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Shuster Photograph Collection Finding Aid: Appendix A
The following is a list of titles transcribed directly from the Dated Photographs series.
10 window, Williams
B & G, 4th & E, A & T Distributors
Big 4 Musicians
Blakeslee Speiring model home, Arcata (Bloomington)
Boat Basin
Elk River Road, taken for Hificker
Eureka 20-30 Club
Eureka Plywood (union)
Grand March
Grand March, municipal auditorium
Hammond's (H)
Hammond's (union)
Hesser's, No-West Mutual Life
Humboldt & E Sts.
Kesler (Haugan's)
King Salmon
Lazio's salmon cutter
L. C. Russell
Lincoln school
Moffet field
Old Arcata Road
Old fire wagon
Oliver Harrison
S. F.
S. F. cable car
Speiring children
Thriftway, No-West Mutual Life
Trinidad Beach
Trucks (U. S. Tires)
1/2 mile s. of Benbow Hotel
4th St.
5th & F Sts.
5th St.
20-30 Club
Accident, 9th & F
Across the bay to Hammonds
Aetna office
Ambulance plane, G. L. Speiers, taken for Paul Fleming
Arrow Mill
Att. Matthews
Baker & Stanton trucks
Barkdull fire
Bay, foot of F
Beaulah Park
Bella Vista Court
Boat basin
Boat basin flood
Boats, fishing, Lazio Docks
Bra - Cut
Brown Bros. Adj.
Brown Bros. Adj., Bayside cutoff, Rogers garage, Old Arcata Road
Brown Bros., 5th & B intersection
Brown Bros., between Angelina Inn & Fernbridge on hi-way
Brown Bros., Big 4 Inn
Brown Bros., cement truck at Table Bluff garage
Brown Bros., Coke machine
Brown Bros., Egg [?] Point – past Trinidad, Trinidad garage
Brown Bros., hi way, car-garage lot
Brown Bros., Hoopa explosion
Brown Bros., intersection 14 & L, Eureka
Brown Bros., intersection on 299
Brown Bros., Lincoln School crosswalk
Brown Bros., log truck & state dump truck 3 min. north of Trinidad
Brown Bros., Loleta – hiway truck & car
Brown Bros., Loleta-truck, Fernbridge, Ferndale-car
Brown Bros., Manzanita & G Sts.
Brown Bros., McKinleyville
Brown Bros., Portuguese Hall, Arcata
Brown Bros., Rd. scenes near McKinleyville
Brown Bros., Rio Del Bridge
Brown Bros., road scenes on 299, cars at Bayside garage
Brown Bros., sidewalk in front of Walshes
Brown Bros., sidewalk on 3rd between E & F Sts.
Brown Bros., state truck – Eureka, log truck – Arcata
Brown Bros., truck – pick up & road scenes 4 1/2 miles north of Orick, Hudson
Brown Bros., Union & Hawthorne, cars in lot
Brown Brothers Adjustments, Greyhound Depot
Brown Brothers, Beck-Bengston
Brown Brothers, hi-way garage Albonico
Brown Brothers, Korbel Mill
Butler Valley Ranch
Car damage – employee of Mike Steffanini
Carol - shop
Carson house
Carson, yard
Cars – parade (fair) from top bldg.
Church, Catholic, roofers on steeple
Class re-union, Wayne Cave
Cracks in court house
Coast Pacific Lumbr. Co., progress on dock
Coast Pacific Mill
Copy – calling card
Corbin & Cail, K. B. McCarthy
Corbin & Cail, K. B. McCarthy contest winners on TV
Corbin & Cail, Tray at Stumphouse
Corbin & Cail, western chain saw
County court house (old), tearing down
Court house
Court house construction
Daly & Kress, construction after quake
Dock scene
Don – shop
Eagles Bldg.
Easter sunrise
Eel River – flooded valley, Loleta
Eel River near Shivley washout
Echardt, Sea View Manor
Elk River fire
Eureka east, panorama from top of shop
Eureka from Bra – Cut
Eureka Lumber Co. fire
Eureka, St. "E"
Fairhurst – Ft. Seward
Fernbridge, from Singley Rd.
Ferndale from Wildcat Road
Fifth Street from roof of Professional Bldg.
First Western Bank, 4th & G
"Fleetwood" – Sunnybrae
Fort Humboldt
Fran Matthews
Fred Barnett Co.
From blow hole
F St.
Gen. Adj. Bureau, Moose Hall stairs
Gen. Adj., road-truck-bicycle, Scotia
General Adj. bur., hi way, car-lot
General Adjustment (motorcycle-car), Redwood Acres
General Adjustment, sidewalk front of Eureka newspaper
General Adjustment, tractor
Graduation, Grace Fraser
Greyhound damage
Hammond's from roof top
Hammond's – logs, Orick
Hammond's Orick, cold deck
Henderson Center Motors
Hill & Hill, Clayton Rost, near Sunset Mem. Park on hi-way
Hill & Hill, C. O. Rost, court room blackboard
Hook & ladder
Hornbrooks inside
Hornbrooks - night
Inside Scotia burner
Jay Wilson
John Lo Buono office
KIEM – salesman meeting hi school
Klamath & Mad River Bridge flood
L. C. Russell
Learner Store, unfinished (from roof)
Leg injury, F. Mathews
L. H. Hodgson truck
Lo Buono advertising
Log pond
Malsbary M & G Co. Logging Conf. booth
Marine lumber sales, lumber pile
Mathews & Travence [?]
Mathews & Travence [?], blackboard
Mathews & Travers
Matthews – Travers – court blackboard
Meat, A. B. Smith
Me – cleaning skylight in plant
Me – shop
M & M Plywood
Musicians union, #333, Big Four Inn
Near Carson house
Nina Hanna Johannson
Nygard & Green
Ocean, Patrick's Point
Ocean scenes, Hawleywood Heights area
Ocean, Trinidad
Oregon forest products? Lot in Arcata near Barrel Factory
Orick flood
Pac telephone office, 6th & F, earthquake damage
Pac Tel & Tel., from top of Prof. Bldg.
Parade – log show
Party at Peters
Photo Spec. plant
Photo Spec. Shop lab
Photo Spec. test shots
Post Office, Eureka
P. S. S.
Redwood Acres Log. Conf. Gen. scene
Redwoods, Bull Creek
Richfield station, 4th & B
Roof top, 5th & F
Rose Bresee
Scenes around waterfront
Schuler Crusade
Scotia burner
Scotia Mill
Scout-o-rama cubs
Sheep, from Singley Road
Shop – after earthquake
Shop – night
Shop, street – from roof top
Shots from top of Professional Bldg., 5th & F Sts., Eureka
Snider Fish Co., under wharf
Speier logging
Speier pond
Speier truck
Speiring – extra
Speiring Homes Inc., home at 2488 Harbor View Ave., Humboldt Hill
Speiring – model home extras
Speiring Sunnybrae – tractors & graders at work
Standard Oil
St. Bernard's
St. Bernard's Church, from top of Professional Bldg.
St. Joseph Hosp.
Sunnybrae – Speiring
Top of shop
Top – Prof. Bldg.
Top – Prof. Bldg, pan-o-rama
Towards Holmes Eureka
Towards Trinidad
Trinidad Bay
Trinidad Beach
Trinidad Beach, Humboldt Hill – snow behind, snow on top of Arcata
Unloading logs into bay – foot of Del Norte St.
Walt's Steakhouse & Motel
West Coast Life
Westwood Market (extras)
Westwood Village - extra
1964 flood
1964 flood – across from Shivley
1964 flood – Dyerville
1064 flood – Hi-way 101, blue slide road, around Ferdale Way, still in use
1964 flood – Loleta Bottom
1964 flood – note log on roof
1964 flood – Paradise Motel
1964 flood – Pepperwood
1964 flood – Stafford
1964 flood – Weott
Art festival – Arcata mall
Bay scene, Bra Cut
Beach near Orick
Boat on beach, waterfront
Butler Valley Ranch
Carson house, 6th & J – just before tearing down
Carson house (Ingomar)
Carson house, Ingomar Club
Catamaran being towed in by Coast Guard
Class of 1943, EHS
Davis fir mill & log deck fire, Arcata
Fire 4th & F
Fire – Arcata Sound Lmbr. Co.
Flood shots
Flood shots – bridge, Mad River, near Butler Valley, on road to church camp?
Flood shots, Eureka to Benbow, 1 month after flood
Flood shots – Ferndale Bottom
Flood shots – McKinleyville
Flood shots – McKinleyville airport
Flood shots – Murray Field
Flood shots – Murray Field, Eureka, planes from, USS Bennington
Flood shots – rail cars just beyond Scotia
Graduation, E.H.S.
Helicopters, large army twin-rotor at Murray field
Henderson Center
HSC parade, homecoming
Humboldt Market, general view outside
Humboldt Market, outside
Luffenholz Beach
Merle in camera shop
Mulkey & Kovacoich, shot of plant
Murray field – crash landing
Murray field from freeway – marine helicopter
Nixon – Johnson visit
NWP recovery days – south fork
Ocean, Patrick's Pt.
Phillips Camera Shop, Arcata
Pine street fire
Planes, at Arcata airport during peak of cargo plane activity during flood
Planes – helicopters, during flood
Professional Bldg., top
Redwoods, Bull Creek Flat
Redwoods, extra
Scene on road to snow camp
Ships – Humb. Bay
So. Fork railroad opening
Speier Ranch
Speier Ranch, Butler Valley
Westwood Village
Worthen, Evelyn – wild flowers at Bridgeville
Carl & Leah McConnell
Fire pictures
General Hospital
Ingomar, outside w/o canopy
KVIQ Darkroom
Passport, Wally Fitzpatrick
Bridgeville – Kneeland Road, Rudy Renfer
Clausen, Allen's birthday (55)
Construction beginning Wabash & BDWY
Don Clausen with Kim Carol
Fish Lake
Ingomar, before trees were cut
Ingomar Club, night – Christmas lights
KVIQ, news team
Maple Creek – Korbel Road
Ocean scenes, Luffenholz Beach
KVIQ – Glenn Selig