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Photographers Who Worked in Northwest California, List 2
Additional images by photographers (or images of the photographer, or biographical information) from Northwest California, south central Oregon, and the Sierra Nevada Mountains for which there is either a print or a negative, but not both.
Women photographers are listed separately after the men photographers.
- Alford
- Altpeter and Anderson
- Altpeter, L.
- Anderson, H.
- Archer, Fred
- Art - Ray
- Baker, R.J.
- Barber, W.B.
- Barker, E.K.
- Bass, Thomas
- Bast, W.
- Behrendt, R.
- Beers and Benbow
- Bergeron, J.P.
- Bergeron and Gatliff
- Best Gallery
- Blakiston, Duncan
- Bliler, Harry
- Blum, Robert
- Boslaw, C.
- Bosworth, Jospehine
- Boysen, J.T.
- Brigundi, Philip
- Britt, Peter (Palmquist had these filled separately; they are the images used in Photographer of a Frontier; the photographs of Peter Britt, by Allen Clark Miller. PP worked on this Publication.)
- Bruton, Geo. D.
- Bunnell, S.U.
- Burgess, A.A.
- Canepa, P. M.
- Cardinal-Vincent
- Cary and Co.
- Chamley, Fred
- Churchill, Bion
- Churchman Bros.
- Chase, A.W.
- Chase, Edwin
- Cherry, Edgar
- Connell, Will
- Cook
- Cooke, Norman
- Coon, Floyd
- Couse-Baker, Robert
- Crippen, G.W.
- Curtis, Edward S. (one negative)
- Daggett
- Debuhr, Joseph
- D’estrella
- Deu Vaul, Bert
- Dickenson and Bell
- Dold, Lewis
- Donnel, James
- Dowe, Oscar
- Eastman, J.H.
- Ellis, John T.
- Ericson, A.W. (Palmquist had all A.W. Ericson material filed separately.About 700 negative/print pairs, and several binders of 8”x10” prints [from PP’s time as the University's photographer] are not yet processed and are not available for use. Many of the same images are available in the Humboldt Room or online or in other repositories and publications.)
- Ericson, Edgar
- Erickson, M.
- Eureka Photo and Art
- Fassold, Peter
- Ferndale Gallery
- Flaglor, A.P.
- Flanders and Tuttle
- Fong, Get Jr.
- Fowzer, George
- Frasher, Berton
- Freeman Art Company
- Frohlic, Herb
- Gatliff, B.
- Gatliff and Thompson
- Gear, Stewart
- Gilfillan, A.W.
- Gillard, Rudy
- Gleason, H.W.
- Grant, M.H.
- Gregor, A.
- Harris, Walt
- Hazeltine, L.S.
- Hazeltine, M.M.
- Heller, Louis (Palmquist had these filed separately.)
- Hemenway
- Hemingway and Holmes
- Hess, Guy
- Holmes, Alex
- Hough, Earl Berton
- Houston, H.
- Howe, C.W.
- Hulbert, Niel
- Humboldt Studio
- Jezler, Carl L.
- Johnson, Albert
- Johnson, Chas
- Johnson, C.W.J.
- Jones, Edward
- Keir, Walter
- Kemp, E.H.
- Keystone View Co.
- Kilburn, Kenny
- Kiem-TV
- Kim, Suck Choo
- Knight, Tom
- Korb, Vern
- Kusel
- Kuykendall
- Lange, Wm
- Lawrence, G.R.
- Laval, “Pops”
- Lincoln Co.
- Loomis, B.F.
- Lukens, Theodore
- Maire, Lewis
- Martin
- Martin, V. Covert
- Maseman, J.
- McCullagh, E.J.
- McMillan Bros.
- McMillan, W.J.
- Mead, A.L.
- Meddaugh, O.E.
- Meiser, Jesse
- Menefee
- Miller, C.R.
- Mills, C.H.
- McCloskey, J.J.
- McCurry Co.
- McMillan, J.W.
- Morton, L.B.
- Moulin
- Mullen
- Muybridge
- Nevills, J.J.
- New York Gallery
- Norcross, O.H.P
- Northwestern Pacific Postcards
- Otto’s Pharmacy
- Owings, J.J.
- Partridge, Roi
- Patterson
- Perrott, C.E.
- Petersson, Lowell
- Petitpierre, Aloei
- Pettengill Theatres
- Phegely, J.W.
- Phillips, Denver
- Photographers Association of California
- Pollock, J.T.
- Reynolds, E.M.
- Robinson, Frank D.
- The Rose Co.
- Schellenberg, M.O.
- Schuffler, C.M.
- Schumacker, Leo
- Seely, Elmo
- Seely Bros.
- Shaw, S.L.
- Shipley, J.W.
- Shuster, Merle
- Simmons, Jerry
- Smith, Gary D.
- Smith, W.H.
- Soracco, Frank
- Spesert
- Stanford Photo School
- Stringfield, A.M.
- Strong, N.B.
- Strong, Richmond W.
- Strong, W.K.
- Suhr
- Swain, G.R.
- Swanlund, Oscar
- Swanlund, Dave
- Swanlund, Sam
- Thompson
- Tibbitts, H.C.
- Toll, W.B.
- Tolles
- Toms, Jim
- Towne, Paul
- Tracy
- Tuttle, W.N.
- Tuttle and Johnson
- Unknown Humboldt County Photographers
- Vaissade, Ben
- Van Burkleo, Leroy
- Vansant, J.
- Vansant, W.P.
- Van Winkle
- Walter
- Wax, William
- Wells and son
- Welsh, J.O.
- Wilson, Doug
- Wilson, Noah
- Wulzen, A.H.
- Wunderlich Bros
- Young and Lother
- Zan
- Ayers, Lizzie
- Bowman, Ethel
- Cardoza, Abbie
- Carpenter, Grace
- Carpenter, Helen
- Clearwater
- Crippen, Abbie
- Cropley, Juliette
- Cruikshank, A.E.
- Easter, Cheryl
- Eureka Camera Club
- Freeman, Emma B. (Palmquist had these filed separately. Most of these images can be found in With Nature’s Children by Palmquist or in publications from Ms. Freeman’s lifetime.)
- Holmes, Edith
- Jenner, Michael
- Klostermann, Mrs. C.
- Land-Weber, Ellen
- La Nina
- Lynn, Dana
- Miller, Lorraine
- McGraw, Nellie
- Nicholson, Grace
- O’Connor, Mrs. D.L.
- Pharr, Mrs.
- Quick, Mrs.
- Roberts, Mrs. (Ruth)
- Seely, Dorothy
- Spain, Dar
- Spesert, Mary Jane