II, Goosenest RD FY '92 1992
- Jess YG Salvage TS
- Half Moon Placer Mine EA, FY 95 (KNF)
- Fisheries [1993]
- Bio-D Klamath Corridors - Public Support of KFA Position
- Comments on DEIS / DLMP - support for Rehab. Alt.
- Input of Other Groups [1983]
- Klamath National Forest Management Plan
- Spotted Owl LOP
- Road Management Plan - Mill Cr, Scott R. RD, KNF
- Kelsey Trail, Holsinger Report + Comments
- Elk Creek watershed Analysis
- Little N. Fk. Salvage EA Salmon River RD FY 96 1996
- Restoration Initiative: Olympic + MBS [1992]
- Ancient Forest Movement begin - 1/96, end - 7/96
- AFPC begun 7/94
- Ashland Conf 2/93 1/95 2/94
- Partnership: LPG - position papers (except Fire/Fuel) 1995
Box 28: KFA Archive Files: Ancient Forests (AFA) (Continued), KNF-KNF Timber/Manage/etc., USFS/FS Timber/Manage/Budget/etc. (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Appeals (cont.), local (cont.), KFA (cont.)
- Restoration - Oregon Rivers Council Salmon Restoration Initiative + Act [early 1990s]
- Restoration Initiative, Ca General [early 1990s]
- Restoration Initiative Oregon [1991-1992]
- Ancient Forest Current 1/1996 through 4/98
- Eastside: R.G. Interim Management [1994]
- CAFA: Sierra Nevada Campaign Development [1995-1997]
- Forest Health - Report + Workshop w/ Defenders Spring 1996
- Appropriations 98 - Grassroots Initiative 98
- CFHI - input. Comments on Drafts [1990s]
- Timber Sale Scoping Info [1990s]
- Goosenest R.D. Baird Timber Sale [1990s]
- District Salvage - Happy Camp RD [1990s]
- Timber Sales on Old EA's - Wooliner - Swainson [1990s]
- Heiney Helicopter Salvage [1990s]
- Fuels Funding + Program FY 96 96
- Native American Issues - cultural sites - Oak Bottom [1990s]
- Wild + Scenic Management Plan [1990s]
- Trail Maintenance Reprogram [1990s]
- SBA Timber Program [1990s]
- KNF // Recreation Priorities [1990s]
- Sourcing Areas [1990s]
- [District Ranger Timber Sale Meeting] [1990s]
- Forest Service Values - Sunbird Conf. [1990s]
- Appropriations: -FY 1992, 1995 1992, 1995
- Forest Planning Regs (incl. Proposed changes + comments [1990s]
- Regional Forester Ron Steward USFS R.5 [1990s]
- Congressional Hearing on USFS Management 11/89
- Six-Month EA/EIS List begin: 10/90 - end 10/94
- Rural Development, Plan for the 90's USFS 1990 Farm Bill 90's
- New Perspectives: Frankline, Fire Ecology Medford May 1990 workshop 5/1/1990
- RPA 95: Financing Options 95
- Below Cost Timber Pgms on Natl Forests 6/92
- Appropriations: FY 94 (incl Spring Chinook, Herger, etc. 94
- Appropriations - FY 95 95
- National Rec. Strategy USFS [1990s]
- R5 + R6 95, 96, 94, FY 92 Sales - NSO Forests (ASQ Projections) [1990s]
- Thomas, Jack Ward (Chief) [1990s]
- Appropriations, FY 96, Trip to DC / testimony + handouts [1990s]
- Exec. Dir. Search -pre-ad enquiries - info package [1998]
- KFA Action Alert (pre 1995) [1990s]
- Annual Reports 1991
- Annual Report 1992
- Windjammer TS: Salmon R Rd FY 96 CU 96
Box 29: KFA Archive Files: Appeals (cont.), local (cont.), KFA (cont.), KFA Archives: mostly newer stuff, post move of office to Orleans
- Klamath River - CWA City of Klamath Falls [1990s]
- Klamath River: CWA litigation - City of Merill, OR [1990s]
- Whiskey THP (92-222) FGS Court Docs + Notes [nd]
- P.O.C. Case, 1994-95 [1990s]
- Michael Jackson Campaign [1990s]
- Ca Forest Products Comm. Carol Crow [1990s]
- Forest Management Roundtable - LMP Appeal Letters [1990s]
- Air Pollution Control - Diane Keller - audit - Toxic Hot-Spots [1990s]
- Belle Terre Mine Salmon River [1990s]
- KNF Management Plan // Siskiyou Co. Input [nd]
- Forest Management Roundtable Agreement [1994]
- Forest Management Roundtable begun 3/95 File #4 1995
- Forest Management Roundtable begun: 12/94 end: 6/95 #3 94-95
- Forest Management Round Table begun - 2/94 end - 2/94 File #2 94
- Forest Management Roundtable - file #1 end 2/94 94
- Sierra Pacific Industries [nd]
- Gravel Mining: 1) McAdams, 96 2) Willow Cr, 96 96
- Happy Camp - articles about 1996
- [Meeting the Biodiversity Challenge - from binder, Folder 1 of 5] [nd]
- [Meeting the Biodiversity Challenge - from binder, Folder 2 of 5] [nd]
- [Meeting the Biodiversity Challenge - from binder, Folder 3 of 5] [nd]
- [Meeting the Biodiversity Challenge - from binder, Folder 4 of 5] [nd]
- [Meeting the Biodiversity Challenge - from binder, Folder 5 of 5] [nd]
- Hydrology Klam Project
Box 30: KFA Archives: mostly newer stuff, post move of office to Orleans (cont'd)
- [loose]
- The Natural Step and other info f/ the Bioneers
- info f/ the Bioneers
- Youth A. Gathering Council of All Beings
- Youth Activists
- Megan's ECOS / Resume Archives
- [infusion newsletter]
- University of Youth Outreach
- Quincy Library Group
- Sierra Nevada Campaign
- Sierra Nevada Plan
- Wilderness Q & A's
- [loose]
- Organic Information
- Range Issues
- Clippings
- Protest Signs, Flyers
- Labor Movement
- [Business]
- Women and Children WTO info.
- WTO (Megan's stuff)
- World Trade Organization
- [loose]
- Arts
- Appropriate Cooking Solar Ovens
- Paper Making
- Bamboo, Straw and Cobb
- Solar Energy
- Environmental Building
- info f/ KSA Meetings
- KSA - Historic
- KSA / PNP Handouts
- KSA Summaries
- K~SA Advisory Council Hand-Outs
- Hand Outs - KSA
- Advisory Council Handouts
- [loose]
- Earth Day
- Media
- CWA: BOR / Klam Straits Settlement Discussions
- [loose]
- Surveys / Sis Ideas
- [loose]
Box 31: KFA Archives: mostly newer stuff, post move of office to Orleans (cont'd), KFA Organizational Files 90s-2003
- Economics (Clippings)
- Economics of Logging
- Outreach
- River of Words
- Outdoor Schools
- Subaru - Leave No Trace
- [Loose]
- Forest Facts
- Boise Cascade
- Community Forestry
- Non-Forest Timber Products
- KNF issues
- [Loose]
- Roads
- Wildlands 2000
- Water Pollution Issues
- Water
- Salmon
- Fire Ecology
- Conservation-Based Development / Conservation
- High Performance Comm.
- Organic Farming Sustainability
- Farm Tour Info
- [Loose]
- Financial Rpts (ch. rgsts)
- Check Requests
- Board and Felice 2002
- Action Alerts St: 99 end 1999
- Board Meetings - minutes - agendas - begun: 2002 - end: 2002
- Annual Rpts. 1999
- Bi-Laws, adopted 8/99 1999
- Budgets
- DC Trip
- Enterprise Car Rental
- Exhibit Systems/Boards
- E-Mail: Eudora
- Forms
- Fundraising Letters (originals) (examples)
- [Internships]
- IRS - Non-profit determination letter
- Job Descriptions
- 2001 Retreat 2001
- Klamath R. Business Outreach
- Miranda Rose Pace
- Organizational Descriptions
- Organization Chart
- Policies and Procedures - Grazing - Public Land Forestry
- Publicity 2001 2001
- Publicity 2002 2002
- XIXE NSP April 16th 2002 2002
- Press Releases + Op Eds: begun 5/03 end 2003
- Proposal: Klam River Campaign
- Proposal - Klam River Pgm. 1999-2000 1999-2000
- Reports - Conservation, Accomplishments, etc.
- Retreat - 2002 2002
- Salary Schedule
- Siskiyou Sentinel
- Supplies - paper
- Taxes 01-02 Office Copies 2001-2002
- Training Resources + Retreats for Activists
- Work Plans - 2000-2001 2000-2001
- Working Assets
- Action Alerts 99 (Poster Children) 1999
- Action Members
- Air Support
- Annual Conservation Rpt. (2001) 2001
- E-Mail Distribution Lists
- Faith Outreach
- Faith Outreach Materials
- Faith Outreach
- Forest Monitoring Team
Box 32: KFA Organizational Files 90s-2003 (cont'd), Private Logging, THPs, J.H. Baxter, PAC Notes
- Forest Monitoring Training - Guide - Materials
- Jobs-in-the Woods - KFA Rpts
- Klamath River Defenders
- SPI Campaign - work plan - other Sac work
- Strategy Planning: -Structure & Strategy Session Materials
- Field Notes
- Graphics - cartoons, maps, charts, etc.
- J.H. Baxter
- Timber Theft: Croman Corp
- [appeals vs. James C. Overbay]
- PAC Notes 1995/1996 1995-1996
- PAC Notes 1997/1998 1997-1998
- Old Station Thin Analysis / Scoping Comments
- Leap Habitat Project
- PG+E Powerline Haz Tree Removal
- Grazing: KNF Lawsuit 1997 1997
- Horse Linto, LSR Entry Six Rivers NF
- Iron Canyon
- Orleans Haz Tree Removal
- Scott R. Gopher Baiting
- Blowdown: FY 96 1996
- Sand Dollar Plantation Thin
- Granite Gopher Bait Scoping / Analysis / EA Docs
- Oak Knoll Gopher Bait Scoping / Analysis / EA Docs
- Quincy Library Plan ROD
- Donahue Thin
- [THPs]
- Seiad Valley THP 99-351 Siskiyou
Box 33: Private Logging, THPs, J.H. Baxter, PAC Notes (cont'd), April 2000: Hwy 3: 1) Biodiversity and Forestry, 2) BLM, 3) Toxic Issues
- Director's Grove 99-347 Siskiyou
- Sands THP 99-340 Shasta
- Sulphur Grade THP 99-337 Trinity
- Middle Flat THP 99-330 Siskiyou
- Freeway THP 99-316 Siskiyou
- Heartwood THP 99-306 Shasta
- Castle THP 99-290 Siskiyou
- Salvage: Big Valley RD 94 General File + Stone Coal 1994
- Old Growth -NSO + woodpecker sites, etc
- Warner Mtn RD -Salvage Pgm. -Letters to/from
- South Warner Wilderness Boundary
- Big Valley RD: 95-96 Salvage General File 1995-1996
- BLM: Fourmile EA Appeal Klamath Basin
- Salvage: Interim management Agreement Process
- DN's + Ads Firm + Tentative begun 1994 end 1994
- Correspondence: w/ Forest Supervisor
- Botany Sensitive Plant List
- Big Valley RD 95-96 Salvage Decision Notices + Memos Bid / Sale reports 1995-1996
- Big Valley RD: 95-96 Salvage KV Plans 1995-1996
- Big Valley RD Salvage -packet sent to Kirshner + Lawrence
- Or-Cal RC + D
- Coho ESA Suit, begun 1995 1995
- EM Keystone Meeting / World Res inst. N. Am Bioregional Management Forum April, 1994 Denver 1994
- Keystone Meeting (EM) natural Policy Forum Eco Manage.
- Genetic Diversity
- Klamath-Siskiyou Proposals McKay + McKay (Pace / Higgins Kier)
- Wood Products (Co-ops Alt Prod. Market Orgs)
- Ecosystem Management USFS Papers, Policies, etc
- Corridors: Presentation to Am Soc. of Foresters
- Corridors: BDC Prescription Reactions + Guide
- Corridors: Articles by Noss + Others
- Corridors: Design Criteria
- Connectivity / KFA Briefing Paper
- Corridors: "Cascade-Siskiyou Ecological Emphasis Area"
- Biosphere Reserve Proposal for Klamath Province
- Articles, Studies, papers on Biological Diversity
- Ecosystem Management 1) Selected References, CRS, 3/94 2) Govt. Pgms. CRS. 4/94 1994
- Ecosystem Management: The Environment before European Contact
- Ecosystem Management Articles by 1) Grumbine 2) Am. Forests 3) Keiter 4) Monteith 5) Gutierres
- Ecosystem Management CRS Symposium, 3/94 1994
- Klamath-Siskiyou Bio-D Plan (Siskiyou Pjct w/ Reed Noss) -World Wild. Fund
- Thinning: pro + con (including economics)
- Sustainable Forestry
- Soc. Am Foresters: Position Statements
- SAF Conference - (S. Or / N. Ca), 5/90 1990
- Old Growth - High Elev. / True Fir Beuter / O.S.U. Timber Study
- Old Growth - Definitions
- Old Growth: Research Articles Notes from "Fragmented Forest"
- Harvest Scheduling: CMAI Phil Mannix Graphs
- Hoopa Tribe Forest Management History
- Veg. Databases - Accuracy
- Landscape Planning / regional Planning Bioregional Planning
- Landscape Ecology Formant Godron
- Siskiyou Ecology Conf. June 1997 1997
- Resource Persons + Organization (Professors + Specialists, Journals, University Depts, etc)
- Private Lands: -easements
- New Perspectives / Sacwasser
- Newmark: "Land Bridge Perspective on Mammalian Extinctions in N. American Parks"
- Natural Areas Conf 1990 1990
- Monitoring: -types / models -handbook (Headwaters)
- U.N. Convention on Bio-D
- Assessment + Monitoring
- Bioregional: 1) Planning 2) CA. bio-Rs
- Oregon RMPs -TWS Critique
- Land Exchanges (except Eastside SV / Shasta Wetlands)
Box 34: April 2000: Hwy 3: 1) Biodiversity and Forestry, 2) BLM, 3) Toxic Issues (cont'd), Scott River CRMP Archive: Community Action Plans, Klamath – Siskiyou late 90s
- Tablelands IRMP Draft EA
- [Loose Publications]
- Herbicides Pesticides: health effects -information sources -NCHP Pubs
- Extinction Risk: 1) from "optimal" harvesting (Lande)
- Herbicides: 1993 Or A.G. ruling ref priv. Forest spraying 1993
- Marble Mtn Stud Mill (Moffet Creek) 1983-1984
- McCloud RD Spray EA 1991 through 1991
- Drinking Water: Action Level for Contaminants
- Waste Disposal
- Spills / Siskiyou County
- Schools - Pesticide Risks + Reduction
- Risk Analysis
- Pulp Mills
- Pesticide Incident Record (Pesticide Watch) + Alt. Record
- Pesticide Watch
- Mill Toxics Project
- Scott River CRMP Vol #1
- CRMP Dissolution + Funding
- Scott R. CRMP The Final Years
- Watershed + Pjct. Proposal Development + Prioritization (incl. forms)
- Current Meeting 1/98 till dissolution 1998
- Scott River CRMP -founding to 1/94 1994
- [Community Action Plans Folder 1 of 4]
- [Community Action Plans Folder 2 of 4]
- [Community Action Plans Folder 3 of 4]
Box 35: Scott River CRMP Archive: Community Action Plans, Klamath – Siskiyou late 90s (cont'd), [unlabeled], KFA Archives Option 9/Bush/ + Newer
- [Community Action Plans Folder 4 of 4]
- [loose - Community Action Plans]
- [Assessing Economic Tradeoffs in Forest Management]
- Economics Upper Basin
- Economics + Methods, Aaron Douglas, et al USGS
- [Loose envelope from Kier Associates]
- [2007 + 2008 Day Planners]
- NW Forest Campaign 1) OG Bills 2) Ltr to Campaign Leaders
- Sacramento River: 1) Cantara Spill + related 2) Central Valley Pjct / Cal Fed.
- Northcoast Rivers Eel R. Rpter, Fall / Winter 2001 2001
- Ca. Unified Watershed Assess. 1998 1998
- Cal Fed (incl. "County of Origin" and "Stewardship" (reg manag) Proposal
- California Water Issues -CalFed -co. of origin -etc -storage
- Salmon + Steelhead: Klamath River -DFG's 2001 Report -sport catch spawn, etc
- Oregon, State of -Coho plan
- ESA: Listing Litigation -Coho v. Steelhead Issue
- ESA Listings: 2003 -genetics -ESU -Springers
- Coho Critical Habitat Siskiyou Co Anti-E Movement "Breakfast Club", etc.
- Coho - Ca. State listing 2001 2001
- Aquatic - Riparian Forest Stds. D. Hall comparison: FEMAT NMFS, CA, OR, WA
- [Loose]
- Corridor Maps: Klamath Corridor Proposals, Reg. Trail System, NEC Green Forest Plan
- Salmon / Steelhead / Cutthroat
- Annual Report 1997 -Originals 1997
- PWA's - Trinity NF
- Ecological: Ecoregions Biosphere Research
- Roadless / Potential Wilderness
- [Loose]
- [A Remote Sensing and GIS Feasibility Analysis of the Lower Klamath River Basin Draft Report] [1991]
- Mis. Notes [1990s]
- Outreach Presentation [1990s]
- Energy + Congregations [nd]
- Mountain Lions [1998]
- Prisoners [1999]
Box 36: KFA Archives Option 9/Bush/ + Newer (cont'd), April 2000: Hwy 3: KNF Plan through 1997
- Summer River Outreach [1990s]
- Memorial Weekend @ Nordheimer 1999
- River Outreach 1999
- [Loose Items] [nd]
- Forest Program - random info relating [1990s]
- Grant Writing Resources [nd]
- Needs Assessment: Meetings Parents Schools [1980s]
- Need Assessment: Svys, Types [nd]
- Sisk. Co. Fair 2000 2000
- Progressive women of Scott Valley 2000
- [Loose Materials] [2000s]
- Progressive Coalition info [1999]
- River Publicity [2000s]
- Forest Publicity [2000s]
- Outreach/Ed Literature [2000s]
- Organic Farming [nd]
- Pesticides [nd]
- Freakalogue [2000s]
- Newsletter [2000s]
- Personnel - Felice Pace [1990s, 2000s]
- Personnel: Miranda Pace [nd]
- Ukonom - Mining Claim Salmon River [1990s]
- KNF Rod Violations also S-T [1990s]
- PIEC Direction [1990s]
- Riparian Reserves - abuse of discretion - u+pu - incl "Let'r buck" (Callahan WA) [1990s]
- Water Reallocation: David Guy Handout [1990s]
- Siskiyou Co - Land Exchange Policy [1990s]
- Siskiyou Co Public Works - Road Issues - side casting in '96 96
- Siskiyou Co: RAC School Funding [2000s]
- Siskiyou RCD: Agendas Minutes begun: 01/03 end: [2000s]
- Siskiyou RCD: Watershed Council begun: 01/03 end: [nd]
- Bush Admin. [2000s]
- Healthy F.I. / NFPA [2000s]
- Option 9 Injunction Lists [2000s]
- Option 9 legal (1997) 1997
- Option 9 legal (1998) 1998
- NW Forest Plan: 8/99 Summ Judgement [nd]
- Option 9 Legal (1999) [nd]
- Option 9 Communications [nd]
- Red Cap WA
- Main Stem Salmon R, 94-95 1994-1995
- Beaver Creek WA
- Timber Sale Review -TWS checklist -Timber Sale input to SCLDF
- USFWS: Comments + Correspondence re Option-9 Implementation
- Dillon Cr: LSR Assessment 1996 1996
- Callahan WA -Scott River RD FY 96-97 1996-1997
- Dillon WA
- Ishi Pishi WA
Box 37: April 2000: Hwy 3: KNF Plan through 1997 (cont'd), KFA Archive VIP: Circa 1990 to 2004: Anti-Enviro. Movement in Siskiyou County. – "Wise Use"
- LSR Assessments / Activities
- Eastside O-G -definition -NRDC R6 petition
- Ca. Endangered Species Act (CESA) (Listed Species) Klamath P. Sp. List -Consultation guidelines
- CaDFG: Wildlife Conservation Board -riparian joint venture -other
- "Sliding Toward Extinction" The Nature Conservancy
- Roads + Wildlife: Including Fish
- Refuges: Oregon + CA -National -Conditions -Wildlife population
- Habitat use: Upslope vs Riparian Areas Bill McComb
- Southern Rockies Ecosystem Cert. April 1992 -Boulder Co.
- Mapping Protocols
- Watershed Analysis: 1) 1994-1997 Watershed Analysis Schedule (FS + BLM) 2) Criteria Used to Prioritize
- Watershed Analysis: FS direction and related docs
- Visuals + Recreation
- Watershed: -conditions -analysis
- Veg. Management + Reforestation
- Unsuitable lands: 1) Unstable
- Uneven Age Management
- Timber Management: Silviculture
- Standards + Guidelines + MMRS (from Draft, not released)
- Forest Plan - Soils
- Scoping + Input (pre DLMP)
- Riparian / Watershed Strategy 1) Peer Review Comments 2) Nawa Rpt
- RNA's + Special Interest Areas (Proposed)
- Community Review Program 12/91 1991
- Press Release
- Public Education: Examples of Guides + Mailings, etc
- Planning Data: National Forests + Other Public Lands esp: Fish, Wildlife, Rec.
- N. CA LMP Co-op Response
- People's Plan, 1995 1995
- Yreka Fish + Game Input
- KNF Management Plan Local CDF Input Ca
- KNF Plan - Current
- Yield Tables USFS Reg 5 - CHEC Critique + USFS Response
- Wildlife, except S.O.
- Wilderness + Recreation incl. Trails
- Wild + Scenic Rivers
- Roads: KNF Inventory Rpt (1993) 1993
- [Sale Numbers report 1995] 1995
- Bio-D. + Corridors -Noss Paper + recommendations -Evan Frost -other
- Alerts -KFA + other groups
- Air Quality + Burning Marble Mtn Wilderness
- Cultural Resource Save Mt Shasta on consultation requirements + hist. pres.
- Comments / Input of other Groups
- [Inventory Statistics Ca Region 1970]
- Gold TS, FY 95 -Happy Camp RD 1995
- Little Horse Peak (Research)
- Deer Thin -LSR Entry
- WUM: Biodiversity Simulation Map, CA
- WUM - The Biosphere Reserve Scam: 1998 1998
- WUM - Boundary Co. Idaho Decision
- Cattlemen/Cattlewomen - C. Pimmentel
- Trinity Co. Economic Summit Feb. 2002 2002
- U.C. Extension - Dan Drake - Harry Carlson
- Yreka Elem vs Diana Pace
- Webster - Gabe Sherry issue 2003
- State of Jefferson
- Siskiyou RCD - Correspondence w/ NMFS until 5/98 1998
- S.O.S.S. Save Our Scott + Shasta Valleys + Towns 2001
- Herger, Wally
Box 38: KFA Archive VIP: Circa 1990 to 2004: Anti-Enviro. Movement in Siskiyou County. – "Wise Use" (cont'd), Klamath River/FOIA, boxed 11/02
- Coho - Critical Habitat Issue State Listing
- Media - Pioneer Press "Paranoid Press"
- Human Rights/Racism/Discrimination - Anna Phelps
- K.A.R.E. Inglesbee begun: 2/99 end: 1999
- ICU + Grange
- Predators No!
- Interim Land Management Plan
- "WUM" - "Takings" Issues
- Media - SDN, Andreasen, et al, Kennard
- Clansen, Barry Attacks on Felice 2001
- Range Mag - article on Felice
- "Rural Cleansing" - WSJ 8/2001, SF Mag 2001 2001
- Siskiyou Study 2000-2001
- Siskiyou Co Co-ord ordinance, 1999 1999
- WUM - Siskiyou Co Militia (+ other Aggressive Organizing) Threats, Intimidation
- "Win Back the West" Conf Yreka May 1995 1995
- Anti-e Movement in Siskiyou Co. begun: 1/99 1999
- BLM RR A 001 12/20/99 1999
- Salmon R. Knapweed - 2000-2001 2000-2001
- Medicine Lake Wildlife (Surveys, BO/BE) Plants
- 1996-1999 1996-1999
- Sara Barth Klam. Visit 2002
Box 39: Klamath River/FOIA, boxed 11/02 (cont'd), April 2000: Hwy 3: Forest Management
- [Loose]
- In-Stream Flows - 1994 SCLDF Demand Ltr.
- Riparian Restoration Standards 1) Klamath River Agency Survey, 97 1997
- Restoration Projects (USFWS) (FS)
- Klamath Fish + Water Symposium - 2001 2001
- Coalition - "Vision" For the K. Basin
- Water E. Foundation PBS Program
- Coho: THP Challenge Bresher
- NMFS - Fed Reg Notices Bulletins - PR
- PRC: Salmon Safe Farming
- Pacific Rivers Council 2) PRC's Salmon Recovery Strategy 1993
- Rip-Rap: Scott Valley Pjcts + Eval 1994, 1995 1994, 1995
- Roads: KlaKimas RD EA
- Conservation Assessment
- 98 Membership Mailings
- Meetings + Correspondence start: 4/96 end: 9/98 1996-1998
- Salmon River Restoration Council / Fisheries
- Klamath Irrigation Pjct: Drought Plan, 1992, Flood Control Guidance 1992
- UBWG start 1/01 end 1/02 appx 2001-2002
- Upper Basin Working Grp. start: 1/2001 end: 2001
- Shasta River: Adjudication Water Rights
- Klam Fish Task Force - Projects - Sub-b groups grant agreements
- Klamath PAC / PIEC
- Klam Irr. Pjct -2000 Op Plan -DFG letters -EIS Compliance 2000
- Klamath ERO - general and EA begun: 5/99 1999
- Harvest Management of Salmon, KFMC, 1998 1998
- Co-gen Plants @ K-Falls - PacifiCorp.
- Fish Kills, Enforcement Non-Enforcement, "Take" (incl. Mainstem, Scott, Shasta, tribs)
- Drought 1) 2001 2001
- CAFA (90's) [1990s]
- Campaign Proposal
- NEC/McKay Issue
- Proposals - submitted for funding
- Appropriations 2000 Forest I. 2000
- Appropriations, FY 200[0] Klamath R. + Salmon I. 2000
- Appropriations '99 1999
- Habitat Definitions and Critical Habitat
- Hayfork AMA Study 1996 1996
- California Spotted Owl FS Committee Rpt / Direction
- FGS Owl Pgm (Hilt)
- Watershed Analysis: Review Criteria, Issues, Questions
- Studies, Reports, etc Audubon, Ca. F+G
- KNF -Sales Impacting Owls (begun 1990, end 1990
- KNF Network + HCA's
- Scientific Analysis Team (SAS) -Rpt to Dwyer 3/93 1993
- Pac. N.W. Region WEIS + Appeal
- PSQ / XSQ: -letr to Sprague
- Mining + Minerals Management under ACS + Pac Fish
- USFS Interim ISC Management -Fed. Reg. Announc. -1991 Sale pgm 1991
- Goosenest AMA
- Fifteen % (15%) late-seral Retention
- Federal Contacts (RAC Members)
- Citizen's Guide to O-9, TWS M. Anderson
- L.N. Fork LSR Assessment (1996) 1996
- LSR Condition: databases, suitable, etc KNF
- Lower S. Fk Salmon 1997 1997
- Impacts: 1) On Forests -Interior -Survey (Belsky) 2) Riparian 3) Small Mammals 4) Soil 5) Gophers
- Survey + Manage 1) Amphibians 2) Great Grey Owl 3) Lichens
Box 40: April 2000: Hwy 3: Forest Management (cont'd), KFA Archive Files: Forest Water Alliance (FWA), Klamath River, 1995-1998
- Jobs-In-The-Woods SBG Committee Sisk. Co. Job Training bgm begun: 12/94 end: 1994
- Jobs-in-the-Woods -KFA / Reiss Rpts #1 + #2
- Jobs-in-The-Woods SBG Committee beginning till 12/94 1994
- Implementation: -Timber Sale Implementation Monitoring REO + KPAC, 1996 1996
- Implementation: Direction from REO etc -monitoring protocols -S+M -roads -WA -LSR treatments, etc.
- B.O. for FY 94 R5 Sales USFWS 1994
- Ca. Spotted Owl EIS -comments of other groups, etc
- Implementation - General File
- Implementation Adaptive Management Process
- Implementation AMA's -general file -direction
- [Loose Publications]
- New Forestry / Sustainable Forestry -articles -prescriptions
- Port Orford Cedar: listing sales etc.
- Timber Management Policy USFS -statements -speeches
- Veg. Management Reinvention Pilot Pgms. FY 99 1999
- Salvage Marking Guidelines, 1996 1996
- Reforestation: effectiveness
- Pilot - Testing New Approach 1997 FS Program 1997
- Clearcut Rider -Implementation -Directives from JWT / Glickman
- Appraisal of Minimum Rates for N.F. timber Regs, Methods, etc. (also BF -ton conversion)
- Water Rights -Colorado Ditch Act
- Road Management General File
- Roads: Clackimas RD EA For Road Decomm + Repair with ERFO funds
- [Loose documents]
- CFEHI -current Draft
- Farmland + Erosion (by State) 1982 National Resources Inventory, SCS, 1982 1982
- Forest Plan Notes
- Upper S. Fk Salmon 1994 1994
- ERO: 1994 Projects (First year) 1994
- CMP - Scott River Jan 95 to Sept. 97 Agendas/Minutes/Pub/Handouts [1990s]
- Klamath Irrigation Pjct - 1996 Operations Advisory(planned, actual, uses/allocations, lake levels) 1996
- Upper Bain Work Group (Hatfield Group) beginning until passage of Act [1990s]
- Wildlife Refuges - General begun 1992, end 1996 1992-1996
- ERO Upper Basin WG 1997 Projects 1997
- Klamath Fish T.F. begun: 1/97 end: 10/98 97-98
- Klamath Basin: ERO Beginning till, 2/95 95
- ERO - Proposed + Funded Projects, 1997 1997
Box 41: KFA Archive Files: Forest Water Alliance (FWA), Klamath River, 1995-1998 (cont'd), KFA Private Forests: 2/2004: Topo/S.OR + N.Ca NF + other Rec., BOF/Policy for Forests + Salmon
- Klam Irr. Pjct - 1997 Operations Plan + conditions updates 1997
- Klamath Basin Restoration Conference, 3-97, Yreka 97
- Westside Alliance (FWA) begun: August 97 97
- Administrative File [1990s]
- Executive Committee began: 11/97 97
- Legislative Comm (until 98) 98
- Campaign Proposal 1999
- Campaign Proposal (9/96) -Fundraising - Proposals 96
- Reports (to funders)(to EC)(from KFA) [1990s]
- Media - Press Clips, efforts, memos, Releases [1990s]
- Westside Alliance begun: Nov 1996 end: Aug 96 1996
- Public Ed. / Outreach [1990s]
- Outreach - Materials - brochures - Report - OF-O[P] [1990s]
- Legislative Comm: begin: 1/1/98 end: 98
- Operating Principles [1990s]
- Rapid Response Team [1990s]
- Work Plans [1990s]
- Clean Water Grant - 1995 NCWQCB / KFRTF [1990s]
- Clean Water Grant, 319(h), 1994, NCWQCB + KRIS 1994
- Beaver Cr. - W.I.N. Inventory [nd]
- Forest Service Rehab Pgm - Direction for 95-96 (REO) - Correspondence [1990s]
- Forest Service Watershed Rehab Program FY 94 Direction + Projects [1990s]
- Elk Cr. (HCRD) - 1994 Watershed Rehab Pjcts [1990s]
- [Clean Water Network: Protect Our Wetlands] [1996]
- [State Mussel Watch Program 1993-95 Data Report] [93-95]
- [America's Riverine Ecosystems At the Crossroads - working draft] [1991]
- HCPs
- Legislation on Forest Practices 2003
- NMFS Ca. BOF Cmts - Short-term HCP Guidance, 12/3/99/ OR MOA 1999
- Oregon's Forest Practice Rules
- Sci Comm Rpts - Ca - Or - Wa - Other Sci input
- BOF (Positions) - Industry Labor Farm Bureau
- BOF: Monitoring Rpts + Plans Rpt 99
- BOF Rules: Roads 2001-03 (also legislation)
- BOF: non-ind. t.m.p.
- BOF Rules - Old Growth
- BOF - RPF/LTO Responsibilities 2000 2000
- BOF Rule 2001 - Slash Removal Exemption 2001
- SPI (Research) - Complaints, enforcement
- SPI: General File
- SPI (Land Exchange)
Box 42: KFA Private Forests: 2/2004: Topo/S.OR + N.Ca NF + other Rec., BOF/Policy for Forests + Salmon (cont'd), Wise Use Movement: Economics / Local / Private Forests / THPs, boxed 11/02
- Sierra Pacific Spotted Owl Plan
- Take of Coho - THP's which involve "Take"
- THP - Legal Notices
- TMDL's + BOF
- Waivers of Waste Dischg
- Winter Operations
- BOF - Watershed A Cum Impacts
- BOF - Watersheds x/ T+I Values 1999
- Ca. Legislature Legislation/Appointments
- BOF Strategy Session May 4, 2000 2000
- Ca. Forest Products Comm.
- Clearcutting
- Community Forestry Plan
- Cumulative Impacts + Flooding - Waste Discharge/H2O
- Davis Grey SPI Cont. Fov. For Sale Rally
- Enviro. Positions (also Fishermen, Restorationist)
- Fruit Growers Supply
- FGS - Siskiyou Mtn Salamander Condrey Mtn Area
- [Newsletters - various]
- [Siskiyou County Grand Jury Reports]
- W.U.M. - The Beaverhead County Alternative MOU w/ agencies, etc.
- WUM: Posse Comitatus Christian Identity
- WUM: Legal Issues Attny Gen. Review (Spring 96) 1996
- WUM - Siskiyou Co. (Proposed) Civil Rights Ordinance 1993 1993
- WUM - Siskiyou Co. Environmental Review Ordinance, 1993 1993
- "WUM" - Trinity Co.
- WUM - Anti-E Movement in Siskiyou Co. (post "Land Use Plan"
- Headwaters: 98 Study of Jose. + Jackson Cos, OR 1998 1998
- Humboldt Co: - growing / shrinking industries 1998 1998
- NoCu Counties: Personal income, etc 1988-93, US Dept Comm 1988-1993
- SBG NWEAI - Siskiyou Co State of Ca Our Proposals
- NWEAI: Clinton Admin Briefing, Reports, etc.
- NWEAI, 1997 Proposals Siskiyou Co incl R-T 1997
- NWEAI: Joan Reiss Project #1 94-95 1994-1995
- NWEAI: Jean Reiss Report #2 95-96 1995-1996
- NWEAI - Ca State CERT (incl contact list)
- NW Forest Plan + River Impacts - Loaky info, 2/96 1996
- NSO Economic Analysis
- Poverty Data + Guidelines: Ca 1988 Dept OEO 1988
- Timber Cut + Timber Value California by County, (Public + Private), 1980-1993 1980-1993
- BOF - Agency Positions + Comments
Box 43: Wise Use Movement: Economics / Local / Private Forests / THPs, boxed 11/02 (cont'd), April 2000: Hwy 3 KFA – Etna, CA, Fire, Water, River
- BOF 1) Coho Consid 99 2) Review Team 3) RPF/LTO Resp. 1999
- BOF - Emergencies Exemptions
- BOF Rules - Press
- SPI (Activist / Media)
- SPI - Press Clips
- Whistleblower
- Shasta Westlake THP 99.334
- Shasta Barite THP 99.324
- Siskiyou French Ck THP 99.147
- Siskiyou Jaynew Cyn THP 99.287
- Moffett / Skookum THP 2-00-274 12/2000 2000
- Siskiyou Saddle THP 99.261
- Siskiyou Sissel THP (Moffet Cr.) 99.227
- Siskiyou Tyler Gulch THP 99.341
- Siskiyou White Cloud THP 99.324
- Shasta Y2K THP 99.253
- Siskiyou Yreka Ditch THP 99.318
- Siskiyou Tennant THP 99.277
- Siskiyou Howards Gulch THP 99.321
- Press Releases 1997 + 1998 1997-1998
- Publicity + Press Clips 1998 1998
- Publicity / Press Clips 1997 1997
- ERFO Document Requests
- Preserve Proposals Six Rivers North Coastal Basin Mendocino + Shasta + Trinity N.F.s
- Progressive Organizing w/ H'waters
- Privatization of Public Lands -N. Woods
- partnerships: Stanford Partnership Forum
- New Year 97 Storm, Continuing Impacts Evidence
- Population
- Property Rights: Quotes, Articles
- Paper: Alt To Wood Kenaf
- PACs: Anti-environment Congressional contributions '95 1995
- Herbs & Wildcrafting
- Growth: -Development of Rural West -HCN Sp. Ed. (94) 1994
- High Country News Index 1993. 1994 1993, 1994
- International: Aid for Sustainable Development
- International Envir. Movement / Pgms + Contacts Audubon International / Sustain Development
- Investing, Socially Resp
- NW Forests Major Articles -"Lessons" re Class
- native Am Issues: Rel. Freedom Act -Site Protection
- Mt Shasta Issues
- Mining - Mining law of 1872
- Timber Sale Monitoring Training: Envir Analysis -EAs -EIRs -EISs
- Timber Industry: Ca industry Orgs + Support Groups Ca / Or / national Canada
- Salmon - Queen Salmon
- Selection Forestry
- Soil Conservation Techniques, Articles, USFS R-5 Standards
- S. Poverty Law Center -anti-militia activities, etc.
- Stream Cave Guides -NPS -Santa Clara Co
- recycling -AB 939
Box 44: April 2000: Hwy 3 KFA – Etna, CA, Fire, Water, River (cont'd), 11/2002 Office Move: KNF + STNF Projects + Timber Pgm., Modoc NF
- National Forest Fire Rpts 1989, 91, 92, 93 1989-1993
- KNF Mortality, 1995 -Modeling Mortality -Burn Intensity D-Base 1995
- Klamath Mtns: "Forest Ecosystem Health: Salvage Logging in the Klamath Mtns." -Sam Stroich, 1996 (original)
- Legislation: LaRocco Bill, "Forest health" 1992 1992
- Legislation: "Forest Health" Lehman Bill -1994
- Salvage + Rehab: Rick Brown materials + Pace Additions
- Salvage Marking Guidelines KNF, 1995 1995
- Salvage Logging Reader Studies, Reports
- Salvage Logging Reader Testimony, Statements, Depositions
- Salvage Logging Reader Fact Sheets, Info
- Presentations: Salvage Logging on KNF -Educational Program
- Salvage Direction + Guidance, USFS
- Report of the "National Commission on Wildfire Disasters"
- Rehabilitation of Burned Areas, esp. native v. non-native grass seeding
- Prescribed Fire: KNF program + problems
- Fire Causes + Fire Risk + Fire Statistics
- Climate + Climate Change + Vegetation History Influences on Forest Comp. Structure, Fire Regimes, etc.
- Birds -In forest Stands After Fire (Rockies)
- Arson in the Forests
- Yellowstone Fires + Fire Management
- Timber Deterioration (Ca) USFS - Kinney
- Symposium @ Sandy Bar nov. 97 1997
- Stand Development + Fire History in Salmon R. Wills + Stuart, 1994 1994
- Sierra Nevada (SNEP Papers): Fire History, Patterns, Programs
- Salvage Scoping
- Forest Health Initiative - Am Forests
- Forest Health: Studies + Articles
- Fire Suppression: -Excessive costs (M. Taylor) -Ca Strategic Fire Plan, 1994 1994
- Fire Ecology Articles / Studies
- Legislation: "Forest Health" HR 4742, Herger Bill, 1995 1995
- Forest service on Forest Health 1) Initiative (94-95) 2) Policy (96) Guidance 1994-1996
- Forest Ecosystem Health: Fire + Salvage Logging in the Klamath Mtns Stroich, 1995 OVERHEADS 1995
- Forest Health + Fire -PFF Rpt, 1994 -CRS, Gorte, 1996 1994-1996
- Klamath Falls: Salvage Plant City
- Wildlife Refuges: -SCLDF Demand Letters 1/97 8/96 1996-1997
- Yreka Sewage Plant -1998 1998
- Klamath Irrigation Pjct Interim long-Term Op. Pln. EIS, 99 1999
- Upper Basin working Group begun: 1/98 end: 1998
- Klamath Refuges, General begun - 1997 end - Dec. 30, 1998 1997-1998
- Davis
- Hemlock
- McCloud Flats
- Rainbow Ridge - SPI easem't, etc
- Stewardship Projects
- SOPA Quarterly Sales List
- Big Valley SYLL - Timber Sales 1970-1999 1970-1999
- Hilton Fire Salvage Big v. RD 2001
- Long Damon Salvage / Spray
- White Fir Mortality Big Valley Rd, Modoc
- SOPA Quarterly Sales List
Box 45: 11/2002 Office Move: KNF + STNF Projects + Timber Pgm., Modoc NF (cont'd), April 2000: Hwy 3: Appeals – ERFO, KNF Decom.
- Dogbark EA, Scott R RD FY 2001 2001
- E Fork Indian Ck Road Decommissioning
- Elk Creek Road Restoration
- Five Points TS / Goosenest
- French Creek Project
- Glassups
- Indian Thin
- Jack Salamander Forms
- Ken Del CT T.S. FY 2001 Goosenest RD
- Jones CT Timber Sale Goosenest RD, 2002 2002
- Tamarack TS / Goosenest
- Timber Pgm: meetings w/ Indep. Forest Products Assoc + other industry
- Woodchopper Fire Recovery, Scott RD FY 2002 2002
- SOPA Quarterly Sales List
- Timber Sale Reports 1997 1997
- Timber Sale Reports 1998 1998
- Timber Sale Reports 1999 1999
- ORR Lake
- Mailing List: Ancient Forest Alliance (Other Forest Activists)
- Mailing Lists: CAFA WAFC
- Mailing List
- Klamath-Siskiyou Alliance
- ONRC - Action - endorsements
- Forest Water Alliance
- Earthlaw
- Appeal Reg: proposals + comments 4/93, 3/92 1992-1993
- Appeal Regulations + Guide
- Biodiversity: Chequamegon LMP Orel Present
- Appeal Forms
- Appeals: 1) USFS Study on Appeals + Litigation, 1986 2) -94 -95 Appeal Impacts on FS cutting 1986, 1994-1995
- Beegum Corral TS Six Rivers NF
- Cold Springs / Switchback
- Roadless Areas: Language + Citations for Appeals (TWS-SF, 9/93) -Court Decisions
- N. Ca. LMPs, 1995 General File 1995
- NFMA - Rules / Proposals Comments -Wayne For. Dec, 98 1998
- KNF LRMP, 1995 1995
- Elk Creek Road EA, FY 96, KNF 1996
- S. Fk Trinity WSRA Suit
- Sediment/Temp Reg of FMA and Access to Inholdings (SCLDF - Sea. Appeal)
- Save the Yac Decision Related Actions -EIS
- Progeny sites Herbicide Spray (KNF)
- Private Logging: -3 Acre Exemption Decision (96) 1996
- Mapleton Decision
- Categorical Exclusions
Box 46: April 2000: Hwy 3: Appeals – ERFO, KNF Decom. (cont'd), ERFO Lawsuit
- ERFO: FOIA Response Mendocino NF New Year 97 Storm 1997
- Correspondence w/ Consel
- Miscellaneous: notes + correspondence
- NEPA for Storm Damage Repairs
- Contract Mod. + Force Acct WK (May 20, 1997 FOIA)
- Road-decomm Steinacker Rd, KNF 1996 1995 1995-1996
- Steinacker Rd. Decomm.
- FY 98 Timber Sales (not yet in D-Base) 1998
- FY 97 Timber Sales in D-Base 1997
- FY 97 Timber Sales not yet in D-Base 1997
- FY 96 Timber Sales (DNs, FONSIs, Ads, Legals) Already in D-Base 1996
- DATABASE: KNF ERFO Sites as of 5/98 1998
- ERFO FOIA KNF -Response to #3 Request (June 25, 1997) 1997
- Walker Flood Response EA, FY 2001 DN 2001
- ERFO Damage Assessments
- ERFO Consultation
- New Year 97 Storm Impacts/News Articles
- KNF-ERFO Lawsuit, 1998 Press and background/Talk Pts 1998
- KNF ERFO - Declarations
- ERFO Regs, Manual and Guidance, R5FS Guidance
- [KFA v. USFS, William M. Daley and NMFS, Declaration of Amy Sniden, 1997] 1997
Box 47: ERFO Lawsuit (cont'd), Private Logging/THPs
- [KFA v. USFS, William M. Daley, and NMFS, Plaintiff's Excerpts of Administrative Record, Vol 1 of 2, 1997] 1997
- [KFA v. USFS, William M. Daley, and NMFS, Declaration of Sarah E. Daniels, 1997] 1997
- KNF ERFO Lawsuit ID Team Meetings/Notes
- KNF ERFO Lawsuit Tracking/Tiering/Matrix Forms - Salmon
- KNF ERFO Lawsuit Tracking/Tiering/Matrix Forms - Scott
- KNF ERFO Lawsuit Tracking/Tiering/Matrix Forms - Oak Knoll
- KNF ERFO Lawsuit Tracking/Tiering/Matrix Forms - Ukonom
- KNF ERFO Lawsuit Conflicting Tracking + Tiering Forms
- [loose forms]
- KNF ERFO Lawsuit Tracking/Tiering/Matrix Forms - Happy Camp
- KNF ERFO Suit Court Docs
- FGS - THP's 19910 Corporate Address + Info 1991
- French Cr. - Logging + Impacts Roads (THPs)
- Etna Creek: S. Pac SPI THP's (80's, early 90's)
- Snictaw Creek - Big Meadows - Old FGS / IP THPs
- Kramer / Larivee: Johnson Cr. 95-438
- Darrah Logging (Pentrack)
- Beaver / Dutch Creeks, 96 FGS 1996
- Big Meadows THP, 1996 FGS, THP 2-96-465 1996
Box 48: Private Logging/THPs (cont'd)
- Elliot BDY, FGS, 2-95-15
- Bolivar THP, 1994 94-284 1994
- CDFFP: Beaver Creek Ecosystem Analysis
- Snow Creek: THPs FGS IP
- Wildcat THP
- Whiskey (#2) 2-93-73-Sis (6)
- FGS Management: Road Maintenance Problems
- Kidder Creek: Fruit Growers Roads, esp Babs FK
- FGS: THP 92-222 Whiskey
- Mill Creek THPs FGS IP (Shakleford)
- Mistletoe THP 2-97-189 by Roseburg @ Schulmeir Gulch
- Rail Creek
- Kennedy / Eisenglass, 1996 Scott R. 1996
- Hearst Corp EIR/SYP
- Graveyard Gulch THP-FGS 1976 1976
- FGS: THP 92-330 "Whisky Access Road" (for our comments see Whisky)
- Hi-Ridge
- HCP's - General
- [New Directions for Private Forests in California]
- BOF Rules: Checklist THP
- BOF Rules - WLPZ's
- BOF: Small Landowner Rules [1997]
- BOF Rules - Proposed Silv. Methods + Sustained Yield Rules
- BOF Rules: - Alerts, Comments + Correspondence to/from
- B.O.F.: 1) Water Quality Rules 2) 208 + BMP Certification 3) need for stronger from CDF re salmon
Box 49: Nov 2002 Office Move: Medicine lake Geothermal + Sacred Site Issue
- 4 Mi Hill Geo Explore '02 2002
- Medicine Lake APCO / AIR
- Medicine Lake Activist + Legal
- Medicine Lake B.P.A.
- Medicine Lake Coalition Email / Notes / Letters
- Medicine Lake FOIA
- Medicine lake General Comments
- Medicine Lake ID Team Meetings
- Medicine Lake Leasing / MOVs
- Medicine Lake Media
- Medicine Lake Mailing
- Medicine Lake NEPA Development
- Medicine Lake Native American
- Medicine Lake Research / Green Energy
- Medicine Lake Soils
- Medicine Lake Water
- Medicine Lake Wildlife (General) Plants
Box 50: Nov 2002: Appeals / Local – Sisk. Co / Enviro. Orgs.
- Alturas Transmission Line Project
- Medicine Lake APCD Appeal
- Medicine Lake NEPA Appeal
- Grazing - KNF Goosenest Allotments 2002
- Jack
- Medicine Lake IBLA Appeal
- Modoc Allotments
- Pelican Butte
- Yreka Phlox
- DFG Siskiyou Unit Recommendation
- Natural Heritage Database
- Coho-Savage Rapids Dam (Sherwood)
- E-Law Conf - 2002 2002
- Earth First! - Directory
- Envir. Support Ctr
- Greencorps
- Green Fire Prod
- Legacy - The Landscape Connection
- Nat'l Network of Forest Practitioners
- Planet Drum / Shasta Bio-R Council
- Public Media Ctr
- The Nature Conservancy - TNC
- US Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (Morris Udall Foundation)
- Water Education Foundation - Sacramento, Ca
- W. Colorado Congress
- Western States Ctr.
- Wildlands project -Forman
- Wild Earth Journal + Dave Foreman
- Bioregional Gatherings 1) Shasta BR #5, 9/97 1997
- BLM - RMP - Land Exchange + Opposition
- Etna - Taylor Mobile, Home Park, Sp. Use Permit
- K.A.R.E.
- KARE Congressional Woods Tour
- Malcolm Terrance [Terence] articles - Media
- Scott Valley Future Survey Fall '93 1993
- Siskiyou Co Action Plan, 1995 natural Resources Element 1995
- Siskiyou Co: Board of Supervisors
- Siskiyou Co: Public Wks / Roads
- Siskiyou County: natural Resources Specialist
- Siskiyou Co. Schools (Tallerico "Fly-In For Freedom" (1997) 1997
- Siskiyou RCD (and SRWC) - Project Proposals
- Siskiyou RCD: Illegal Appointments
- Siskiyou RCD begun: 1/00 end: 2000
- Siskiyou RCD - Title 13 / Water Bd Grants 2001 2001
- SLUG - Salmon River Partnership beginning till 99 1999
- S.L.U.G.: Salmon Learning + Understanding Group begun: 1999 end: 2002 1999-2002
- SRWC land Committee
Box 51: Nov 2002: Appeals / Local – Sisk. Co / Enviro. Orgs. (cont'd), KFA Archive
- Siskiyou County Econ Dev Council
- Siskiyou County: Econ Development Strategy
- Thakeray
- Toelle, Larry begun: 6/97 1997
- Aspen
- Juniper
- Brewers Spruce
- Juniper
- Juniper Sage-Schrub Habitat
- Obnoxious Weeds
- Pacific Yew
- Whitebark Pine
- Mistletoe
- Yreka Phlox
- Rare Plants
- [Port Orford Cedar]
- Animals: Dipper, Owls, Antelopes, Swainsons, Vole, Martin, Hawk, Birds
- Community Forestry
- Klam Trin Salmon Restoration
- Community-Based Conservation
- Citizens Forest Health In. +PSMFC
- Biomass
- Lakeview SYU Stewardship
- Stewardship Proposal BVLC, FY 2000 2000
- Certification
- NEPA + related
- NEPA: The Act -USFS Regs -CEQ Regs -Agencies w/ Expertise
- FOIA: Guidelines, TOE Species
- FOIA Law + Guides regs
- Salmon River Decision Memo re: pesticides [1980s]
- Quartz Valley Land Sale, 2003 BLM [2003]
- Herbicides
- Pesticide EIS Comments CIBA, KFA
- Port Orford Cedar (distribution + infection), 2/94 1994
- Granite Gopher Baiting
- Wolf Rule w/ Defenders 2003 2003
- Scott River G.B. 1999 1999
- Wildlife + Fish Value USFWS - State by State, etc.
- Watershed Analysis
- Roads! Economics
- Roads: Purchaser Credits
- Roads: R52477
- Roads: 10% Road + Trail Fund
- FS Roads + Roadless Policy (also Laws + Legal Issues by R. Webb) begun: 10/98 1998
- Erosion
- Silviculture
- Roads
- Roads: REO Direction re Roads in key watersheds
- Winter Logging
- Strychnine
- National Forests / Public Policy
- Salvage Rider Info
- BMP's
- Murrelet info
- Northwest Forest Plan
- Logging Rider
- Upper Klam Basin
- Developing Wetlands
- Forest monitoring Info
- 6 Rivers Monitoring Plan + Klamath
- Forestry - Silviculture
- Dombeck speeches ltrs. statements
- Health! Insects + Disease
- Health: Reforestation
- Roads - Karuk Tribe Road Decomm
- Visual Resource Management (USFS)
- Road Density
- Health: Prescribed Fire
- Recreation Fee Program
- Salvage Logging
- Klamath River
- For BOD
- Climate Change Wkshp 08 2008
- Climate Change
- [Native Forest Network Newsletter]
Box 52: KFA Archive (cont'd), April 2000: Hwy 3: Progressive Organizing and Conservation Biology Journals March 1993 – 12 – 1995
- Yurok Instream Flow Requirements - Klamath Project
- Riparian Reserves
- Health! Climate Change
- WIN (Watershed Improvement Needs) WIP (Watershed Improvement Program) USFS R.5
- Walker Cr Road (Oak Knoll RD), 1990 1990
- Upper Grand Ronde - Restoration Plan
- Taylor Creek (Salmon R RD) Watershed Improvement Pjct
- Training Programs -Sisk Co Eisenhower Grant, 95 1995
- S. Russian Creek, Pjct. FY 94 1994
- SRRC - NWEAI Props
- Road Decomissioning W'shop w/Pac WShed Assoc., 10/95 1995
- Monte Cr. Slide Stabilization (FY 95) KNF 1995
- Klamath Restoration Conf. (1997) 1997
- Funding for Rehab: -Salmon Stamp (Fishermen)
- Partnerships: Consultative Group on Bio-D Portland w'shop, 10/97 1997
- Partnerships: Lake Co OR
- No Cut (ONRC, NFC, etc)
- Western Forests: New York -New England
- Partnerships -Applegate Partnership
- Native Am: Issues + Orgs -sacred sites -cultural resources
- Lobby: DC General File
- Legislation: Smith Forest (Health) Bill
- Legislation: McKinny -Leach
- Legislation: Grazing -S. 1459 (95) 1995
- Legislation: Forest "Centers of Forest Bio-D" -concept -contacts
- Legislation: Bio-D Endangered Ecosystems (Bryant, Portland And, Noss. others)
- Legislation: General -short descriptions
- Lakeview SYU -1999 Review 1999
- Labor -Canadian, N. Ca (my letter), AFLCIO, etc
- Watershed Option -Oregon R. Council -Steve Evans
- Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project
- Redwoods to Rockies -A Wildlands Pjct.
- Railroad Land Grants
- Elk River Salmon Conservation, Preservation Prep Area Proposal (Oregon)
- Klamath Basin General Cam. File From: 1999 to: 12/31/00 1999-2000
- Klamath ERO - FY 99 Riots 1999
- Klam TF began: 1/99 end: 1999
- Legislation: Klam R. HR 2875/'00 HR S. 2882/'00 2000
- Pelican Butte Ski Area and Related Timber Sales
- Scott R. CRMP: Project Proposal + Ideas: 97,98,99 1997-1999
- Restoration Pjcts USFWS Administered, FY 99 1999
- Wise-Use Movement (until 1995) 1995
- High Ridge Lumber Co
- THP Comments (Historical)
- Siskiyou RCD 96-99 Siskiyou Resource Conservation District 1996-1999
- Flood Impacts Assessment
- Wildlife Refuges IPM Plan + Cmts
- Scott R. NRCS Wk. Grp. 1999 1999
- Compact Commission - Congressional Tour 8/99 1999
- Coalition Feb 98 meeting, Fall 98 meeting 1998
- Timber Sale Reports 1996 1996
- FWA - Outreach Committee
- Media: KWHO, Dick Bailey
Box 53: April 2000: Hwy 3: Progressive Organizing and Conservation Biology Journals March 1993 – 12 – 1995 (cont'd), April 2000: HWY 3 Public Education / Outreach / Sustainable Communities and Economies
- Trinity County Bio-R Group (problem w/control of NWEAI)
- Turnbull Pjct: Jane Turnbull on sustainable forestry
- Siskiyou County Schools
- Siskiyou Co Office of Ed -Participation in "Fly in the Freedom", 1996 1996
- [Loose Publications]
- Wetlands
- Western Issues; 1) Ctr. of the Am. W.
- Wildlife: Threats To, Living With
- WUM - Blue Ribbon Coalition "Support" List + Strategies
- Native Plants
- New Forestry / New Perspectives
- Jobs In The Woods
- Land Conservation: Private Pgms -Land Trust -Conservation Easements -Nature Conservancy, etc.
- Land Conservation: Public Pgms. -Conservation Reserve -Wetland Reserve -Siskiyou Co.
- Wise-Use Movement Workshop
- Wood use Reduction -Alternative Fiber
- Wise-Use / Anti-Environment Movement begin - 1/95 end -
- Voter Registration Voter Education Letter Write Guide
- Militia Movement -"False Patriots", SPLC, 1996 1996
- League of Conservation Voters -State + National Scorecards
- LOBBYING: Guides, Recess Meetings
- [Loose Pub]
- Booklists / Catalogues / Bibliographies Agriculture
- Ancient Forests: Articles + Reports
- Arbor Day by State
- Ancient Forests: Action Alerts and Letters, Brochures Postcards
- Ancient Forest Chronology
- Agriculture OR Farming
- Adopt-A-Watershed (USFS)
- Forest Health + Fire Issue - General, Blue Mtns, Tahoe Basin
- Forest Activist Tools (CHEC)
- Ca Legislature -And Leg Office Updates
- Boycotts: Boycott Quarterly
- Ca D.F.G: Report by legislative Analyst
- Booklists / Catalogues / Bibliographies Development
- Booklists / Catalogues / Bibliographies Environment
- Grazing - Beef
- Forest Issues Seminar @ Stanford
- Corporations -The Corporate Charter -Anti-environment PACs -Guide to Researching
- Cooperatives
- Congress: 1) LCV Scorecard 2) Campaign Contributions: Feinstein, DeFazio
- Conflict Resolution (Resource / Enviro. Conflicts)
- Clean Water Act -reauthorization effort -Clean Water Network
- Campaign Reform Ca -1996 "Swamped w/ Cash" EQG, 1996 1996
- Forestry - Alternative -articles + clips
- Fire: -Resistant landscaping - Causes, etc
- Environmental Movement (and Forest movement) -articles -polls + surveys
- Environment, state of decline, facts + figures Barry Commoner New Yorker Article
- Environmental Regulation Clinton Admin Reinvention of E Regs EPA, 96 1996
- Energy: Energy Plans + Transition to Clean Energy
- Endangered Species Act Ferret, Gray Wolf, Global warming, Audubon, M Murrelet
- Education materials; Old Growth, Watershed, John Muir's B'Day
- Ecosystem Management: 1) Chadwick (DW) Article, '94 1994
- Economics: Alt Wood Products Alt Forest Management (Rogue I + Inst for Sust Forestry)
- Economics + the Environment 1) WRI Pamphlet 2) MIT Studies 93-94 3) Other Articles 1993-1994
- Corporations - Railroad Lands
- Timber Facts: ASQ Supply / Demand / Overcutting (Ca) Productivity / Jobs, etc. Injury Rates
- Birds - lists etc
- Biodiversity Articles / Pamphlets
Box 54: April 2000: HWY 3 Public Education / Outreach / Sustainable Communities and Economies (cont'd), KFA Archive: April 2000-Hwy 3, Private Logging – Grazing
- [Loose Publications]
- Salvage Economics -Treasury -Co. Receipts
- Articles on ESA / HCP Issues
- Headwaters HCP - 1) L. Reid Cmts
- ESA: HCPs 1) history of by SCLDF 97 2) NW Forest HCP Problems, Dan Hall 97 1997
- Emergency + Exemption from THP / Forest Practice Rules (incl 1992 data)
- Timber Industry: -CHEC Citizen's Guide -History in the NW
- Hardwoods: 1) Wild Iris 2) FS Reports on Ca.
- Smartwood + Other Certification
- Data - Priv. Timber Cut - Ca Private 87-93 -THP type + acreage -Mendo Co rules -Cost + N. Ca. Co. Data
- Ca Licensed Foresters Assoc.
- Ca. Forest Products Comm.
- Winter Operations for Logging Scott River + other Siskiyou County
- Wildlife Protection : BOF CDF DFG
- Violations: -LTO / RPF regs -Darrah Issue, 95 1995
- TAC, WTA + Other Industry Groups
- Headwaters -Pacific Lumber / Maxxam
- HCP Conference (NWF)
- NCWQCB: Timber Harvest Issues
- Initiatives -ideas -other states -Ca. water Fish + Forests 98 1998
- Forest Legacy Pgm
- Forests Forever -also watershed council, incl ideas for next private for initiative
- BOF Rules: Archealogical + Historical Sites
- Ca. H.C.P. process / incl Jim DePree
- ESA -Regs -articles -Implementation by Clinton / Gore / Babbitt
- ESA - How to Prep Status Reviews (Bio-D legal Fund)
- Listing under ESA (incl. "GOD" Committee Review on DFA Delisting petition
- 4(d) ESA Rule + Ca HCPs
- HCPs / Oregon Salmon Plan, Ca Sups Agreement, Forests - Hall Paper
- BOF Rules: Exemptions + Salvage Conversion
- BOF: Prof. Foresters Registration (complaint procedures, etc.) (LTO's too)
- BOF Rules - Coho '94 1994
- B.O.F. Rules: Cumulative Impacts
- BOF: 1) Fire Safe Rules 2) Fuelbreaks 3) slash
- BOF Rules - Granitics
- BOF Rules - Hardwoods
- BOF Rules: Maximum Sustained Production
- BOF Rules: -Program EIR THP
- BOF Rules: Sensitive Watersheds
- BOF Rules - General -How to sue CDF, etc
- BOF Rules: Wildlife owls / Murrelet (Old Growth)
- BOF - Meeting Reports from Terry Terhwar (PCL / SC)
- [Loose Pub]
- Mining Reform
- Last Chance Mine
- Dredging: Siskiyou NF Stipulated Agreement -Guidance re mining in Riparian Reserves (USFS)
- Shasta River: F. Chinook ESA Petition 10/93 1993
- Summer Steelhead (Rogue River Study)
- WA, State of - Salmon Plans
- Pacific Fisheries Management C 1) Harvest Plans 2) Habitat Concerns 3) Essential Fish Habitat
- N.M.F.S.: Correspondence "to" and "from" [1999]
- GO7 Plus
Box 55: KFA: Boxed 2/04: Klam R / Fish / Salmon (cont'd), Nov 2002: Office Move Board minutes / Old Grants / KFA Reports
- Essential Fish Habitat
- ESA: Petitions, Status - Previews, non-NMFS Rpts, Correspondence, etc [1980s-1990s]
- ESA - Implementation -4(d) and exceptions - HCP (NMFS "No Take" Ca Forest Rules)
- ESA - Implementation - Five Co. Plan - Siskiyou Co MOU
- Delisting Movement - PLF Alsea, et al.
- Bioenhancement: Klamath Basin Pjcts + Proposals [1990s]
- Bioenhancement: articles + studies
- Articles + Studies
- Restoration: RFPs + Proposal Guidelines -TF -ERO - DFG
- Mediation under Judge Coffin 2001
- Legislation: Short-term ('01) 2001
- Legislation '01 for Settlement, etc
- Klamath Irrigation Pjct: 2001 Operations 2001
- Klamath ERO - FY 2000 + FY 2001 Projects 2000-2001
- Endangered Fisheries Appl. '02 Federation of Fly Fishermen 2002
- BOR - violation re Water users Assoc.
- Am Rivers / MER '02 2002
- Klamath Prjct. Operations, 2002 2002
- Felice Pace Board of Directors Annual Meeting 1pm Sunday, mar 11, 2000 Otter Bar Lodge Forks of Salmon 2000
- Felice KFA Board Meeting 9-19-00 2000
- Felice Pace Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors Meeting December 12, 2000 - Etna 2000
- Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors Annual Meeting August 24, 1999 / Oct 8th 1999
- Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors, Annual Meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2000 6:00 PM, Etna, CA Felice 2000
- Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Otter Bar Lodge March 12, 2000 2000
- Klamath Forest Alliance Winter Board Meeting December 14, 1999 1999
- Action Alerts 1998 1998
- Action Alerts / Post Cards / Ed. Sheets (River Outreach 99) 1999
- Action Alerts 1995/1996/1997 1995-1997
- Ads + Promotions
- Annual Rpt - 1996 1996
- [Annual reports / Newsletters]
- Annual Report 98-99 1998-1999
- Annual Reports
- Annual Report 1993 1993
- Annual Rpt - 1994 Finals 1994
- 1994 Reports: -"End of Summer" Rpt, 9/94 1994
- Brochures, Handouts, etc.
- Brochure - '94 '95 1994-1995
- KFA Report
- Organizational Desc.
- Press - Advertising Guidelines
- Publicity / Accomplishments (pre 2002) (2000-2002) 2000-2002
- Vanguard Public Foundation 1992
- True North - Joan Reiss - WaJEAI - Active #2
Box 56: Nov 2002: Office Move Board minutes / Old Grants / KFA Reports (cont'd), May 2003 Mixed Box
- Strong Foundation
- Needmor Fund Technical Assist. Grant
- Nat'l Rivers Coalition (Am Rivers - REI) 8-197
- Gifts in Kind
- CAFA Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Con (Modoc National Forest)
- W. Alton Jones Foundation
- Patagonia
- WA Jones 1997 1997
- W. Alton Jones F. Protection 98 1998
- California Wilderness Coalition 1999
- General Service Foundation
- Flintridge Foundation Active
- Klamath Business Council Project
- Botanical Interest Interpretive Signs / Brochure, etc NWEAI
- NWEAI Proposals - Joan Reiss NWEAI Review
- Tides Foundation
- Tides 1999 1999
- The Rockwood Fund
- Goldman Fund
- Foundation for Deep Ecology
- Foundation for Deep Ecology
- Rogue Institute for Ecology & Economy
- World Wildlife Fund
- Klamath Province Alliance (True North + Pew)
- Siskiyou Project - KSA 1999 from Packard 1999
- The Wilderness Society (FWA)
- Archive BOR FOIA - KPOP Development 1997-2000 1997-2000
- Work Plans 99-2000 1999-2000
- Publicity 2000 2000
- Internship - Summer Intensive (Sam's)
- Coalition for K-Basin Fund raising
- Coalition for the Klamath Basin begun: 10/00 end: 2000
- Klamath Press Clips begun: 1/02 end: 11/02 2000
Box 57: May 2003 Mixed Box (cont'd), Dam Relicensing – Pacific Corps, Klamath, Scott R TMDL + ITP
- CWA Columbia Plywood - Appeal to 9th C
- Klamath River - CWA Columbia Plywood
- Siskiyou RCD - Scott R. Watershed Council begun Fall 99 end: 1999
- Ancient Forest Proposal C. 1991 1991
- Publicity start: 2-99 end: 12-99 1999
- Publicity 1999 Press Clips
- Press Releases + Advisories 1999 1999
- Press Releases begun: 3/99 end: 1999
- W. Refuges - Current 2000-2002 2000-2002
- Wildlife Refuges Press Clips begun: 12/97 end: 11/02 1997-2002
- Klamath River Basin Cumulative File begun: 1/1/01 end: 11/02 2001-2002
- Scott River Road Decommissioning [1999]
- No Mans/Doggett-Bear Rds EA HCRD FY 2001 2001
- [Second Stage Consultation: Study Plans Draft 2001] 2001
- [Water Resources Draft Technical Report - Klamath Hydroelectric Project - 2003] 2003
- [Memo - Iron Gate Hatchery 2001] 2001
- TANGO / Stakeholders Process Agreements [2002-2003]
- Aquatics Work Group
- Consultation -ESA -EFH -NMFS 2007
- Draft license Ap - Cmts Agency Meeting [2003]
- FERC - Scoping for EIS KWUA / Power Subsidy [2005]
- FERC - Evaluating proposals / Alternatives [1991]
- First Stage Consultation -KFA Cmts - Other Cmts - PC Cmt Summary [2001]
Box 58: Dam Relicensing – Pacific Corps, Klamath, Scott R TMDL + ITP (cont'd)
- Fish Passage [2000s]
- FOR - Dam Removal Pjct [2003]
- FOR Public pressure Pjct. w/ Tribes / fishermen
- General File -contact lists -Notice of Intent -Maps -Clips [1990s-2000s]
- In-Stream Flow
- Intervention - in FERC Process [2004]
- Rafting Community [2003]
- Plenary start: 11/02 end 2002
- Scottish Power / PacifiCorp (Profile) [2004]
- Socio-Economics -Study Plan -Correspondence [2003]
- S-E Study Plan - Phase III [2003]
- Econ. Dev. - RCDD (Sisk Co) -Financing + Ass. Guide [2003]
- SE Study Plan: Baseline + Historical Impacts Issues [2003]
- S-E Study Plan 7.2 High level analysis of options [2003]
- Stakeholder Goals [2001]
- Water Quality Issues [2002]
- Yuroks: Terms/Cond. Recommends. [2006]
- FERC - Agency Cmts [2000s]
- FERC Comments - Tribes [2005]
- Dam Relicen. PaciFiCorps Study Plans 2001
- TMDL 2006 Challenge @ State Board 2006
- Coho AgITP DFG - 2006-7 2006-2007
Box 59: KFA Archive Files: News Clips: up to 1997
- KNF Forest Plan [1990s]
- Newsclips - Reg./Nat'l [1990s]
- Ancient Forests 1989-90 (Local) 1989-90
- Ancient Forests 1991 (Local) 1991
- Dimitre, Tom (Columns) + SDN Cancellation Issue Nov '91 - July '93 91-93
- Ancient Forests - Forest Conference 4/93 Portland, Or. 93
- Ancient Forests / OG / Owls Press Clips, articles (reg./nat'l) begun 11/89 end 1/94) 89-94
- California Forest Reform (initiatives/Sierra HCC Ord Board of Forestry/CPFFP) begun 1991 end 1/94 1991-1994
- Ancient Forests 1992 begun 1/92 end 1/94 (local) 1992-1994
- Fisheries (Salmon/Steelhead) (begun 10/93 - end 1/94) 93-94
- News Clips: Local begun 1/94 end 12/30/94 94
- News Clips - Local 1995
- Regional / National 1996
- The Environmental Movement Endangered Species Act - Anti-environmental movement (till 12/31/96) 96
- Local 1996
- News Clips 1996-1997
Box 60: Press Clips 1998-
- News Clips 1997
- Begin: 4/99 End: 8/99 1999
- Began: 4/98 End: 6/98 1998
- Began 1/98 End: 3/98 1998
- Began: 1/99 End: 4/99 1999
- Began: 6/98 End: 12/98 1998
Box 61: KFA Storage 11/02 Press Clips etc.
- Legal Notices
- Shotgun
- 2000 2000
- Press Clips 2000 2000
- Press Clips Begin: 12/99 End: 1999
- Press Clips Begun: 8/99 End: 11/99 1999
- Forest Movement begun: 4/98 end: 2/01 1998-2001
Box 62: Nov. 2002 Press Clips
- Press Clips 2002 2002
- Klamath River Basin Press Clips start: 5/97 end: 12/31/00 1997-2000
- S.F. Examiner
- Willow Creek Kourier
- Redding Record Searchlight
- The Oregonian
- S.F. Chronicle
- Sacramento Bee
- Pioneer Press
- S Siskiyou Newspapers
- Butte Valley Star
- K-Falls Herald & News
- Eureka Times Standard
- Modoc Record
- Redding Record Searchlight
- Originals
- For Meeting Binder
- 2001 Press Clips 2001
- Press Clips 2001 2001
- Klamath River Basin - Press Clips - Jan 2001-July 2001 2001
- Klamath River Basin Press Clips begun: 1/1/01 end: 12/31/01 2001
Box 63: Nov. 2002 Press Clips (cont'd)
- Paranoid Press - The Final Years
- Klamath Press Clips 2008
- Klamath River Press Clips 2009
- Klam Clips 2010
- Klamath Press Clips 2007
- Legislation: 2002 + Long Term, Thompson 2003 3/1/2002
- Sediment Analysis 1993
- Settlement: pre AID end: late '08, Klamath Settlement Group (KSG) 2008
- L.Klam + Trinity River Proposal, national Salmon Recovery Area [2000s]
- K.P.O.P.: long-term/EIS
- IFIM: Start: 99 end: 1999
- In Stream Flows - Yurok Claim incl Trihey + Balance Studies 1996
- In-Stream Flows File #1: historical info
- In-Stream Flows File #2: recent info
- In-Stream Flows File#3: Hardy I + II plus Critiques, Klam TF TWG
- In-Stream Flow - BOR "undepleted flow" study
- California: Strategy Issues
- Compact Commission General File beginning until:
- Articles About
- National Academy of Sci Nat'l Research Council Review of Sucker, Coho Sci 2001-2002
- Forest Practice Rules: Adequate to protect/restore sal? - Ca, CDF memo - NMFS on OR, 12/96 1996
- ESA: Steelhead incl. Ca State Recovery Plan
- ESA - NMFS Correspondence
- ESA: Coho Salmon
- Northcoast Watershed Assessment (Ca. Resources Agency)
- California: Salmonid Initiatives - MOU w/ NMFS
- AFS - Humboldt Ch: "Factors inc N.Ca Threatening Stocks" Higgins, etc.
- AFS - Oregon Chapter - "Status of Native Stocks Affected by Siskiyou NF LMP" 1989
- AFS - Pac. Salmon @ Cross-rds. 1991
- Wild + Scenic: CA FOR Ca Database Notes, etc.
Box 64: KFA Activist Files: Forest Public Land Management + Klamath R Press Clips, Old G. in CA/SPI Timber Theft/Pioneer Press Attacks
- [Pioneer Press Attacks KFA 90's]
- White Cloud 1998
- Timber Theft: FOIA 1997 1997
- Timber Theft: Croman Corp [1999]
- Timber Theft: SPI [1990s]
- Timber Theft: Croman Corp [1999]
- Timber Theft: SPI [1990s]
- Timber Theft: FOIA 1997 1997
- Yurok-Land / Co-manage Proposal 2004 2004
- Klamath Tribes - Proposed land for Water Deal, 2003 2003
- Klam Proj. - Operation, 2003 2003
- Coordination Group (5 Chairs)
- California Resources Agency - positions - ltrs. [2002]
- Cal-Klam Meet 11/04 Sac 2004
- BOF - BMP Assess Pjct [1990s]
- Whitler TS [2000s]
- Siskiyou Co: Groundwater Ordinance
- DOI / NAS Report '02 2002
- Klamath River Basin Press Clips start: 5/04 end: 12/04 2004
Box 65: KFA Activist Files: Forest Public Land Management + Klamath R Press Clips, Old G. in CA/SPI Timber Theft/Pioneer Press Attacks (cont'd), File A Drawer 1a
- Klamath River Basin Press Clips began: 11/02 end: 1/04 2002-2004
- Klamath River begun: 1/04 end: 5/04 2004
- Old Growth: Older Forest Late-successional in Ca by owner 2003 2003
- Forest Movement begun: 3/01 end: 6/04 2001-2004
- Canyon-Kelsey 2-02-257-Sis [2002-2003]
- Vision 20/20 + Green
- Trapt Haul Facilities Overview of Violations
- Forest Restoration Summit, Ashland, March 2003 2003
- Forest Restoration Policy
- Forestry / Community Forestry Restoration Forestry
- Native Grasses / Grasslands (non-toxic)
- Practitioners + Professionals Pacific Forest Trust - Jan 99 1999
- Restoration Assessment
- Thinning for Increased Water Yield
- USFWS: Private Land J-I-T-W Program Guidance
- Water for Wildlife "Wildlife Saloon"
- Private Business Efforts - OR Study
- Projects - Klamath R. Basin USFWS
- Prop. 13 Water Quality Program - 2001 Projects
- RFP's for rehab work -DFG -USFWS
- Rip-Rap + Alternatives
- Riparian and in-stream Restoration -Brechta + Kamf '99, -Frissell + Nawa '92
- Roads - Assessment / Treatment KNF - Salmon RRD
- Roads - Decomm. Impacts Redwood NP Study, 2001 2001
- Scott River: South and East Fork Road Sediment Reduction / JTW Proposal
- Scott River: Sub-Basin Plan Desired Future Condition
- Solar-Powered Stock Watering Systems
- Spring Chinook Recovery Plan Salmon River
- Wetlands Reserve Conservation reserve (USDA Conserv Pgms)
- Wetlands Conservation on Priv. Land Constructed / restored to improve H2O Quality
- Water Conservation Ag Practices
- Strategy for Watershed Rehab + Fish Restoration
- Lomakatsi Restoration Project
- Forest Restoration: 1) 2/01 "Summit" 2) Final "Citizens Call" 2001
- IFIM Instream Flow Incremental Methodology
- Stream Projects
- [SRF Field School on Watershed Assessment and Erosion Prevention 1994] 1994
- Ag. Efforts to help Fish; Rehab Watersheds
- Ag. Conservation payment Pgms -EQIP -CSP -CR, etc.
- Articles
- BMP monitoring NCWQCB
- Beaver: Use in Riparian Rehab
- Ca. Coastal Salmon I. -Projects Funded / Criteria, etc.
- Dredger Tailings - Restoration Feasibility Proposal, 1996 1996
- Etna City: 1) Park Stream Pjct 2002 2002
- Evaluation: Project + Program
- French Cr: Monitoring Impact of Rehab (V Star)
- Geomorphic Restoration of River 1) Rosgen 2) Bill Trash
- Habitat Typing
- Legislation: Federal HR 2798
- Legislation: Ca Salmon + Watershed Restoration
- Mattole "Elements" PRC "Paradigm"
- Model Projects - little Applegate
- Monitoring - Info. Management Proprietary // Public
- Native Species for Ecosystem Restoration
- NOAA Restoration Network
- NRCS - CA Salmon Rehab Initiative (RCD Issues)
- NMFS "Guidance for... Salmon Restoration" 1986 1986
- Practitioners - Watershed Restoration Orgs
- Prioritization: of Rehab Projects Course + Fine Assessments
- in-stream info
- Community Action Plan
Box 66: File A Drawer 1a (cont'd), File A Drawer 1b
- Misc Reading Etc
- Headwaters Journal
- Current Info Updates [Econews]
- FWG Minutes
- [KFA In the News 2002] 2002
- [13th Annual Forest Conf. Folder]
- Trees + Steelhead
- Siskiyou Project Sierra
- EcoNews
- Wild Humboldt / Eel River Sanctuary Forest
- EPIC + ONRC Mattole
- [Assorted Newsletters]
- Blue Mnt.
- Karuk Tribe / MKWC Steelhead
- [Columbia River Basin Fish Contaminant Survey 1996-1998] 1996-1998
- KS Wild Newsletters
- E-Defense / TWS ISC
- Headwaters
- [Loose]
- [Loose newsletters - mostly Econews]
- [Save Medicine Lake Bumper Stickers]
Box 67: File A Drawer 2a
- Salmon River Sub-Basin Plan
- Salmon River Restoration Plan + Projects
- Donahue Thin
- Dillon Creek
- Outside T.S. / Dillon
- Blue Creek
- Salvage Marking Guidelines KNF
- EA Analysis General Scoping (what to look for)
- Scoping Thinning Sales (What to look for)
- Option 9 - interpretation
- LSR Scoping
- LMPs
- Road Decommissioning Fish Creek
- Bluff Creek Decommissioning
- [Panther TS Map]
- PCT Great Scott
- Mill Luther Indian Creek Roads
- Horseshoe Ranch Wildlife Area
- Lower Scott Roads
- Projects Condrey Mountain 1999
- Wilder
- HAZEL Contract
- KNF - Projects Pre 08 2008
- Twice Helicopter
- Salmon River Knapweed EA
- KNF Goosenest Adaptive Mgmt. Area
- Whittler TS: Scott RD 2003 2003
- Whitler / Scott RD
- Dillon Creek
- Dillon Roadside
- Megram Hazard Tree Removal
- FIRE Megram
- Hackamore Monitor
- Ukonom Hazard Tree
- Happyman
- Ukonom LSR Hazard (Ten Bear)
- UK Salvage
- Old R. Projects KNF Windthrow Salvage Project
- Ukonom Hazard Tree Sales
- Hazard Sale Orleans
- Appeal KNF Forest Plan
- [loose]
- [Goosenest RD 2003] 2003
Box 68: File A Drawer 2b, File A Drawer 3a
- [Jack TS Loose]
- Jack 2003
- Jack Heli
- Jack Conventional
- Jack
- [Beaver - loose, Folder 1 of 5]
- [Beaver - loose, Folder 2 of 5]
- [Beaver - loose, Folder 3 of 5]
- [Beaver - loose, Folder 4 of 5]
- [Beaver - loose, Folder 5 of 5]
- EA Beaver
- Upper South Fork
- Monte Creek Duncan Deck
- Upper South Fork
- Powder, Edson, Eagle Ranch
- Knob Media / Tree Sits
- [Knob Timber Sale EA 2002]
- [Mt. Ashland Late-Successional Reserve Assessment]
- Knob
- Knob
- Meteor Stand Cards
- Meteor Litigation
- Meteor Extra
- Meteor Comments
- Jefferson
Box 69: File A Drawer 3a (cont'd), File A Drawer 3b
- Old News
- [Pot Cabbage EA]
- UK Special Use Permits
- Pot + Cabbage - UK
- Happy Thin
- Cuddihy Allotment
- Happy Thin
- Happy Thin
- Weaver -Xtra
- Weaver -Xtra
- Legal Notices 04 2004
- Conservation articles
- Happy Camp Road Decommissioning
- Canon TS
- Bald Elk / Hardrock
- Bald Elk
- Bald Elk
- LMIS - Red Cap 6 Rivers + Ukonom Klamath
- Steinacher Rd Karuk EA
- Ukonom Road Reconstruction / Decomm
- Monitoring + Evaluation Reports
- Journey FOIA Requests
- Uptown (Beaver) '02 2002
- Tamarack / Goosenest
- Pomeroy
- Grider Restoration Project
- Siskon Mine
- Yoakumville Road Analysis comments
- Stienacher
- Hazard Tree Letters
- Clear Creek Hazard
- Happy Camp Ranger District (SALES)
- ACS Implementation -Thompkins Creek ERFO Cattle Development
- Happy Camp - Roads
- Weaver
- Somes Butler Planning Area
- Weaver
- WEAVER PEAK Schnable Salvage
- Weaver Peak
- Weaver Peak Personal Notes
- WEAVER Comments + Appeals
- Weaver Peak
Box 70: File A Drawer 3b (cont'd), File A Drawer 4a
- Jefferson
- [Black Panther Fire Salvage]
- [Klamath Dams?]
- Ditch Veg Treat Modoc NF 3/02 2002
- [Aerial Photo Info Wildlands 2000 Shasta National Forest Field Copies] 2000
- Wildlands 2000 2000
- Salmon Riv. Plantation 06 Invasive Weeds / Herbicides 02
- Biosphere Reserves: UNESCO UNEP
- Roadless Areas
- Roadless Areas
- Big Wild
- Wildlands 2000 - CA. CWC
- Trinity Alps Wilderness Plan
- California -AAA
- Ancient Forests in WA + OR + CA -TWS, 1991 1991
- Nate's Klamath Notes
- Cal-Wild - Adopters Support Ltrs
- CalWild Campaign begun: 1/2000 end: 12/2000 2000
- CalWild -Wilderness for Salmon Bill for N. Ca
- CalWild -KNF Proposal 2001
- California Wilderness Coalition
- CA Wilderness Endorsements
- CalWild: begun 1/2001 end: 2001
- KNF / Rogue River NF Siskiyou / Russian / Trinity Additions Red Buttes
- [Marble Mtn. Wilderness Area Proposed Southern Additions]
- N. Ca.: Tahoe Pacific "Necklace"
- Siskiyou Wilderness Plan
- KNF D-Base (all except Geo) (physical constraints)
- KNF - Geomorphic D-Base Maps
- KNF: District Maps
- KNF: 1995 LMP 1995
- KNF - Fire 87, Hog, Histories, etc 1987
- Jack TS Map Packet
- KNF -LMP -1983 1983
- KNF -Roads Analysis w/ERFO sites, 1998 1998
- Roadless: KNF, 1000 ac EDC / Stritthold Methodology
Box 71: File A Drawer 4b
- KNF Transportation Maps - (Older - Use in Field)
- BLM - Redding RA
- Bioregions (except Klamath-Siskiyou)
- BLM - Medford RA -Cascade-Siskiyou EEA
- Catalogues
- Farmland - Ca Dept of Conser. (ordering)
- Fisheries / Salmon -Klamath Ocean Closure -Salmon Status
- Forests: -temperate rain -tropical rain -Mattole R (forest conversion -Mendocino -El Dorado Co.
- Klamath River Basin
- Klamath River -sub-basins
- Klamath Mountains Klamath Siskiyou Bioregion
- Land Allocations Klamath, 6 Rs, Shasta-T + Mendo. National Forests
- Mendocino NF: LRMP
- Modoc NF -Big Valley RD Maps
- Modoc NF - LRMP
- Northcoast - Hydrologic Units (NCWQCB / WRB)
- N. Ca S. Or Ancient Forests (TWS Map) (Rpt)
- Northwest - Physiographic Provinces
- OREGON -BLM Wilderness Review 1989 1989
- Ownership - Industrial Forest BLM, NF's -Siskiyou Co. -Scott Valley
- Provinces: Physiographic Bioregional Ecological 1) US 2) Ca 3) Klamath Mtns, etc
- Road Map - US by FSEEE, 2001 2001
- Scenic Byways (US)
- USGS Lists Catalogues + ordering info
- [Sims Fire Salvage Project 2005] 2005
- [Sims Fire Salvage Project File]
- [Proceedings on the Symposium on Wildland Fire 2000] 2000
Box 72: File A Drawer 5a
- Behavior of Fire -factors in
- Big Bar Fire '99 1999
- Big Bar Hazard Tree Removal
- Biscuit Fire S. Oregon 2002 2002
- Clear Creek LSR Timber Sale FY 2001 (aka "Recovery" 2001
- Big Bar Fire Suppression rehab Logging Scam, FOIAs 2000 2000
- Ecology - Studies + Publications
- Economic Issues (Inglesbee) Risk Reduction
- Fire Management Pln. (Draft 5/01) 2001
- Fire - Suppression Guidance + Assessments
- Fire Risk Reduction Communities at Risk
- Fire - Happy Camp Complex 9/01 2001
- Fire Safe - Trinity Co -Plan + Cmts
- Fire Stories
- Fire: Sierra Nevada
- Flame Retardants + Other Toxics
- Forest Health + Fire
- Fork Fire, KNF, Jan 2002 2002
- Forestry: Thinning - for Fire Risk Reduction - for stand "improvement"
- Fuel Reduction -using Funding to subsidize timber sales
- Fuelbreaks
- Fuel Models -Fuel / Fire Risk Assessment +/or Measurement Methods
- Klam. Mtns Fire Studies
- Klamath Mtns - Fire History + Fire Regimes, Taylor + Skinner -Fire Hist. + Std. dev / D. Fir / Hardwood, Wills + Stuart - Fire Intl or Landscape Process / Pattern, C. Carrol
- Logging to Reduce Fire Risk
- Logging Impacts on Fire Severity, etc
- Minimum Suppression Guidelines (KNF)
- Murry Taylor
- National Fire Pln + Cohesive Strategy 2001 2001
- Policy: Fire Risk Reduction -FS -W. Gov. Ass
- Policy: Wilderness / Backcountry (suppression / prescribed Fire + risk reduction)
- Policy - Fire Suppression
- Rehab - Post fire
- Salvage Logging after Fire
- Fire - Specimen Fire 94 SRRD / KNF 1994
- Western Governers Assoc -10 year plan -Recommendations
- For Use in Scoping Fire Salvage / Roadless
- Biological Diversity
- Biological Trends
- Carbon Sequestering
Box 73: File A Drawer 5a (cont'd), File A Drawer 5.b
- Core Reserves
- Corporations: -SEC Research
- Environmental "Terrorism" -legislation
- ESA - "Enlibre" and other State Implementation
- Farm Bill - 2001 -2002 including Klamath 2001-2002
- Genetic Engineering / Foods
- Globalization / WTO
- Globalization + Trade
- Global Warming -impacts on fish, wildlife -impacts on Forests, vegetation -impacts on humans, economy
- Grazing, Public Land
- Grazing Studies
- Grazing: Systems, Standards, Specialists
- Green Energy
- Gravel Mining
- Healthy Forest Initiative
- Herbicides / War on Weeds
- Human Rights
- Log Imports
- River Budget -FY '04 Am. Rivers 2004
- Rollbacks by Bush -NWFP -NSO / Murrelet
- Sacred Sites Sacred Earth Conf. Seattle, WA, April 20-22-2001 2001
- San Pedro River, AZ
- Proposed Siskiyou Wild Rivers National Monument
- Sprawl -cities -causes
- TMDL's / Non-Point Pollution (Ag + Timber)
- Trapping / Animal Damage Control
- Tree Sits
- Water + Forests
- Wilderness
- Work Safety
- Omaha
- [Tule Lake H2O Q]
- Shasta TMDL
- Media Contacts
- Hatchery Litigation
- [Fisheries SRRC]
- Non Profit
- Current PRA + FOIA
- Freemont Spray
- Attorney Agreements
- Klamath Flows
- Toxic Algae
- Klamath Refuges 2007 2007
- [Hatchery Press]
- Water Testing info
- [Pacificorp Lawsuit]
- [loose newsletters]
- DFG Comments (FERC, Oregon Water Resource)
- More Comments: KWUA (Sisk. County + Conservation Rpts. Yurok, PFMC, SWRCB
Box 74: File A Drawer 5.b (cont'd), File B Drawer 1b
- Pacificorp Addendum et al FERC Project No. 2082
- Jobs
- Needmor Fund
- SOPA 2006 2006
- Brainerd Foundation Proposal
- The Brainerd Found.
- Vanguard Public Foundation
- KFA Meetings Minutes Correspondence Financial Rpts. through 1997 1997
- Reports 1998 1998
- Lobby Rules + Guides for Non-Profits
- [Lobby Guide]
- Benefits for Staff - Adrienne's Health Ins. Research
- Retirement
- Retirement
- Health ins. staff
- Intern Packages 2001
- CEQA Guidelines
- Old Growth Definition
- Taylor - S+M species
- Survey + Manage
- Monitoring
- Allstate Insurance Policy
- Budget 2003-04 Revised Feb 04 2003-2004
- 05-06 Budget Notes
- Budget 2002-2003 + 2004-2005 2002-2005
- Census
- Bank Accounts
- Taxes
Box 75: File B Drawer 1b (cont'd), File B Drawer 2a, File B Drawer 2b
- Checking, 0/A 00-01 2000-2001
- Brian Vincent Legal Defense Fund (BV/A)
- P/A Scott Valley Plan Preservation Fund
- Emergency Budget
- Budget
- State Fund Comp. Ins.
- Completed Payroll Forms Employee Info
- Grant Tracking
- State - EDD
- Federal IRS - Payroll
- KFA Tax 2002-2003 Donna's Copy
- Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors Annual Meeting August 24, 1999 1999
- Blue Shield
- Payroll 2002 2002
- KFA Forms
- KFA Corporate Notebook (Office Copy)
- Califonria Coastkeeper Alliance
- KFA Corporate Notebook Copy 2
Box 76: File B Drawer 3b
- Aquatic Conservation Strategy
- BMP Monitoring
- Birds on the KNF Monitoring Data + Reports
- Botanical Areas
- Cave Management Plan
- Comments on LRMP
- Disturbance - indicators / measures (97 Storm data / other)
- Geology
- Goosenest AMA
- Hazard Trees
- Historical Timber Sale Charts
- Land Exchanges
- Noxious Weed Management
- PCT Plan / Management
- LRMP Consultation
- LSR Assessment - KNF, 1999 1999
- Mining
- Monitoring + Evaluation Reports
- NCWQCB - complaints correspond.
- Obnoxious Weeds
- OHV -trails (map) -winter -issues
- PAC Grazing Guidelines
- Roads - Level 1 Open to Use (also Level 2 Open Out of Season)
- Roads - Dillon Cr
- Roads: SRRD / KNF Year around + seasonal closure list / order
- Roads: Salmon River Road Reconstruction and Decomm.
- Roads: Westside Analysis 98 1998
- Road Management (incl decomm. accomplish)
- Roads / ERFO / KNF Post Lawsuit
- Road Maintenance Budget
- Road Inventory + Risk A -KNF 99 1999
- Road Report KFA
- Wilderness Recovery Siskiyou Crest Proposal
- Community Stability Soc. Am. Foresters, etc
- Conservation-Based Development
- Ecological Economics 1) C. Van Daalen articles
- Economic Theories about the Environment: articles
- Nat'l Forest Economics -RPA suit, etc -FOE, et al vs USFS
- Economic Transition 1) NW 2) Rural West (Power)
- Environmental / Economic Justice + Sustainability Initiatives: -NW -CA
- Experts and Resources
- Forest Communities -UC Berkeley -Forest Comm Research / Kusel -articles
- Forest Protection: Economic Value of Protected Forests (well managed)
- Gateway Communities (Cave J + Smith R Areas)
- Jobs-in-the-Woods (NWEAI) / KFA Reports
- J.I.T.W. - Worker Retraining NWFD
- Communities - isolated
- Expert Testimony
- Requesting Stays
- Standing Examples
- [Loose]
- Timber: Wood Alternatives
- Roadless Areas -TWS / HFC Rpts.
- De-Coupling
- Sustainable Development / Logging -Collins -O. Camp
- Restoration Economy and Reinvestment
Box 77: File B Drawer 3a
- Timber Sale Reports
- Clear Creek TS - LSR Salvage etc 2002 2002
- Monitoring + Evaluation Reports
- LRMP Cmts + Amendments
- Roads Analysis - FY '02 2002
- Wilderness Management
- Bald Eagle Treatments -03 Big Valley RD -04 Devils Garden 2003-2004
- Big Valley SYU Policy Statement + Objectives
- BVSYU - Herger and local Interference 2001-2002 2001-2002
- Blue Fire Recovery 2002
- Ditch II TS - FY 2002 2002
- Ditch TS: Goshawks + Old Growth
- Ditch TS: EA / BFs etc! + Comments (also Herger Interference) 2001
- Grazing Management -Maps -BA -Monitoring
- Modoc Noxious Weed Spray EIS
- Monitoring + Evaluation Reports
- Warner Mtn. Rangeland Project 2000
- Meteor
- Mtn A 07 2007
- Biscuit
- Horse Heli Scoping
- Horse-Heli EIS FY 2003 2003
- Timber Sale Reports
- Timber Sales: 5-Year Pln 98-02 10 yr pln 90-99
- Legal Notices
- Beaver (2001-02) 2001-2002
- Canyon TS + Canyon / Kelsey Underburns, FY 96, Scott River RD 1996
- Cherry Creek Rd -Reconstruct -other '98 1998
- Comet / Salmon River RD FY 2001 2001
- Elk Thin: Happy Camp RD FY 2003 2003
- Five Pts TS / Goosenest 2003 2003
- Knapweed -DN Fonst EA SRRD Pject. EA 99-2000 1999-2000
- Karuk Diet - Kari N.
- Knob TS / FY 2002 Salmon River RD 2002
- Meteor TS: Salmon RRD 2003 2003
- Noxious Weeds Knapweed -CWA Issue Correspondence / Notes: NCWQCB / KNF
- Noxious Weed EIS, 2002 2002
- Noxious Weed Consultation
- Taylor Fuel Reduction Salmon R RD 2002 2002
- Westpoint TS -Scott RD 2003 2003
- Yoakumbille Roads Pjct. Salmon River RD, KNF 2003
- Yreka Hazzard 2003 2003
- Decisions: Grazing Recreation, Restoration
- Decisions Roads + Restore
- Decisions Legal Notices - Timber and Veg Manage
- SOPA -E. Analysis
- Projects / EA-EIS Announcements begun: 5/02 end: 2002
- Timber Sale Reports 2000-2001 2000-2001
- Poker Timber Sale HC
- Road Work Projects Happy Camp
- Timber Sale Announcements start: 2001 end: 2001
- Bear Fire Recovery - HC
Box 78: File B Drawer 3a (cont'd), File B Drawer 4a
- ACS White Paper
- Access + Travel Management Guide
- Grider: 89-90 Affidavits - Ours
- Herbicides - Oregon, NCAP et al
- Go Road Decision
- Fuel Reduction For Comm Protection (Phase #1) FY 81 1981
- Knapweed / KNF 11/00 2000
- Knapweed - Salmon R. CIBA 2000
- Knob TS: KNF 2003 2003
- Megram Hazz (6RNF) 2000
- Road Repair - SRRD
- Monitor
- Medicine Lake
- Elk Creek Watershed Analysis
- Beaver TS KNF FY 03 2003
- CATS v. Dombeck QLG DFPZ's Herbicides / Maintenance
- Klamath Refuges KFA et al v. Babbitt Press CLIPS
- Clear Lake Reservoir -Langell V.ID v. Babbitt, 2000 2000
- COHO Ca. State Grange v. Evans (Coho Listing) 2002
- ESA -no surprises
- Kandra et al / TID, v. USA, Norton, et al
- FERC: Intervention Guide
- Kiewit - Nash Gravel Court Docs
- Kirby v. Sierra Club Siskiyou Co. Superior Court 2001
- Klamath Bio-Ops, 2002 2002
- Klamath Project: Water Users vs Patterson BOR (KFA, et al intervention) 1998
- Klamath River - FERC -Pacific Power Petition re Flows and intervention, 3/97 1997
- Klam. R. Flows, 2000 PCFFA, et al v. US BOR 2000
- Knob T.S. Beaver TS / KNF 2003 2003
- PCFFA III I+II also 2000-2001
- Salmon: Consultation Ca Demand Ltr (EJLD - Se) 2000 2000
- Salmon EPIC v. Andrea Tuttle
- Savage Rapids Dam (Coho) 1998 1998
- Steelhead ESA listing
- Takings: Klamath Water Users (Filed 2001) 2001
- TMDL's -17 N Coast Rvrs 1) our case 2) Farm Bureau Challenge
- TMDL - OR Intervention
- National Monument Designation Intervention by NRDC -challenge by Blue Ribbon Coal.
- Appropriations - FY 2001 2001
- Bureau of Reclamation Reclamation laws
- Clean Water Act
- FWOC Convention (2003) 2003
- Forest Trust
- Friends of the Rivers (esp claims re Klamath R.)
- International: (except forest) -IUCN -Earthaction
- REP America Republicans for Enviro Protection
- Forest Practices Act
- REO Guidance
- PAC Handbook
- Land Exchanges
- Appropriations Testimonies
- Timber Estimating
- Timber Theft
- CFRs
- Cultural Resources
- Contract Provisions
- Land Exchanges
- Appropriations: 2003 2003
- Appropriations 2002 2002
Box 79: File B Drawer 4b
- NRWCB Basin Plan
- SRWCB Basin Plan
- Policy: Ski Areas
- Stewardship Projects
- Wilderness / Wildlife Wild Rivers
- WUM Anti - E - Econ Soc -"A Team" -Base Model
- Budget
- Navigable Rivers
- Tabling on NF (Fed) land
- Stewardship Contracting
- Stewardship Pilot Pgm FY 99 1999
- Transport. Planning: Happy Camp RD - Travel and Access Strategy Map
- Transport Plan: N.F.K. Salmon 97 Draft 1997
- Transportation Planning K-Province Guide S+G's
- Regional TRAIL Plan
- Trails, Volunteer Work on (Sierra Club)
- Trail maintenance Standards
- Nat'l Trail System Act 1968 2) USFS Rec, Wild + Trail Rules (FSM)
- Assessments for Rural Areas -Community Well Being -Stability -Socio-Economic -Willapa -Flathead
- Agriculture -Klamath Mtns + Basin + Rural / Farm
- Jobs + the Environment -studies -NSO v. jobs -Value of Birding other E-activities
- Jobs-in-the-Woods Siskiyou Co Pjct. Other Counties Oregon - Reports
- Transport. Planning -UpsteamBoat A+T Plan (Umpqua NF) Fire Refugia
- Timber: Logging + Jobs 1) TWS Rpt, 1996, Ray Rasker 1996
- Cascade - Siskiyou Monument Ecological Emphasis Area -EIS 99-2000 1999-2000
- Horseshoe Ranch
- Horseshoe Ranch Amendment 2003 2003
- Land Exchanges Siskiyou County
- Public Lands Records
- Quartz Hill
- Redding RA RMP Amend Herger Interference
- Shasta Valley Wetlands
- SODA Mtn
- Soda Mtn Nat'l Monument -Designation Campaign
- Soda Mtn NM Horseshoe Ranch - Press Clips
- Soda Mtn Sign-Ons
- Soda Originals
- Timber Sale Reports
- Upper Klamath River (in Ca / Or)
- Activist Guide
- Agriculture and the Environment incl genetic alt + disease + fish farms
- Ancient Forest Hiking / Trail Guide for N. California
- Appropriations: FS + Federal
- Appropriations: Fed. Budget Process
- Biodiversity 1) Sprawl / Suburbs
- BOF + Private Forests
- Bush Admin
- Cal Wild Campaign
- Car Purchase Guide
- Civil Disobedience Guide
- Collaboration
- Congress - Field Tour Guide
- Conservation Bio. / Reserve Systems
- Consensus
- Corporations -Corporate Rule -History
- Dams: Impacts Relicensing
- The DRAFT -Co Counseling
- E-Shopping / Consumers -Shop for
- Ecosystem Management: 1) Citizen's Guide, Noss, 97 1997
- Economics w. Rural - Tom Power Excerpt
- Economics - Diversification
- Elections Fed Elec. Comm - Campaign Contrib Rpts
- "Enlibre" - WGA on ESA / CWA Implementation
- ESA - Extinction - Critters
- Endangered Species Act
Box 80: File B Drawer 5a
- Fire / Salvage / Forest Health
- Fire-Safe / Fire Plans Ca/US
- Food - healthy meat organics
- [Loose]
- Forests - Private Forest Reform in CA
- FOIA Language
- Fire Suppression (incl. Big Bar) (Smokey's Bag) Megram
- Fish - except Salmon seafood guides
- Forests
- Forest Restoration and Certification
- Forest Thinning for increased H2O
- Forest Monitoring Guides, etc
- Generation X
- Government Contacts
- Economics
- Grazing
- Grider Package Requests
- Hate - How to Fight
- High Country news - Index
- Indigenous Rights -water -land
- Klamath-Siskiyou Klamath Mtns.
- Land + Water Trusts
- KNF Timber Sales
- Areas of Critical Enviro Concern
- K-Basin Econ (TWS 2001) 2001
- K-Basin Originals (Old)
- K-Basin Originals New
- Klamath River also Salmon, Scott, Shasta
- Klamath Refuges
- Nutrient Pollution - Eutrophication
- Private Property - Rights + Responsibilities
- Progressive Organizing
- Rehab / Restore: Roads and Road Impacts
- Rehab / Restoration -Fish -Watershed
- Rehab / Restoration - Forest -Roy Keene
- Religion and Creation Care
- Riparian Function + Restoration
- River Etiquette
- Roadless Areas
- Road Decommissioning
- Road - Forest / ERFO Victory (KFA Roads Report)
- Rural Organizing / Base-Building
- Salmon + Steelhead
- Salmon: Spring Chinook Salmon R. Springers
- Salmon - Coho
- Scott River 1) Death of Lady / Jim D.
- Soil: "Think of Topsoil As"
- S.P.I.
- Stewardship
- Stream Care -Guide
- Sustainable Forestry -Coast Range Rpt.
- Takings
- Threats / Intimidation Handbook for Activists
- Timber Sales
- Timber Industry
- TMDL's
- Trade / Globalization -and poverty
- Voices of Democracy
- War on Weeds -KNF
- Water Issues - Water Saving Conserve -historical info showing BOR attitudes
- Water: -Groundwater -Econ Value
- Water Diversions + Dams -DFG Codes -Public Trust
- Water Quality: TMDL's -Non-Deg -High Q -What to do
- Watersheds / Watershed Planning
- Western Rural Issues
- Wetlands and Riparian
- Wetlands, constructed for CAFOs + other Ag
- Whistleblowers
- Wilderness for Salmon - Salmon for Wilderness
- Wilderness / Roadless
- Wildlife: 1) Fisher 2) Black Bear
- Wildlife Damage -deer damage
- Wildlife Refuges
- Wise-Use Movement + Other Anti-Environment
- WUM -Anti-E Movement + Responses
- Biodiversity
- Klamath-Siskiyou
- Public lands / Forests -NW + Ca -US
- Wilderness
- Message - Development + Delivery
- Polls + Focus Groups on Forest Issues + Environmental Issues
- County / Caltrans Spray
- Ca Pesticide Use
- Noxious Weeds
- Biological Control / CWA 04 2004
Box 81: File B Drawer 5b
- Historical File
- Basketweavers - impact of herbicides - off-site impacts
- Pesticides + Salmon -salmon -routes -schools
- Fact Sheets / Data Sheets
- J.H. Baxter
- Apple Maggot
- Cantara Spill
- Chemical Control
- Gypsy Moth
- Herbicides - Labels (from Knapweed) EA Files
- Health + Exposure -Atrazine Impact on Amphibians
- Pocket Gopher
- Wildlife Impacts -Sierra Frogs frm C.V. Herbicide Draft
- [Newsletters & Publications - Folder 1 of 5]
- [Newsletters & Publications - Folder 2 of 5]
- [Newsletters & Publications - Folder 3 of 5]
- [Newsletters & Publications - Folder 4 of 5]
- [Newsletters & Publications - Folder 5 of 5]
- Klamath River Studies for Grader 4-6
- KNF Flood of 97 Phase 1 Final rpt DeLa Fuente / Elder
- [loose publications]
- Klamath River Business Project
- KFA Board Policies Office Procedures Master Forms
- KFA - Reimbursements '07-08 2007-2008
- Contract Svs - All Other (not legal) 2005-2006
- C. Svs - Legal 2005-2006
- Communications 2005-2007
- Conservation Report 2005
- Etna Mini Storage
- Minutes (Donna has earlier)
- KFA Board Mtg - Annual 7/21/03 2003
- 501(c)3 Letter / Tax Status
Box 82: File C Drawer 1a (cont'd), File C Drawer 1b
- Bank Stmts. 2005-2006
- Credit Cards
- Internal Correspondance
- An. Report / Materials / Action Alerts
- Misc. Handouts, Letters, etc. 2000-2001
- Equipment Purchase 1995-1996
- Ohlunds 1991-1992
- 533.2 Monitoring Equipment 1996-1997
- 533.1 Computer Equipment 1996-1997
- Taxes - County
- Lawsuit - Jim McCarthy v. KFA
- [loose KFA]
- [KFA in the News 2001, Range: Water in the West] 2001
- Blank Tax Forms & Instructions
- State Fund 1992
- Credit 1998-1999
- Budget & Fin. Rpts. KFA 2000-2001 FY 2000-2001
- State Board of Equalization -Sales & Use Tax Return
- Staff Meeting Notes
- Grants '06-07 2006-2007
- Job Descriptions
- KFA Board Policies
- Blank Timesheets + Reimb. Forms, Grant Forms
- Litigation
- KFA Stationary
- Closed Grants FY 05-06 2005-2006
- Misc. Reimb.
- Financial Reports '05-'06 2005-2006
- Emails
- Bank Corr. + Such
- Grant Tracking Report '06-'07 2006-2007
- Community Program (Grant copies + other info)
- Capital Campaign
- Vi Cafferata Board of Directors Annual Meeting, 6pm Wed, June 27, 2001 KFA Office, 535 Main St, Etna 2001
- Vi Cafferata Board of Directors Annual Meeting,1pm Sunday, Mar 11, 2000 Otter Bar Lodge, Forks of Salmon 2000
Box 83: File C Drawer 1b (cont'd), File C Drawer 2
- Minutes 10/8/00 2000
- Vi KFA Board Meeting 9-19-00 Godfrey Ranch 2000
- Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors, Annual Meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2000 6pm, Etna, CA 2000
- Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Otter Bar Lodge March 12, 2000 2000
- Klamath Forest Alliance Winter Board Meeting December 14, 1999 1999
- Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors Annual Meeting August 24, 1999 1999
- Duplicate Minutes
- Reimbursements KFA 05-06 2005-2006
- Vi Cafferata Klamath Forest Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Etna - December 12, 2000 2000
- IRS - Intervention
- Legal '04-'05 2004-2005
- Grants '02-'04 2002-2004
- KFA Board Minutes 04-05 2004-2005
- [Public Review of 990 IRS Forms Appl. for tax exempt status]
- Minutes 2003-2004 2003-2004
- KFA Minutes 2002-2003 2002-2003
- KFA Minutes 2001-2002 2001-2002
- Agenda / Minutes KFA Board Meeting 12/10/01 Godfrey 2001
- Minutes KFA Board Godfrey 9-28-01 2001
- Financial Reports
- Reimbursement KFA '06-'07 2006-2007
- Del Norte Salamander
- Salamander Collection Permits
- Survey + Manage Salamanders
- S + Manage Del Norte
- Salamanders
- Eastside
- Siskiyou Summer
- GO Road
- Dillon Fire Rehab GO Road
- Rainbow Ridge
- Litigation Appeals
- E Ishi Pishi Road Restoration
- Hazel Project
- Sale Announcements
- 2005 Ongoing Projects 2005
- 6 Riv Projects pre 08
- Sims Lover-T
- Deadwood EA SR Lover T -04 2004
- Modoc Projects 2003 FOIA 2003
- Siskon, Iron, Higroad / Haz Tree Maps
- Lonesome Ridge fuel modif. Project
- Bluff Creek Rd
- Ridge Fire Reduction Project
- Lower Trinity Orleans Road
- Fish + BigFoot HT Swillup
Box 84: File C Drawer 2 (cont'd), Old Grants
- Deadwood TS Lower Trinity RD FY 2002 2002
- Shasta-T LRMP
- Sequoia N Mon Mng Pln
- Resource Committee Energy / Logging / Biomass
- Orleans - Salvage
- Sims Reforestation
- Fremont NF / Modoc Upper Basin / East Side
- Comments GN-KNF Modoc + Winema-Fremont Shasta-T Plumas
- Letters of Request / Letters
- Shasta Lake
- Land Exchange - SPI
- Directory: S.V. Buss.
- [Oregon's Ocean-going salmon]
- Quartz Valley Reservation (QVR)
- Visions of the Future (K~S Bioregion, KD Simon, 1999 1999
- CA Public Records Act
- Open Meeting Act (Ca)
- Rural Ass. Pgms
- Scenic Highways Cal Trans
- Slapp Suits
- Water Codes & Constitution: DFG + DWR
- NFPA Delegate
- Media - SDN -Misreporting re KFA
- Smith River RNA -Bill
- 26th Timber Sale
- Black Bear EA (Oregon) + Aerial Shooting
- Jenifer Altman Foundation Proposal
- ATR (A Territory Resource) Proposal
- Bank of America Foundation Proposal
- Beldon Fund Proposal
- Bullitt Foundation Proposal
- CAL. Wild Heritage Campaign
- Coalition for Human Dignity
- Columbia Foundation Proposal
- Common Council Acorn Fdn Proposal
- Common Council (ACORN, Abeland
- Compton Foundation Proposal
- Compton Foundation 1-98 1998
- Conservation Alliance
- Crystal Channel Foundation Proposal
- C / S FUND Proposal
- Geraldine Dodge Foundation Proposal
- Nathan Cummings Foundation Proposal
- Outreach / Education Workplan 2000-2001 2000-2001
- Originals
- Grant Tracking (current)
- Grant Tracking [multiple folders within folder]
- Fundraising Letters [multiple folders within folder]
- Fundraising [multiple folders within folder]
- Angelica Foundation
- Angela Lorenz
Box 85: Old Grants (cont'd), [Misc]
- Proposals - Forest [multiple folders within folder]
- 501 (c) 3 copies
- KFA INFO (IRS, board, staff, mission, etc)
- Resume's / Biographic Sketches
- Support Letters '94 1994
- COMET STUDY Slmn Rvr RD Klmth NF
- receipt Salmon WA
- NF Salmon WA
- Klamath River Basin Cumulative File begun: 11/02 end: 2002
- Coalition current
- Klamath River "Eyes + Ears" Reports
- Press Clips 2002-2003
- Publicity / Account 2003 2003
- Accomplishments 2003 2003
- [Loose single issue newsletters]
- [Loose]
- [unbound publications]
- [The Marble Mountain Monitor]
- [Inner Voice]
- [The New Settler Interview]
- [Loose newsletters]
- [Loose publications]
- [pcffa FRIDAY]
- [Ancient Forest News]
- [California Ancient Forest Activist]
- [The AFSEEE Activist]
- [The Storm Petrel]
- [Roots & Shoots]
- [Mt. Shasta area newsletters]
- [KFA in the News]
Box 86: [Misc] (cont'd), Random
- [Klamath National Forest: Potential Wilderness & Wild & Scenic Rivers]
- [Klamath River basin Natural Resource Directory]
- [KFA Newsletters]
- [Roadshow Information Sheets]
- [Megan's Siskiyou County Contacts]
- [CLC - Collaborative Learning Circle]
- [Ca Legacy Pjct - Resources Agcy N. Ca. Klamath W'shop - May 7-8, 2003] 2003
- Forest User Surveys 1997-1999 1997-1999
- [Taxable Sales in California 1985-Present 1985
- [Somes-Butler]
- [loose]
- [Newsletters / Newspapers]
- [Herbicides - loose]
Series: Photos/Slides (Boxes 87-93 - shoe box size)
This series includes photographs used in public education (posters and handouts, supplied to media folks, etc.) and to document forest and watershed conditions on the Klamath National Forest, other Northern California national forests, the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges, and in Klamath River Basin rivers and streams, especially the Scott River, including agricultural practices and conditions like dewatering and pollution of streams by cattle and agricultural return flows.
The series should be useful to those who want to understand how KFA activists sought to influence/change public opinion and to those who want to get an idea of forest, watershed, water quality, stream conditions, agricultural, other land use and economic conditions in the Klamath Mountains and Klamath River Basin from the late 1980s through the early years of the 21st Century.
Included are images of clearcuts, road failures, natural fire areas and the impacts of fire suppression on vegetation and national forest watersheds. The collection also includes photos showing agricultural activities, including irrigation, the impact of agriculture on stream conditions and water quality, and economic conditions in Siskiyou County.
Box 87
- Lobby Folder - Photos of Clearcuts [1990]
- Field Notes [1980s, 1990s]
- Photographs: Clearcuts Streams etc. [nd]
- Orlo Photo [nd]
- Salmon Streams (trashed + untrashed) [nd]
- Dillon [1990s]
- ERFO Suit Photo Sheets (copies) + Nawa Coarse Assessment 1997
- Clearview TS KNF 1996 [nd]
- Ag Impacts / Riparian [nd]
- Bear Creek (Marbles) E-side Og (e. Or) Siskiyou Wild. National Forest Regeneration [nd]
- Historical: - logging [nd]
- Land Sat -90 Klamath County 90
- Salmon River - Taylor TS, FY 96 96
- Smith River NRA [1990]
- Trinity River [N. Fork of Trinity Confluence w/ Mainstem] [nd]
- Granite Creek Old Growth, Marble Mtn Wild. 1990
- [Calendar & Brochure] [nd]
- [Notes on photo shoots] [nd]
- KSA - ECOS Field Outings 1999-2000 1999-2000
- Bumper Stickers [nd]
- Felice Pace - Mountain Guide
- Best Photo Archive - Salmon Issues [No Photos]
- Best Photo Archive - Salmon River
- Best Photo Archive - Klamath Refuges
- Best Photo Archive - FGS Logging
- Best Photo Archive - Wilderness
- Best Photo Archive - SPI Logging [No Photos]
- Best Photo Archive - Creeks and Streams (Beauty Shots)
- Best Photo Archive - Activism
- Best Photo Archive - Medicine Lake
- Best Photo Archive - Get Your Damn Cows Out of the Creek!
- Best Photo Archive - Flooding
- Best Photo Archive - In-Stream Work and Gravel Mining
- Best Photo Archive - Scott Valley Agriculture
- Best Photo Archive - Slides
- Best Photo Archive - Logging in Riparian Areas
- Best Photo Archive - Clearcuts
- Best Photo Archive - Salvage Logging
- Best Photo Archive - Fire [including Megram Fire]
- Best Photo Archive - In Da Field
- Best Photo Archive - KFA People and Friends
- Best Photo Archive - Meetings
- Best Photo Archive - Bad Roads
- [Best Photo Archive Overflow] - Klamath River, Cultural, Flowers, Mountains
Box 88
- Megram Fire aerial shots 7/18/2000
- Aerials Megram Fire Trinity Summitt Scott Valley - old Channels 7/18/2000
- Irrigation Ditch, Butte Valley, Moth, Winter views, Mt. Shasta 6/26/2000
- Klamath Refuges SPI Signs 7/24/2000
- 1) Megram Fire aerial views 2) Hoopa logging 7/18/2000
- W. Trinity Wilderness - Megram Fire Area Bear Wallow 7/1/2000
- Lower K NWR / Elk on Salmon R / KFA 99 Otter Bar Retreat 6/1/2000
- Lower Klamath River and mouth/estuary beach + ocean shots 8/3/2004
- Scott River: - pollution in river / Boulder Pk / Hobbit Tooth / failed Heli Landing (Cub TS) Canyon Cr., Open L 3/1/2002
- Tozier push up dam ShakelFor, Scott R - cow pollution 4/1/2000
- Still Sale version of the Aquatic Conservation Strategy 1997
- Scott Valley Wetland, Whisky THP Area 1997
- KFA Salamander Training Photos 2/98
- Dillon Blockade + Protest Photos [1997 or1998??]
- [unlabeled photos]
- 1) Glassups TS 2) CS Monument/Horseshoe Reh. 3) L. Klamath 4) Mouth of Klamath 7/1/2003
- Mouth of Klamath Estuary Pac Ocean - Dance Ground 7/1/2003
- [Loose photos and slides/photos in envelopes]
Box 89
- 1) Forest Restoration Summit 2) Fuel Reduction - Bear V. NWR + Orleans / Winter 2003 2003
- New Year 97 Storm Damage + "Emergency Work" E. Fk. Scott R. AP Cattle Ranch / Hooch Newton
- Spring 2000 CDF field trip (photos by Megan)
- Scott River in-stream alt.
- KFA Retreat / Cows Feedlot in Moffet Cr. / Slide in Isinglass / Salmon River / Klamath FIsh TF / Stinson Timb 3/1/2002
- Scott & Mth of Wooley Cr. Salmon River / KFA / Jake Departs for NZ / WInter 2002 Winter 2002
- Ishi Wilderness Drive In SPI Logging
- Klam Pjct / Lost River / Mt Shasta Trailhead - Whitney Mud Slide / Landscapes / May 02 5/2/2014
- K Falls / Wood Pine Restore / Stream monitoring dive Summer 99 1999
- KFA Meeting / Vi's House / Living Mem. Sculpture Gdn / Filling Channel Etna - Berryhill / May June '02 2002
- Spring Ski - Big Meadows / Private Fuel Redux Sniktaw Alder Cr / May 02 2002
- KFA - hosted + supported the Ca. Wild Heritage Campaign by Roy Slayton / Ground Truthing NW Cal. KFA Roy / Roadless Ca Wild Inventory
- [Loose, unlabeled]
Box 90
- Landslides on CC's Redwood Cr. / Scott River / push up dam / Iron Gate Dam
- Meeting in S. OR
- Scott R. Old Channels / Town of Etna / West Trinity Wilderness / Megram Fire (Bear Wallow)
- Irrigation / Butte Valley / Moth / Winter / Mt. Shasta
- Klamath River w/ Rafters / Ukonom / King Corr / Sugarloaf / Coast
- Sunset, Scott R. + Knappin w/ PT
- Mixed Logging / Irrigation, etc.
- Sac Valley Gravel Mine / Klamath Prov. PAC Monitoring Trip / Somes Fire 2000 / Scott R. @ Rt 3 w/ moss + 2000
- Potato Packers near K-Falls / Office Shots / Scott River / Valley / 12-01 2001
- Klamath Refuges // SPI Signs
- Upper Klamath Lake - Rare algae, cow pollution, Laver / Mt Shasta / April 02 2
- Big Bar Fire / New River 1999 1999
- Marbles Fires in 2000 / Clear Lake / Old Cedar / Cherry Cr Rd Reconstruct / Flowers 2000
- Megram Fire - aerial shots
- Herger Rally in Tulelake / Refuge Shots
- Megram Fire / Trinity Summit Virgin Creek / Scott V. aerials old channels / Wilderness
- Herger @ Tulelake / Birds in flight / Refuge + Fields / Spring '01 2001
- Scott River / Valley / Drought of 2001 / Summer 2002 2002
- Sacramento River / Cottonwood / Rotting Salmon / Fall 2000 2000
- Klamath Refuge w/ Dan / Gravel Ops - I-5
Box 91
- [unlabeled]
- Irrigation - Scott Valley March '01 2001
- Prescribed Fire / Scott Valley
- Scott River - Tozier Place Fencing July / Aug '01 2001
- Flight 8/30/01 K-Basin Encampment, K-Falls Vicinity, refuges, Shasta, Scott + Butte Valley, etc. 2001
- PT @ Ashland Conf / Klam Coalition Portland Press C / Shasta R @ Klamath / Flood Irr - Moffet Cr Elk Thin TS - Fire Risk Redux Orleans
- Scott Valley - Winter late 2002 + Etna Summit - Riparian Bulldozing - Sunsets - Ag Run-off (foam) - Salmon 2002
- A Canal Protests 2001 K-Basin Aerials etc 2001
- Rotary Screw / Fish Trap on Salmon R / Kayaks on Salmon R. / 2001 2001
- Marble Mtn Wilderness Summer 2000 Steinacker 87 + Hancock Fires '97 1987, 1997, 2000
- Spring 2001 Tule Lk + Lower K. NWRs // B + W 2001
- late June 2001 / Tulelake Area of Klam Project Irrigation / Fallow / Ditches / anti signs 2001
- Tulelake Area of Klam Project Irrigation / Fallow / Ditches / anti-signs
- Klam TF / Kiewit Nash Gravel appl. site + hearing / Open Level Road
- KFA Annual Meeting - Summer 99 1999
- Tozier Ranch H2O Quality + other problems / Heli Loggin Fall '99 / Congressional K Tour / Restore Wood Riv 1999
- Winter scenes + streams 2000 2000
- Lower KNWR + Pace Family
- Road Problems / Darlingtonia Bogs / Rock Fence Cr. Scott Mtns KNF - Checkerboard / May '02 2002
Box 92
- KFA People
- Grider Creek
- Orleans Fire Symposium
- Ancient Forest Conference
- Gopher Poisoning Field Trip - Salmon River 1998 1998
- In 'Da Field
- Meetings, Meetings, Meetings...
- Dillon Protest
- Soda Mtn Monument Protest
- Knappin' on the River Spring 1999 SRRC 1999
- Scott Valley Fish Faire CRMP Fish Committee Spring 99 1999
- Friends
- New Years '97 Flood 1997
- Tributaries
- Lower Trinity
- Upper Trinity
- Miscellaneous
- North Fork
- River Shots
- South Fork Salmon
- People on the River
- Sniktaw Creek 1999 1999
- Alder Creek 1999 1999
- S. Fork of Kelsey Creek 1999 1999
- Bear Mtn. Road Dillon Creek
- Steinecker Rd.
- Eddy BD T.S. 1997 1997
- Lovers Bar T.S. 1996 1996
- Heiney Shiltos T.S. 1997 1997
- Etna-Sawyers Bar Road New Years '97 Damage 1997
- Boulder Creek (ERFO)
- Windy Bar Heli-Landing 1989 1989
- Upper Scott R. (FGS)
- Cherry Creek
- Isenglass Heli T.S. 1996 1996
- Indian Creek (Salmon)
- Clearview T.S. 1996 1996
- Dillon Creek (ERFO)
- Thompkins Creek
- Canyon Creek (Canon T.S.)
- Middle Creek
- Little North Fork Salmon River
- Upper South Fork T.S.
- Salmon River Road
- Miscellaneous
- Unidentified
- Salmon River Fires
- 97 New Years Storm (Aerials) 1997
- [unlabeled]
- Socio-Economic Assessment
- Maps
- Negatives
- Etna Mountain
- Upper South Fork T.S.
- Snow Creek
- Horse Range Creek
- Grider Crk.
- Kelsey Creek
- Walker Creek
- Canyon Creek
- Thompkins Creek
- Kidder Creek
- KNF Landslides Debris Torrents
- Creek Mouths
- Etna Creek
- Through the Valley
- Bad Dams / Diversions
- Salmon Says; "Get Your Dam* Cows Out of the Creek!"
- Dry Patterson Crk. and Wet Ditch
- Dillon Creek
- Scott Valley Ag. (Aerials)
- Scott River Canyon
- Hurds Gulch
- Lack of Riparian Veg.
- New Years '97 Storm
- In-Stream Work
- S.V. Ditches
- Gravel Mining (Floodplain and In-Stream operation)
- Sugar Creek
- Moffet Creek
- Upper Scott
- French Creek
- Mill Creek 1997 1997
- Floods
- Forest Manage Practices
- Applegate / Illinois (Aerials)
- Mining
- Kosk Creek Pit River
- Industry
Box 93
- Klamath River Basin [album]
- Salvage Logging
- Olsen Road
- Walker Creek
- Dillon Creek
- Prescribed Fire Scott Bar Mtn. 1996 1996
- Specimen Fire
- Prescribed Fire Canyon Creek
- Bear and Dillon Fires 1994 1994
- Salmon River Fires
- 87 Fire 1996 (Crapo Creek) 1996
- Grider Creek
- Clear Fire
- Unidentified
- Miscellaneous
- China Creek (Salmon) 1991 1991
- Kangaroo RA.
- Damon Butte Salvage 1997 1997
- Cub TS Canyon Cr. Rider Sale Spring '99 1999
- Lovers Bar T.S.
- Clearview T.S. 1996 1996
- Canon T.S. 1996 1996
- Canyon Creek Upper Boulder T.S.
- Speciman T.S. 1997 1997
- Heiney Shiltos T.S. 1997 1997
- Isenglass Heli T.S. 1996 1996
- Baird T.S.
- Eddy BD T.S. 1997 1997
- Miscellaneous
- Above Jackson Lake Bingham Lake T.H.
- Upper South Fork T.S.
- Unidentified
- Unidentified Aerials
- Log Decks / Mills 1991 1991
- Unidentified Salmon River
- Logs on the Go
- Trinity River Drainage
- Scott Valley (FGS)
- Scott R. Canyon
- Goosenest R.D. -Private Logging -LSR (Arials)
- Clearcuts from Go Road
- Crapo Creek (Aerials)
- S. Fork of Kelsey Creek
- Kelsey Creek
- Dillon Creek
- Grider Creek
- Thompkins Crk.
- Johnson Creek Whiskey THP
- Taylor Creek LSR
- Ukonom Creek
- Upper Indian Creek KNF
- Beauty Shots
- Land
- Geothermal
- Grider Crk.
- Granite Creek 1991 1991
- Captain Jack's Stronghold (Upper Klamath Area)
- Upper Scott (Winter)
- Mt. Shasta
- Kelsey Creek
- Boulder Crk. (Scott)
- Canon Creek 1996 1996
- Upper Blue
- 6 Mile Trail
- Damon Butte 1997 1997
- S. Russian Creek
- Klamath River
- Paynes Lake Area
- Upper Klamath Basin
- Applegate / Illinois (Aerials)
- Upper South Fork T.S. 1998 1998
- Creek Mouths
- Canyon Creek
- Goosenest R.D. East Siskiyou Klamath Canyon
- Miscellaneous
- Unidentified
- Wilderness
- Clear Creek / Clearview T.S. 1996 1996
- Lower Klamath
- Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge
- Upper Basin Miscellaneous
- Refuges (Miscellaneous)
- Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
- Upper Basin Log Ponds
- Creek Mouths
- Walker Creek
- Roadless Areas
- Lost River
- Agriculture / Pollution
Series: Slides (Box 94)
This series includes transparency slides used in public education and to document forest, stream and watershed conditions and land use practices on both public and private land. There are slide shows included which were used by Felice Pace and others in presentations at conferences, at meetings and in other public presentations. Many of the images on the slides are also present as prints in the photo series above. Most of the slides are not part of slide shows but are organized topically, e.g. clearcuts, road problems, fire and salvage logging, etc.
- KNF 87 Fires (Grider N Fk Salmon) (2001 Clear Fire & Salvage) + salvage timber sales (TS), planned Grider Fire logging units 1994 Dillon Fire and Bear Salvage T.S., Orleans Fire Symposium (the 1st one), Fountain Fire near Burney
- Klamath Siskiyou Alliance Slide Show (4 boxes), assembled by Kelpie Wilson, emphasis on biodiversity, New Year Storm (1996-1997), photos mainly in Scott R. Basin by F. Pace, Grider Creek - 87 Fire & proposed salvage logging (1 box)
- Klamath National Forest Management (6 boxes), Private Forest Logging / Roads / Management, Fruit Growers Supply (1 box)
- Siskiyou County Economic Data (3 boxes), -Landsat Images & Space Shuttle Photos of NW Cal (2 boxes), -Maps, including Ancient Forest Proposal, Klamath Corridors, Audubon Old Growth mapping pjct. (3 boxes of maps), -KNF Road impacts & issues (2 boxes), (sheet with written descriptions of some slides)
- *Megram Fire, Big Bar Complex, 1999 includ. aerial views & on-the-ground walk by F. Pace, *KFA Slide Show covering forest management, fire & salvage logging, biodiversity, wildlife, salmon, Forest roads, water quality. Written outline of slide show is in this box.
- *Klamath Nat'l Forest: timber sales, 1997, *Jim Jontz, Indian Congressman & sponsor of Ancient FOrest Protection Act on Lover's Bar OG Timber Sale, *Winter Logging on KNF on Salmon R., *Goosenest RD, KNF, Baird TS, etc., *Medicine Lake & anti-geothermal energy development protest w/ Native Americans, *Beaver Creek: Public-Private checkerboard logging impacts, *O-G & LSR logging
- 1) Klamath R. & Upper Klamath Basin, 2) KFA staff, meeting, maps, 3) Siskiyou Co. Economy - graphs, 4) KNF Road Problems from 97 storms / Flood. Prep. for ERFO lawsuit w/ Danny Hagans, 5) Slides (landslides) & road problems on the Klamath National Forest, 6) Manual removal of Spotted Knapweed on Salmon R. with Salmon River Restoration Council, 7) Forest Service Management of the Klamath National Forest, 8) Roadless Areas and Old Growth, Klamath National Forest
- *Medford BLM, *Eastside Forest in Oregon & Idaho, *Oregon, *Shasta River, *Clearcuts from Trinity River Highway, *Mining, *Klamath River, *Klamath River Basin, *Maps & Charts, *Klamath Forest Alliance, *Flowers, Animals, Old Growth, etc.
- Klamath National Forest Management including: *clearcuts, landslides, road problems, regeneration problems, Flood of 1997, Fires of 1987
- 1) Felice Pace's National Forest Issues Slide show, 2) Scott River Basin & Problems including Moffet Cr. Sediment & flood / road damage on Patterson Creek, 3) Photos by Lori Hunter (probably): Pilot Rock, Salmon R. friends & meeting (Soda Mtn Wild C.?) photos of flowers
- *Klamath River Slide Show extra slides and guide to present, *Medicine Lake, * N. Sierra / S. Cascades / Lassen & Plumas NFs, * Modoc NF
- KFA Slide Show Presentation
- Guide to Landsat (and possibly space shuttle) images
Series: Unprocessed Digital, Audio and Video Media (4 boxes)