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Klamath Forest Alliance Collection - Selected Writings
" The Grider Creek Story: Biodiversity & Biological Corridors in the Klamath Mountains," Felice Pace, Wild Earth vol. 1 no. 1, Spring 1991.
" The Klamath Corridors: Preserving Biodiversity in the Klamath National Forest," Felice Pace in Landscape Linkages and Biodiversity, Defenders of Wildlife, Wendy Hudson (ed.), Island Press, 1991.
" New Perspectives on Conservation and Preservation in the Klamath-Siskiyou Region," Tim McKay and Felice Pace in Proceedings of the Symposium on Biodiversity of Northwestern California, Richard Harris, Don Erman and Hanna Kerner, editors, Wildland Resource Center, University of California, Report 29, December 1992.
" Smokey Needs A Brand New Bag: A Call to Reform Public Land Fire Suppression," Felice Pace, n.p., 2000.
"How the Pew Charitable Trust is Smothering the Grassroots Environmental Movement," Felice Pace. in Counterpunch on-line magazine. October 9-11, 2004.