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Metadata for Photograph Collections

Photo ID: unique identification number

  1. Collection: Name of the collection (e.g. HCC photos, Palmquist, Swanlund-Baker)
  2. Source: Source of item – what collection or donor it came from, if known. (e.g. SBF, Melendy, Genzoli, Tinkey)
  3. Format: Image, Map, or Document
  4. Photographer: Name of the original photographer, if known (e.g. A. W. Ericson, Seely Bros., R. J. Baker)
  5. Photographer’s Number: Number assigned by the original photographer, if any
  6. Date: Options
    1. No Date: blank
    2. Full Date: MM/DD/YYYY format
    3. Unsure of Year/ Circa: 1938?
    4. Unsure of Month & Day: ?/?/1938
    5. Certain of Decade: 1930’s
  7. Title Assigned by Author: Title given by the original photographer, if any.
  8. Publisher: For postcards, when the photographer is not the one reproducing the postcards.
  9. Alt Title: Title that is not by the original photographer.
    1. Unknown Contributor: [Title/?]
    2. Known Contributor: [Title/contributor’s initials](e.g. Palmquist = [Title/pp], Susie Baker Fountain = [Title/SBF])
    3. Cal Poly Humboldt Library: [Title] Usually created during processing
  10. Location: Where the item is physically kept. Depending on the collection this could mean a binder number or a folder name.
  11. Subjects: The Cal Poly Humboldt Library uses a “controlled vocabulary” list
  12. Names: Any persons identified by name in the image. May be noted in “Comments” or “Notes” fields.
  13. Region: This Regions Map was created to help researchers find things that are known to be about a certain region
  14. Notes: Comments written/printed/stamped on the item are transcribed with quote marks around them
  15. Comments: Additional information supplied by a researcher/cataloger that is not reflected in other fields.
  16. Notes on Verso: Any additional text written on the back is transcribed, using quote marks.