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Northwestern California Newspapers - The Northeast Humboldt Region

Map of the northeast Humboldt region

A brief newspaper-focused history

Timeline of Northeast Humboldt County newspapers

Newspapers in the Willow Creek to Somes Bar region of Northwestern California have been few and far between although historical coverage of the area was ably provided by the Blue Lake Advocate for many years. In addition, Howard Melendy, in his article on David E. Gordon, reminds us that Gordon's first experience in California was as founder and co-editor of the Trinity Journal in nearby Weaverville from 1856 to1870 when he moved to Eureka to continue his newspaper career.

Elliott speaks at length of the Sluice Box, published in 1856 in Orleans, although no copies of this paper have been located. Melendy identifies the Klamath News, but provides no dates (probably 1865-1866). The next paper he mentions is the Northern Record and Klamath County Advertiser, established in June 1870, with a later name of Klamath Courier, through 1872.

Finally, in 1967, shortly before the 1969 demise of the Blue Lake Advocate, the Klamity Kourier began publication in Willow Creek; in 1979 it changed its name to the Kourier, but ceased publication in 2006. The Six Rivers Post began in Willow Creek in 1997, but it continued only into its second year, ceasing in 1998. An editorial in the January 7, 1998 issue (probably the last issue?) notes the nature of the competition in the Willow Creek area: "During 1997, I felt like a journalist living and working in San Francisco in the early 1900s."

A Hoopa Tribal newspaper, variously called Hoopa PeopleHoopa Valley People, and Hoopa Valley Reporter, published from 1989 to 2008. It is one example of a tribal newspaper or, more commonly, newsletter, which several of the local tribes published. In 2008 Hoopa People changed its name to Two Rivers Tribune and became the primary regional newspaper.

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The Northwest California Newspapers Website is managed by Special Collections located in the Cal Poly Humboldt Library