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Susie Baker Fountain Papers - Fountain Family
P.O. BOX 568
printed 5/19/04
BLA (25 Sept. 1897) Willow Creek, Sept. 21--….Wm. Campbell of Lower Trinity will soon commence the erection of a new residence on the Campbell Ranch [Fountain Ranch at Salyer]
BLA (16 Feb. 1901) A Trip to Weaverville and Back--….[reports on mining activity] Vance's Bar is being drifted by Mr. Fountain, formerly of Requa, Del Norte County.
BLA (3 Aug. 1901) Willow Creek Whispers, July 30-Dr. Fountain, a San Francisco dentist, has been visiting here with his uncle, S. S. Eslick.
BLA (2 Nov. 1901) Willow Creek, Oct. 29-Dr. M.F. Fountain of Blue Lake came in last night and left for Hupa this morning.
BLA (9 Nov. 1901) Hupa Valley, Nov. 5-Dr. Fountain, dentist of Blue Lake, is stopping in Hupa. He is quite a welcome visitor to the valley and has been kept very busy since his arrival doing work principally for the employees and children of the Indian School.
BLA (16 Nov. 1901) Dr. M.F. Fountain returned Tuesday from a several weeks' stay at Willow Creek and Hoopa. He reports having done well in the dentistry line there. He was accompanied by W.H. Hemsted of Willow Creek, who came here to consult a physician in regard to one of his legs.
SBF (22 March 1902) M.F. Fountain, who is finishing up a course in dentistry in San Francisco Dental College, arrived in Blue Lake Thursday on a few days' visit to friends.
BLA (2 Aug. 1902) Mrs. Fountain and son of Fortuna arrived here on Monday to reside, Dr. Fountain having decided to remain here to practice dentistry.
BLA (13 Sept. 1902) Dr. M.F. Fountain and family moved Saturday into Louis Anderson's house on Knob Hill, while the latter and his wife are visiting their old home in Sweden.
BLA (27 Sept. 1902) Dr. D.T. Williams has sold his chair and other paraphernalia belonging to his dental parlor in Blue lake to Dr. M.F. Fountain and the latter moved this week into Dr. Williams' office in the Jones building.
BLA (29 Nov. 1902) Dr. M.F. Fountain will soon move his dental parlors into the Crawford Building on the Plaza, which place has been nicely arranged for that purpose.
BLA (6 Dec. 1902) The News from Hupa Valley-Dr. Fountain of Blue Lake was in Hupa the whole of the week before last, repairing our people's teeth. While here he purchased a blooded horse of Dr. Lindley and went out in better style than he came in.
(28 Nov. 1903) Dr. Fountain has bought the Wm. Merryman house now occupied by Rev. Case and family and will move into it at once. Rev. Case and family will move into the Macy house occupied by Dr. Fountain and family.
AU (24 May 1905) Dr. Fountain of Blue Lake was in Arcata Monday morning looking up his automobile, which has been undergoing repairs at the OK Machine Shop.
BLA (28 April 1906) [re earthquake] Landlord Robert Stock and wife of the Blue Lake Hotel were also made happy upon receiving the news that daughter, Miss May Stock, who is attending the University at Berkeley, is safe and sound. Not satisfied with the news, Mr. Stock and Dr. M.F. Fountain left in the latter's automobile Sunday morning for Willits, where they will take the train for Oakland and Berkeley. They wanted to view the doomed city of San Francisco and at last reports they, like many other Humboldters, were pressed to work clearing the debris south of Market Street….
Dr. J.S. Lindley of Hoopa returned to Blue Lake Thursday evening from San Francisco….While returning overland, Dr. Lindley near Scotia met Dr. M.F. Fountain and Robert Stock. The automobile of Dr. Fountain got disabled at Scotia and the two gentlemen secured a team there to proceed on their journey to Willits, where they will board the train for Oakland.
BLA (5 May 1906) Landlord Robert Stock of the Blue Lake Hotel and Dr. M.F. Fountain returned Tuesday from a ten days' visit to San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Santa Rosa and Livermore and other bay cities, which were greatly damaged by the recent earthquake. Miss May Stock, who was attending the State University at Berkeley and young Jean Fountain, who was with her aunt at Livermore, accompanied their fathers home….
BLA (12 June 1909 Dr. and Mrs. M.F. Fountain and son Eugene left Thursday in their auto for the central part of the state. They were accompanied as far as Capella by Mrs. A. Merryman, who will visit her sister there. The Doctor's family will meet relatives at Livermore and Nordhoff and may go as far as Los Angeles before their return, which they anticipate will be in about two weeks.
BLA (17 July 1909) Eugene Fountain, Ernest Stock and Earl Spencer went to Redwood Creek Friday in Dr. Fountain's auto. They will camp there for several weeks.
BLA (1 April 1911) Dr. M.F. Fountain of Blue Lake has purchased the Campbell Ranch from Wm. and James Campbell, containing 240 acres. The ranch is situated on the north bank of the Trinity River in Trinity County about eight miles from China Flat. It is an ideal place for fruit raising and the doctor intends to plant most of the tract in English walnuts, having found that walnuts will do well there and large crops can be produced and sold for good prices.
BLA (17 June 1911) Willow Creek, June 14-Dr. Fountain and son, Eugene, and Gus Perigot arrived Monday evening en route to the doctor's ranch and Perigot's mine in Trinity County….
BLA (24 June 1911) Dr. M.F. Fountain moved his wife and family to his Campbell Ranch on the Trinity River, where they will spend the summer months. His son Eugene will act as foreman of the ranch.
BLA (5 Aug. 1911) China Flat, Aug. 1-Harry Stock came up from Blue Lake on Monday's stage en route to the Campbell Ranch, where he will remain indefinitely looking after the ranch of his brother-in-law Dr. M.F. Fountain. Eugene Fountain and Ernest Stock, who have been stopping at the ranch for several weeks past, will return home this week.
BLA (3 Feb. 1912) Wholesale Planting of Nut Trees-Dr. M.F. Fountain received from Portland a consignment of 1000 walnut trees of the Franquette variety, which he will have hauled to his ranch on the lower Trinity, formerly known as the Campbell Ranch. He will plant them on a little knoll, which is situated in the center of his ranch and with proper care and culture, the trees are expected to begin bearing within five or six years.
Mr. Frank Drake, an experienced orchardist, will have charge of the trees and will plant them as soon as possible. It is an established fact that the lower Trinity section cannot be excelled for its fruit of all kinds and with proper care and irrigation a walnut grove there should do admirably well.
At Willow Creek, seven miles this side of Campbell's, Manager A.W. Symmes of the Brizard store has a number of walnut trees planted on his 40-acre ranch, which look as healthy and prolific as they could possibly be.
BLA (1 June 1912) Birth of son, May 26, 1912, in Blue Lake to Dr. and Mrs. M.F. Fountain.
AU (3 April 1913) Dr. M.F. Fountain of Blue Lake has made arrangements to locate in Arcata for the practice of his profession and has rented offices from Dr. G.W. McKennon on the upper floor of the Bank of Arcata. Dr. Fountain will use the front room as an operating room and both gentlemen will use the same waiting room. Dr. Fountain has secured a young dentist to take charge of his Blue Lake offices and will make his home permanently in Arcata. He expects to be moved and ready to receive patients inside of a week.
AU (15 May 1913) Dr. Fountain now has his dental offices on the upper floor of the Bank of Arcata building open and will be found in Arcata in the future. His family is spending some time at the Fountain ranch on Willow Creek [at Salyer] and will move to Arcata as soon as the doctor can secure residence. Miss Edna Oates has entered the employ of Dr. Fountain as office assistant.
BLA (14 March 1914) Hawkin's Bar, March 7 {Correspondence from "A Hiker"]….I found Dr. Fountain's place a busy one, with spring work in full blast.
BLA (28 March 1914) Burnt Ranch, March 24-Dr. M.F. Fountain is in our valley tonight on his return trip to the Sacramento Valley, where he bought some fine horses.
BLA (4 April 1914) Burnt Ranch, March 31-Dr. Fountain has bought two fine mules lately for his ranch, which he will use for hauling supplies. He also bought some horses. The doctor has some of the finest dairy stock on his ranch in the county. He expects to sell a number of fine cows in the near future.
AU (7 Jan. 1915) Engagement Announced-Last Thursday afternoon a large number of the young ladies of Blue Lake and Arcata gathered at the home of Miss Susie Baker for the ostensible purpose of tying a quilt intended, so it was said, for a church sale. But an air of mystery hung over the gathering, says the Advocate, which disappeared only when the company entered the dining room. For on each plate rested a red heart-shaped booklet containing the formal announcement of the engagement of Miss Susie H. Baker and Eugene F. Fountain of Arcata. The remainder of the evening was spent in showering best wishes and hearty congratulations upon the hostess.
The guests present were: Mrs. Lizzie Fletcher, Mrs. Harvey Hemphill, the Misses Grace Bloemer, Ruth Hotel, Marie Vaissade, Mary Foster, Maud Teal, Ivy Teal, Dulcie Greenwood, Nellie Baldwin, Lena Peron, Mamie McMillan and Laura Campbell.
AU (25 Feb. 1915) Fountain-Baker: Eugene Francis Fountain of Arcata and Miss Susie Helen Baker of Blue Lake were married at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Leon Baker on Greenwood Avenue, Blue Lake, on Thursday, February 18th at noon, Rev. Irwin officiating. A wedding breakfast was served following the ceremony and after a short trip, the young couple have taken up their residence in the Rosso cottage on 14th St. in Arcata, recently vacated by Miss Jennie Carr.
The groom is the son of Dr. M.F. Fountain of Arcata, where he acts as assistant to his father, and numbers many strong friends both here and in Blue Lake. His bride is a popular Blue Lake girl and has the honor of being the first student to receive a diploma from the Humboldt State Normal, graduating from that institution at Christmas 1914. The lady is also a graduate of the Nebraska State University and a Phi Beta Kappa.
The Union joins the many friends of the young couple in extending congratulations.
BLA (17 July 1915) Dr. Fountain Has Accident-Word has been received here that last week while Dr. and Mrs. M.F. Fountain and three young children of Arcata were traveling along the state highway near Sacramento en route to southern California in their automobile, a wheel collapsed upsetting the machine and hurling the occupants to the ground. Their four-year-old child, Evelyn, was the most severely hurt and was taken to a San Francisco hospital.
BLA (24 July 1915) Evelyn, the four-year-old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fountain who was injured in an auto accident at Sacramento is still in an Oakland hospital. She received a fracture of the skull behind the ear. For several days, her life was despaired of, but according to the latest letter, the little patient now has a chance for recovery. Miss Martin, who was badly bruised and skinned up, nursed the little girl until the worst was over and has since proceeded to her former home in Calistoga, where she was going on her vacation, having been granted an extension of time on account of the accident. Dr. Fountain as yet has made no plans for returning to Humboldt and undoubtedly will not until the child is able to be moved safely.
BLA (20 Nov. 1915) Willow Creek, Nov. 17-Garfield Paddock of the Fountain Ranch took down a drove of stock cattle last week and a load of fat hogs and returned with a band of fine dairy heifers.
SBF 84:120 (5 Aug. 1916) Dr. M.F. Fountain and family are again occupying their cottage in Blue Lake, having moved from Arcata a few days ago. The doctor still keeps his dental office in Arcata.
BLA (21 Oct. 1916) Dr. Eugene Fountain arrived here Sunday from San Francisco, where he is attending school for a few weeks visit with his wife, who has been visiting the past few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leon Baker.
BLA (2 Dec. 1916) Mrs. Eugene Fountain and baby boy left Wednesday on the Humboldt express for San Francisco where she will join her husband Dr. Eugene fountain.
BLA (3 Feb. 1917) Dr. M.F. Fountain of Arcata left on the Humboldt express yesterday (Friday) morning for Los Angeles, where he was summoned by the serious illness of his aged father, Joseph Fountain, who is making his home with his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Edgerton. Mr. Fountain is about 80 years of age and he has been ill for some little time past.
BLA (5 May 1917) The Late Jos. Fountain; The Well-Known Pioneer Passed Away at a Ripe Old Age; His Long Life was Among Pioneers; He Came to Oregon with His Parents in 1852 and to California in 1856-Was Well Known in this County-The following obituary of the late pioneer Joseph Fountain, father of Dr. M.F. Fountain of Arcata, who passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.L. Edgerton at Artesia, Los Angeles Co., on March 14 last, mention of which appeared in the Advocate in March, will be read with interest by the many friends of the late pioneer in this county. It is reproduced from the Artesia News.
"Joseph Fountain was born in Boone County, Missouri on December 18, 1839 and departed this life at Artesia on March 14, 1917. His long life was passed among pioneers. At the age of thirteen he made the long trip by wagon train with his parents, brothers and sisters from Missouri to Oregon, where he helped to develop the great Willamette valley.
"He attended the Willamette University with Joaquin Miller and was always a great lover of his poetry.
"At the age of 17, he started out for himself, came to California and afterwards became a pioneer of Idaho. In 1869 he married Marie Eslick, who passed away during the summer of 1895 while on a visit in Oregon.
"There were four children, three of whom are now living; a teacher, Sarah L. Smith in Fresno County schools, Matthew F., a doctor at Arcata, Humboldt County, and Elizabeth G. Edgerton, who, with loving care, was untiring in her efforts to soothe him in his final sickness.
"In 1876 he moved his family from Idaho to southern Oregon, just in time to prevent their being massacred by the Indians in the Nez Perce War.
"For a number of years, the deceased had interests in the mines of southern Oregon. In 1883 he moved to Del Norte County, Cal., where he was engaged in farming and lived until the death of his wife. Since that sad event in his life, he has lived with or near one or the other of his children.
"Seven years ago Mr. Fountain at the age of seventy, again became a pioneer, this time of the Palo Verde valley on the Colorado River and took a desert claim and cleared forty acres himself.
"In November, 1914, he came on a visit to his daughter and was resident of Artesia until the middle of the following summer, but then he went to Humboldt County and lived with his son until a year ago. Since then he has resided with his daughter, Mrs. Edgerton of this place.
"On Tuesday, January 23, he complained of not having slept well the night before and soon felt so ill that it was necessary to call a physician. His son and daughter were called and remained with him until he was seemingly better, but about the middle of February he started to fail and finally at a little after noon on Wednesday, March 14th, in the presence of his two daughters, Joseph Fountain's tired heart stopped.
"Friends and neighbors gathered at the home of his son-in-law, Prof. C.L. Edgerton, to pay their last sad respects to him at ten o'clock, March 16, and after the funeral conducted by Rev. T.H. Wilkinson, his remains were escorted to Rosedale for cremation.
"Joseph Fountain was the eldest son of Hon. Matthew Fountain of the Oregon legislature and was the second child of a family of thirteen, nine of whom are still living. they are: Mrs. Mary Eastman, Granville, Idaho; J. Delos and Lee Fountain of Oakland; Mrs. Lezzie Mansfield, Athena, Ore.; Mrs. Liza Harris, Weston, Ore; John and P.L. Fountain, Klamath Falls, Ore.; and K. Fountain, Idaho.
"The Fountain family is an old one in Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri and Oregon and contains many branches. Mrs. Gen. John A. Logan is a member of the family, being first cousin of the deceased. Wm. Fenton, General Superintendent of the S.P.R.R. Company in Oregon is also a cousin. He leaves three children, eleven grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
"He was of a noble character, having the best habits, was patient, never complained, always afraid of causing anyone trouble, industrious and enjoying work; a great lover of poetry and children."
AU (5 Sept. 1918) Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain have twin boys, 6 and 7 pounds.
AU (5 Feb. 1919) Dr. M.F. Fountain, who has been spending the past six months at his walnut ranch near Willow Creek for his health, has improved to such a degree that he expects to resume his dental practice on Monday….The doctor will be associated with his son Dr. Eugene Fountain and the dental offices in the old Bank of Arcata building have been entirely remodeled, making two operating rooms, one for each dentist and a joint mechanical laboratory.
AU (3 July 1919) Lad Killed by Fall from Tree-A fatal accident occurred at the ranch of Dr. M.F. Fountain on the South Fork of the Trinity River on Sunday afternoon, June 29th, when his ten-year-old son, Robert Joseph, fell from a tree, receiving injuries from which the young land died a few hours later.
Immediately after the accident, the boy was taken to Hoopa and Dr. Otto H.G. Rosenkranz gave him every attention but in spite of his efforts, he passed away at one o'clock on Monday morning. Word was sent to Dr. Fountain in Arcata, who immediately left for Hoopa, accompanied by a trained nurse, but the son had passed away an hour before his arrival.
Left to mourn their sudden bereavement are his parents, Dr. and Mrs. M.F. Fountain, a sister Grace and two brothers, Everett and Eugene.
Robert was born in Blue Lake on October 22nd 1908 and was 10 years 8 months and 8 days old. He attended the public schools of Arcata and was a favorite with both his little playmates and teachers as well. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the sorrowing parents and brothers and sisters.
The funeral was held from the family residence at 980 10th Street, Arcata, at 2 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. The pallbearers were: Francis Young, Samuel Todd, Donald Inskip, David Devlin, Charles DeLucca and Eldred Hogan.
AU (18 March 1920) Dr. Fountain Buys Home-The latter part of last week, Dr. Eugene F. Fountain purchased from Robert H. Bohmansson of Eureka the home on J Street just beyond 17th, just outside the city limits, at present occupied by the family of Prof. W.A. Beer. The lot is 139 by 161 feet and contains a seven-room cottage, barn and other buildings. The place is ideal for a home and is planted to a number of beautiful native trees and shrubs as well as fruit trees. Dr. Fountain has bought the place for a home and will take possession as soon as the present tenants find a suitable place to live. The new owner will make some improvements about the house after he moves in and expects to do considerable remodeling.
AU (1 April 1920) W.A. Beer and family moved to the Gaynor house on Monday, which was recently leased. Dr. Eugene Fountain, who recently purchased the Bohmansson house on J Street, also moved to his new home this week. The Charles Blakely house on H Street [was] vacated by Dr. Fountain….
BLA (15 May 1920) Born in Arcata May 9, 1920 to Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain, a daughter.
AU (2 Sept. 1920) Sad Ending of Esteemed Young Man-It is with deep sorrow that we chronicle the sad fact that on Wednesday evening of last week, Walter J. Baker, the 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Baker of Eureka, formerly of Blue lake, was found dead in a public park in San Francisco with a revolver at his side, indicating a suicide. The bereaved relatives state that they knew of no cause for the suicide other than possibly ill health, to which the officers of the Savings Union Bank and Trust Company of San Francisco, where the young man was employed as teller, attributed the act. Before leaving Eureka, young Baker was employed as clerk in the store of Baker & Crosby, the hardware merchants of which his father is a member.
Walter J. Baker was born at Lincoln, Nebraska on July 16, 1900, and when not quite 12, his family moved to Blue Lake, except his married sister and brother Mrs. Everett Frost and Lewis Baker. Mrs. Frost has sine moved to Los Angeles with her husband Walter graduated from the Blue Lake Grammar School in May 1913, when not yet 13 years old. While going to school here, the young man enjoyed working in the Advocate office, planning to become an editor some day. While in his senior year at the Arcata High School, he enlisted in the United States Navy on April 18, 1917 and served over three years, receiving his honorable discharge last September. His parents and friends here were proud of his numerous advancements, finally becoming a petty officer with the rank of Chief Yeoman. He had two gold chevrons on his sleeve for service overseas-at Inverness Scotland and Orkney Islands.
He visited his home in Eureka last Fourth of July, spending a week here and his heart-broken parents cherish the memory of his last vacation, when he appeared as cheerful as ever. His brother-in-law, Dr. Eugene Fountain of Arcata, visited him in San Francisco during the dental convention the first week in august and Orin Dewar, one o his Eureka friends, had dinner with him on August 24th. No one suspected he was other then usual then. His sad departure from this world will be greatly missed by his bereft relatives, all of whom have the deepest sympathy of the entire community in their sad hour of affliction.
The funeral services were held last Monday in San Francisco, where his body was cremated. His father and brother-in-law, Dr. Eugene Fountain, were in attendance from here.
AU (7 Oct. 1920) Building Improvements-The following improvements have been reported by the Northern Redwood Lumber Company, materials furnished from their Arcata branch yard….Dr. E.F. Fountain, remodeling, almost completed.
AU (18 Nov. 1920) Ernest Joseph, infant son of Dr. and Mrs. M.F. Fountain, died at the family home Friday of heart trouble. The child had been extremely delicate from birth and Mrs. Fountain recently returned from a trip to San Francisco, where a specialist was consulted. Deceased was born in Arcata on September 26, 1919 and was one year, one months and 17 days of age….The funeral was held from the home at 980 19th Street.
AU (3 March 1921) Doctors Fountain Install Modern Equipment-Drs. M.F. and Eugene Fountain, who have dental offices in the old Bank of Arcata building, believe in keeping at the front in matters pertaining to their profession and have recently installed an improved x-ray apparatus….
AU (9 June 1921) Dr. Eugene Fountain, who has been making an auto trip through the Yosemite Valley and southern California, is expected home in about a week.
AU (30 June 1921) Dr. Eugene Fountain and family went to Redwood Creek Saturday night camping, returning Sunday night.
AU (21 July 1921) Dr. and Mrs. M.F. Fountain and three children returned Tuesday evening from an auto tour to southern California, covering about 2400 miles and visiting Tijuana, Mexico for a short time. They were accompanied home by C.L Edgerton, a former resident here, who is now teaching near Los Angeles. Mr. Edgerton will remain in Arcata a few days and will continue his journey to Oregon, where he will visit for a time with his sister.
BLA (22 Oct. 1921) Son born Oct. 18 to Dr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Fountain.
AU (8 June 1922) Birth of a daughter June 2 to Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain [June].
BLA (13 Jan. 1923) Dr. M.F. Fountain, Garfield Paddock and L. James went to the former's ranch at Salyer, where they drove a band of 30 head of sheep from Berry's Ranch on Redwood. Paddock also had a mule and horse in tow from the Fountain Ranch, the mule to replace the one that got entangled in a rope recently and died on the ranch.
AU (14 June 1923) [photo] Well Known Dentist Passes-Dr. Matthew Francis Fountain, a highly esteemed resident of Humboldt County for a number of years past, died at a hospital in Eureka Saturday afternoon, following an operation for stomach trouble performed some ten days previous. The doctor had been a sufferer from this malady for a number of years past, and five and a half years ago had the first operation performed in San Francisco, which relieved his condition for several years….
Dr. Fountain was born in Grangeville, Idaho on February 8, 1873 and was 50 years, four months and one day of age. Indian troubles forced his parents to leave and they came to Oregon and later settled on the Klamath River near Requa at which time Dr. Fountain was about eleven years of age. When a young man about 18, he came to Humboldt County and worked at various occupations, at one time conducting a barbershop in Ferndale.
He afterwards decided to take up the profession of dentistry and took a course in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in San Francisco, practicing his profession there for several years. Returning to the county, he opened offices at Blue Lake, where he enjoyed a lucrative practice removing to Arcata some ten years ago, where he has since lived and practiced with his son Dr. Eugene Fountain. He purchased a home here on the corner of 10th and I streets and also owned a valuable ranch on the Trinity River, upon which he has spent considerable time.
He was married in Blue Lake in 1906 to Miss May Stocks and six children were born, Robert, Everett, Evelyn, Grace, Ernest and Bryce. The son Robert was killed by a fall from a tree some four years ago and Ernest has also since passed away. Besides a widow, he leaves a son by a former marriage Dr. Eugene Fountain and two sisters Mrs. Frank Smith of Fresno and Mrs. Grace Edgerton of Englewood, California. He had one brother, who was drowned some years ago. He was a member of Arcata Lodge No. 106, F.& A.M. and Arcata Camp No. 472, W.O.W.
The funeral was held from the First Presbyterian Church in Arcata Tuesday under the auspices of Arcata Lodge No. 106, F.&A.M., Rev. C.P. Hessel officiated and the pallbearers were Cliff McCready, William Lang, J.E. Merriam, George Averell, Ralph L. Oak and William Hamilton. The services were largely attended, many coming from Blue Lake, the Doctor's former home. The large circle of friends was also shown in the profusion of flowers.
AU (28 June 1923) Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain, Miss Evelyn Fountain, and Mrs. Frank Smith of Fresno left Arcata on Thursday by auto and Dr. and Mrs. Fountain returned Sunday evening. Mrs. Smith and Miss Fountain went on to Fresno, where the little miss will make her future home with her aunt.
AU (29 May 1924) Dr. Eugene Fountain, accompanied by Mrs. M.F. Fountain of Salyer, left for San Francisco Saturday, where the Doctor has been attending the State Dental Convention this week. Mrs. Fountain continued to Fresno, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Smith.
BLA (7 June 1924) From Trinity Valley and Vicinity, Salyer, June 4--….Crops in this valley seem to be doing well in spite of the hot spell. Quite an acreage is planted to vegetables such as corn, tomatoes, and melons. Among the ranches that will be able to supply the people in season are the Graham, Fountain and Henderson ranches, also at Hawkins Bar, peaches of the first quality are raised at the Waterman, Donahue and Darte ranches
AU (3 July 1924) Vacation Land Is Salyer-Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain and family and Leon Baker and daughter Marguerite spent Sunday at the Fountain Ranch.
AU (28 Aug. 1924) Dr. Fountain's Office Closed-The dental office of Dr. Eugene Fountain will be closed from September 25th to October 6th, inclusive, while Dr. Fountain is on a combined business and pleasure trip to Los Angeles.
AU (16 Oct. 1924) Mrs. M.F. Fountain and son Bryce and brother Harry Stocks returned to the Fountain Ranch at Salyer on the Trinity River, the lady having spent the past two weeks here. Mrs. Fountain reports a profitable season for fruit and states that a splendid crop of Franquette walnuts are about ready for harvesting. Last year more than a ton of nuts were sold and this amount will be considerably exceeded this season. The entire crop has been contracted for in advance at remunerative prices, most of it going to San Francisco produce houses, the remainder being marketed locally.
Mrs. Fountain expects to remain on the ranch for the winter and is offering her home in Arcata for sale, completely furnished. The lady has contributed some newsy notes to the Union this issue and has promised to send items regularly as they occur from Willow Creek and Salyer.
AU (5 Dec. 1929) Favorite Son Passes Thursday-A sad Thanksgiving at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain marked the passing of their young son, Leon, at one o'clock on Thursday. The end came after a long illness, during which time much hope was held out for his recovery and only a few weeks ago he was taken for a ride, so much had his condition improved. A sudden return of the malady, which affected his heart, brought the end swiftly.
Born in Arcata, eleven years and two months of age, the departed was loved and respected by a host of friends, both young and old. He was quite talented musically and together with his brothers and sisters, had appeared in public a number of times in a family orchestra, trained and directed by his father, himself a talented musician. The lad ranked high in his studies and was well liked by his fellow students, being in the sixth grade of the Arcata Elementary School.
Beside the stricken parents, there are left to mourn two brothers, Eugene and the twin brother Matthew, and two sisters, Dorothy and June.
Dr. Fountain was met at San Francisco by his father-in-law, Leon Baker of Arcadia, California and Christian Science services were held at Mt. Olivet Chapel, San Francisco, on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, followed by cremation. Dr. Fountain and Mr. Baker returned to Arcata Sunday, where Mr. Baker expects to remain until the end of the week, when he will return to his home in the south.
AU (8 Jan. 1932) Passing Of Leon Baker-Leon Baker, former resident of Eureka and Blue lake, died very suddenly at his home in Fontana, near Los Angeles, on Dec. 31st. He was born in 1858 and became a successful businessman in Lincoln, Nebraska, coming to Humboldt and settling in Blue Lake in 1912. His Nebraska business has since been managed by his sons. Associated with him in the Nebraska city was Allen Crosby, who came to Eureka in 1913 and entered into business with Mr. [Baker]. Mr. Baker retired from the firm a number of years ago and lived for a time in Blue Lake, going from there to southern California.
He is survived by his widow and four children. All of them reside in southern California excepting one daughter, Mrs. Eugene Fountain of Blue Lake. Mr. Baker's body was taken to his old home in Lincoln, Nebraska for interment. Mr. Baker had just moved to his new home at Fontana when the end came.
AU (15 June 1934) Eugene Fountain, son of Dr. and Mrs. E.F. Fountain of Blue Lake, heads the list of seniors at Arcata Union High School in the point of scholarship, having won a place on the honor roll during all 16 of the quarters of his high school course….
AU (3 March 1939) Local Youths Get Degrees at School-Eugene Baker Fountain of Blue Lake received his degree of Bachelor of Science in chemistry and David Bean of Arcata received his degree of Bachelor of Arts in the College of Letters and Science from the University of California recently.
SBF (8 Nov. 1943) Lieut. Jack Schmidt, pilot in Army Air Corps, arrived in Humboldt County recently and went to the St. Joseph hospital to see Mrs. Schmidt and their infant daughter Carol Sue, born Oct. 31.
AU (30 June 1944) Brice Fountain, formerly of Arcata, was killed June 6 in the Allied invasion of Normandy, according to word received by his half brother, Dr. Eugene Fountain of Arcata. He was a paratrooper in the Army and had served overseas for six months.
Paratrooper Fountain was born in Arcata 22 years ago and was the son of the late Dr. Matthew and Mrs. Fountain. He was a graduate of Eureka High School, where he was an outstanding football player.
Other surviving relatives are his sisters Mrs. Arthur Azevedo of San Francisco, Mrs. Charles Overman of Ukiah and a brother, Everett Fountain of Salyer, and a cousin Mrs. Mary Berry of Eureka, with whom he made his home while attending high school.
AU (14 July 1944) Lt. Jack Schmidt Killed in Crash-Lieut. Jack Schmidt was killed Wednesday afternoon when a heavy bomber and fighter plane collided in mid-air near the Sioux City Army Air Base, Iowa. The crash killed seven others.
Mrs. Schmidt, the former Dorothy Fountain, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain, Blue Lake, was in Sioux City visiting her husband. Their infant daughter, Carol Sue, is in Blue Lake with her grandparents. Lieut. Schmidt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmidt of Blue Lake. He graduated from the Blue Lake Grammar School, Arcata Union High School, and attended Humboldt State College. He was a pilot and captain of a heavy bomber.
AU (8 June 1945) Two-Year-Old Boy Taken by Death-Bryce Gary Fountain, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fountain of Salyer, died in a Eureka hospital Sunday evening after a two weeks illness.
Surviving beside his parents are his brother and sister, William M. and Colleen G. Fountain of Salyer; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Johnson of Hoopa; uncle, Dr. Eugene Fountain of Arcata, and other relatives.
AU (5 April 1946) The home of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain of Blue Lake was the setting last Friday evening for the marriage of their daughter Dorothy Fountain Schmidt and Albert Merle Holsinger. Rites were performed by Rev. Elmer Holsinger, father of the bridegroom, the couple using the double ring ceremony. Attendants were Mrs. Ward Falor and Rev. Kenneth Holsinger.
The new Mrs. Holsinger is a graduate of Humboldt State College and teaches kindergarten classes in the Franklin and Jefferson schools in Eureka. Holsinger, whose parents are Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Holsinger of Blue Lake, was recently released from the Army Air Corps after action in the China and Indian theaters….
BLA (25 Sept. 1948) Everett Fountain of Salyer and two children, Billy and Colleen, returned from a recent trip to Fresno County, where they visited Mrs. Fountain at the Sanitarium.. On their trip home, they attended the California State Fair in Sacramento and Fountain took care of school business in interest of the Salyer and Willow Creek schools.
Earlier in the summer, Mrs. Fountain and parents Mr. and Mrs. William D. Johnson and nephew Joseph Lemiux of Hoopa, together visited Bear Lake Resort in the Sierra Mountain, where they watched surf-boarding on the lake. Mrs. Fountain is the past editor of the sanatorium magazine "The Broadcaster" and is now devoting her time to school studies.
BLA (27 Nov. 1948) Weaverville, Nov. 20--….Everett Fountain held a turkey shoot at Ironside Inn Sunday with over 90 people attending. There were over 28 turkeys to shoot for and to be given away. Alfred Bussell was high with five.
BLA (1 Jan. 1949) Everett Fountain and two children, Billie and Colleen, of Salyer spent Christmas visiting Mrs. Fountain who is confined to a sanitarium near Fresno. They were accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Fountain's parents and her grandmother Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Johnson and Mrs. Earl Saunders, all of Hoopa. Everett reported his wife much improved and said she would probably be able to come home to stay next summer. A total of 15 inches of snow fell on the Fountain Ranch while the family was away.
BLA (10 Sept. 1949) Everett Fountain of Salyer moved this week to Auberry near Fresno, where he accepted a position as a tractor driver. His children will attend school there. His wife has been under treatment at a sanitarium in Fresno for several years and the move is made to allow the family to be near her. The Fountain Ranch has been leased to Mr. Tompkins of Bridgeville area.
BLA (17 Sept. 1949) Fountains Return from Trip East [Susie and Eugene]
BLA (9 Dec. 1950) Miss June Fountain Reveals Engagement-Miss June Fountain, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain of Blue Lake and kindergarten teacher in an Oakland school, recently passed the candy to the other teachers, announcing her engagement to Bart Berger of Berkeley. Miss Fountain is a graduate of Humboldt State College and is well known in this vicinity.
Berger is employed as a civil engineer in San Francisco by the State Highway Department. He is a graduate of the University of California and is a member of the Chi Epsilon and Tau Beta honorary engineering fraternities. During World War II, Berger served as a pilot of reconnaissance, flying over Germany.
BLA (8 Feb. 1951) June Fountain Blue Lake Girl Wed in Berkeley-June Elizabeth Fountain became the bride of Augustus Bart Berger on Saturday, Feb. 3, in St. Joseph Catholic Church in Berkeley. The ceremony took place at one o'clock and was followed by a reception held at the Berkeley home of the Eugene Fountains. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Dr. Eugene Fountain of Blue Lake. With her dress of white faille, she wore a finger tip veil and carried a bouquet of white carnations and hyacinths. Zorka Stemberger of Millbrae was the bride's attendant. Matthew Fountain was best man. The bride, who attended Blue Lake Grammar School, Arcata High School, and graduate from Humboldt State College, was a kindergarten teacher in the Emerson School in Oakland.
The benedict, son of Mrs. Augustus Berger of Berkeley, is an alumnus of the University of California. He was a pilot in the last war and is now a civil engineer with the State Highway Department.
The newly-weds left on a motor trip to the south after which they will live in their own home at 780 Ensenada Avenue, Berkeley. The bride is the sister of Eugene Fountain of Berkeley, Mrs. A. Holsinger of Merced and of Matthew Fountain of Vallejo.
BLA (15 Feb. 1951) Burnt Ranch-Everett Fountain, former Salyer residents, is visiting old friends in Salyer and Burnt Ranch. He is now a resident of Auberry, Fresno County, where he has been working for the last year and a half on the big diversion dam on the American River near Auberry….
Fountain had come up to take his father-in-law, Bill Johnson, of Hoopa to the University of California hospital in San Francisco for a complete examination as to the cause of a severe illness, which has disabled him. Johnson is well known in the lower Trinity area, where he has been constable of the Klamath district for a number of years. He recently resigned that post because of his illness.
Mrs. Fountain is still a patient in a sanitarium near Auberry but is improving so nicely that she expects to come to her parents' home in Hoopa this summer. The two children, Bill and Colleen, are doing nicely in a fine new school. Billie plays in the school band.
BLA (8 March 1951) Hoopa-Everett Fountain's children, Colleen and Billy, moved back here from Fresno recently.
BLA (13 Sept. 1951) Burnt Ranch-Everett Fountain and two children, Billy and Colleen, were visiting old friends here. They are now residing with the Bill Johnson family in Hoopa, as Johnson is in poor health. Mrs. Fountain was a Johnson girl. She is still a patient in a sanitarium near Fresno, where she has been for several years. She will soon have a new type of surgery in an effort to relieve her condition.
BLA (31 Jan. 1952) News Items of Interest from Burnt Ranch-Everett Fountain, former Salyer resident, who has been living in the Fresno area for a couple of years, recently stopped overnight with the McDaniels, en route to Salyer with a load of furniture and personal effects. His two children, Billie and Colleen, who have been attending large crowded schools in Fresno, want to return to the quietness and friendliness of the Lower Trinity area, where they can enjoy the great outdoors and not be continually shoved around.
Fountain's wife, Delphine, who has been a patient in a sanitarium for a long time, is responding nicely to modern methods of treatment and hopes to be able to return to Salyer for at least the summer period. Robert Schwindwich of Fresno accompanied Fountain to Trinity.
BLA (22 May 1952) Dr. Fountain Injured-While taking his boat on a trailer for Humboldt Bay by the Eureka wharf to launch last Sunday, Dr. Eugene Fountain, yachting enthusiast of Blue Lake, suffered a broken leg when the tongue of the trailer struck his leg above the ankle, breaking both bones. He was taken to the Trinity hospital for treatment and is reported doing as well as can be expected.
BLA (5 June 1952) News Items of Interest from Burnt Ranch-While Bart Berger and Clyde Wilson were running Berger's hunting dogs last Saturday night up Swede Creek off of Highway 299, the hounds picked up the scent of a cougar, or mountain lion, and took off into the high mountains. The hounds have not been seen since, although Berger and Wilson searched all day Sunday with several of his other hounds. Often hounds of this type will stay with a treed mountain lion for days waiting for their owner to come.
AU (12 Sept. 1952) Dr. Eugene Fountain, Arcata dentist, is recuperating at his home in Blue Lake after a recent operation on his leg, which he fractured earlier this summer. His condition is improving and he hopes to be able to have a walking cast in the near future.
BLA (2 Oct. 1952) Dogs Lose Bear, Find Lost Hunter-Early last Saturday morning Bart Berger of Burnt Ranch took his four hounds down to Jack Seely's ranch orchard at Willow Creek to endeavor to get some of the bear which were destroying not only Seely's valuable fruit, but also the entire trees.
As soon as the dogs were released, they took up the bear scent and were off up the canyon. They went so rapidly that Berger could not keep up with them over the very steep, rough terrain and he lost them.
The dogs did not return that night, although Berger stayed out in the mountains the entire time, blowing signals to the dogs. In the meantime, the bear scent evidently became weak and they took up the track of a huge mountain lion and finally came up with a lost hunter, whom the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office was searching for.
The men followed the dogs, who were still after the mountain lion. They finally brought the lost man out to a traveled road, where the Sheriff's Posse found him. The dogs, although very weary and footsore, refused to get in the automobile, but continued back toward the Seely ranch, where Berger found them. The hunter was also very hungry, weary and brush scratched. He lived near Willow Creek.
Berger states that it is very unusual for his dogs to go to any other person other than himself, but they probably were very hungry and tired. He will try for the bear again next weekend as soon as they are rested.
BLA (5 March 1953) Hoopa-Mrs. Delphine Fountain, who had been in ill health a long time, is now enjoying good health and up and around. The Fountains, who had lived at Salyer, have leased their place there to Doc Thompkins.
BLA (2 April 1953) Hoopa-Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fountain and children, Colleen and Billy, left Friday to spend the one-week Easter vacation at Burns, Oregon, where they will visit his sister, Mrs. Grace Dickenson.
BLA (22 Oct. 1953) Dr. Eugene Fountain Given Fellowship at Dental Meeting-Of the many Advocate readers who have enjoyed long trips this year, Dr. Eugene Fountain's was undoubtedly the most harassed. His difficulties were not caused by car trouble, as he had no punctures during the entire journey. The weather was favorable, with only one rainy day during the entire five weeks he was away from September 9th to October 15th. His misfortune was due to the fact that he was accompanied by two historically minded persons, Mrs. Esther Ruth Smith of Gasquet, whose History of Del Norte County was published this year and his wife, Mrs. Fountain, who is an avid collector of historical material. Her first printed contribution appeared only last month in the publication of the Humboldt Historical Society. As a result of this crew, stops were made at nearly every historical marker along the roads, at many museums and libraries.
In addition, Dr. Fountain stopped to take many colored pictures, especially of the Grand Canyon. The party visited relatives in Lincoln, Nebraska and in Los Angeles. Mrs. Smith visited her former home in Illinois, while the Fountain went to Pennsylvania to see Leon Baker's birthplace and to meet some of his early friends. Side trips were made to Chicago, Fort Wayne, Kansas City and Jamestown, New York to see other relatives.
A week was spent at Cleveland where Dr. Fountain was awarded a fellowship in the American College of Dentists on September 27th and where he attended the National Dental Convention the next five days.
The Illinois farms impressed the group as the most beautiful of any they had seen. The most crowded highways were those in Humboldt County. Out of state drivers can rejoice that this county does not mark the site of the Daby ferry massacre, nor the spot where Bates was shot in Scottsville, nor the location of the railroad trestle collapse at Essex. For this and the heavy traffic on our roads would be too great a hazard.
SBF (16 March 1958) [Obit. Carlena Schmidt, resident of Blue Lake, from Nebraska; mother of Lt. Jack Schmidt, who was killed in WW II…Jack was born 5 June 1920 in Willits, adopted at the age of 7, died in plane crash in Nebraska, 12 July 1944; married Dorothy Fountain, born 9 May 1920, daughter of Eugene and Susie Fountain.]
AU (5 March 1965) Fountains Observe 506th Wedding Anniversary [photo of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain on their wedding day]-Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain of Blue Lake and Arcata observed their 50th wedding anniversary on February 18. Arriving here from Berkeley to help them celebrate the occasion at a dinner party were their oldest son and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Fountain. Fountain is a chemist with Shell Development Company, his wife, the former Olive Crothers of Eureka.
The younger Fountains had planned a dinner party in their Berkeley home for their parents inviting 40 relatives and friends. However, because of the flood and travel difficulties, it was thought best to cancel it and so the couple came here.
The Fountains have three other children: Matthew K. Fountain, chemist at Mare Island, Vallejo; Mrs. Albert Holsinger (Dorothy) of Tucson, Arizona; and Mrs. Bart Berger (June) of Berkeley. Leon, a twin of Matthew, died in 1929 at 11 years of age. They have nine grandchildren and one great grandchild.
The couple was married on February 18, 1915 in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Baker of Blue Lake by the Rev. C. Jasper Irwin. Mrs. Fountain is the former Susie Helen Baker, a popular member of the young set of the area. Her bridegroom was the son of Dr. M.F. Fountain of Arcata and was an assistant in his father's dental office at the time of their marriage.
Mrs. Fountain has the distinction of being the first graduate of Humboldt Normal School (now Humboldt State College) and was also a graduate of Nebraska State University, where she became a Phi Beta Kappa. She is recognized as one of the area's leading historians and has written historical articles for many publications, including an historical series currently running in the Blue Lake Advocate. Together Dr. and Mrs. Fountain share the hobby of collecting early day pictures of Humboldt County and its early pioneers, the pictures now numbering in the thousands. One of Dr. Fountain's hobbies has been photography.
After their marriage, the couple first made their home in the Rosso Cottage on 14th Street in Arcata. Then the new bridegroom entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons in San Francisco, where the couple resided until 1918, when he returned to practice dentistry in Arcata. Over the years he has received high honors and recognition in the field of dentistry.
They moved from Arcata in 1931 to make their home in Blue Lake. Dr. Fountain continues to commute to Arcata, where he still maintains a limited practice.
FE (19 March 1965) Eugene Fountains Observe Anniversary--The golden wedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain of the Arcata section was observed recently with a family dinner. A previously planned celebration for a large gathering of members of the family and friends had been canceled because of the December storms and road conditions. It was to have been held at the Matthew Fountain home in Vallejo. Dr. and Mrs. Fountain are both widely known historians of the area. Dr. Fountain has attained many honors in the dental profession and his wife, since 1953, has had many historical articles published, including those regularly appearing in the Blue Lake Advocate.
The Fountains are parents of five children: Eugene Baker Fountain; Matthew K. Fountain, twin brother of Leon Fountain who died in 1929 at the age of eleven; Mrs. Albert (Dorothy) Holsinger of Tucson, Arizona; and Mrs. Bart (June) Berger of Berkeley; nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
FE (12 July 1966) Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain Contribute Valuable Documentary Articles To HSC--A vast collection of Humboldt historiana, books and other valuable research material has been given to Humboldt State College by Mrs. Susie Baker Fountain of Blue Lake. Mrs. Fountain, acclaimed one of Humboldt County's most noted historians, and her husband, Dr. Eugene Fountain, will leave shortly to make their future home in the San Francisco bay area. Dr. Cornelius Siemens, president of Humboldt State College, and Mrs. Helen Everett, College Librarian, received the material last week. The collection, representing more than 20 years of research, includes some 400 annotated notebooks, over 100 large envelopes of early newspaper clipping, eight cartons of maps and miscellaneous material, and in all requiring some 75 feet of shelf space at the library. The collection is designated "The most valuable research source outside the Bancroft Library."
The notebooks contain detailed references on early business and pioneer families of each community of the county, and exhaustive surveys of real estate transactions, historic buildings and homes, early logging, mining and shipping industries, and pioneer exploration. Mrs. Fountain began her research as a hobby in 1946. For many years she wrote an historical column for the Blue Lake Advocate, making that paper a collector's item in state historical circles and won for her the title "One-Woman Library of Humboldt County," from the late Clarence Coonan of the California State Historical Society.
Mrs. Fountain has lived in his county for over 50 years and her husband, an Arcata dentist, is a member of one of northwestern California's pioneer families, and a life-long resident of the area. He is soon to retire after over 50 years of practice and, with his wife, will move to Berkeley where they will be near their children and families including Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fountain, Jr., of Berkeley; Mrs. June Berger of Berkeley; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fountain of Vallejo; and Mrs. Dorothy Holsinger of Tucson, Arizona.
Dr. Siemens of HSC announces that future plans of the college library call for a separate conference room to be designated in Mrs. Fountain's honor. A pamphlet describing the scope and contents of the collection will be printed for distribution to other libraries in the state and to historians interested in research. Plans are being made for formal public recognition of the collection at the 1967 Commencement of the college.
Mr. and Mrs. Fountain are both members of early families of the area. Mr. Fountain's father was an early-day dentist in the Arcata area and was assisted by his son at the time the girl who was to become his bride arrived with her family, the Ben Bakers, in 1912. Mrs. Fountain's father, a successful hardware merchant in Nebraska, becoming tired of the severe winters there decided to come west. He purchased the property at Greenwood Avenue and Highway 299 from Robert Henry who, in 1902, had built the two-story home, with its own well and water tower. He served many years as a councilman for Blue Lake. Mrs. Baker belonged to the local Women's Club and was responsible for the purchase of a creamery building which was converted into the still used Civic Building in Blue Lake.
The young Miss Baker, later to become Mrs. Fountain, came to Blue Lake with her family but returned to Lincoln, Nebraska, to complete her senior year at the University of Nebraska. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics and was the only girl in her class.
On her return to Blue Lake, she entered the newly formed Humboldt Normal School, which was later to be Humboldt College, and was a member of the Normal's first graduating class.
Dr. Matthew Fountain moved his family to Blue Lake in 1902 from San Francisco, and was assisted in his work by his son, Eugene. Following Eugene's marriage to Miss Baker, they moved to San Francisco where he studied for his dental degree. After graduation he opened his dental office in Arcata where they lived until 1931, when they moved their family to Blue Lake into the same house they had been married in, in 1915. Dr. Fountain retained his practice in Arcata for 52 years. He was prominent in civic and professional affairs.
During his early years in Blue Lake, Dr. Fountain was a member of a small dance orchestra. As his family grew, other members of the family expressed an interest in music and a family orchestra was formed, which played for club and civic occasions. Dr. Fountain is also a photography enthusiast.
Mrs. Fountain, in addition to her writing for the Blue Lake Advocate, served as president of the Humboldt County Historical Society and has taken part in its many field trips. She served as vice-president of the Board of Trustees of the Clarke Memorial Museum and since its founding has acted as history advisor in the many phases of development of that institution, founded by Miss Cecile Clarke.
Asked if she will continue with her writing after closing their home and moving to Berkeley, Mrs. Fountain says, "Well, just perhaps," but possibly in a different phase. Mrs. Fountain expressed a sadness in leaving behind them their large yard with its many beautiful trees, one of which was planted on her wedding day and tended throughout the years.
AU (9 Aug. 1968) Dr. Fountain Is Now Dead [photo] Word of the death of Dr. Eugene Fountain, long-time resident of Blue Lake, has been received here, according to the Blue Lake Advocate. Following the doctor's retirement (he was dentist here for many years), the Fountains moved to the bay area where they could be near members of their family.
Beloved by many, the doctor's death Friday has saddened those who knew him. His wife is Susie Baker Fountain.
All arrangements are private in accordance to the wishes of the family.
Humboldt Historian (May-June 1969) Mrs. Susie Baker Fountain, age 76, [born 22 Dec. 1892] long known for her penetrating and exhaustive study of Humboldt County history, passed away at Berkeley on Jun 18th. She was the widow of the late Dr. Eugene Fountain and the mother of Eugene B. Fountain, Matthew K. Fountain, [ Mrs. Albert Holsinger (Dorothy) and Mrs. Bart Berger (June), all of the Bay area.
The Fountains were married on February 18, 1915 in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Baker of Blue Lake by Rev. C. Jasper Irwin.
Mrs. Fountain had the distinction of being the first graduate of Humboldt Normal School (now Humboldt State college) and was also a graduate of Nebraska State University, where she became a Phi Beta Kappa.
A past president of the Humboldt County Historical Society, Mrs. Fountain was recognized as one of the areas leading historians and has written many historical articles for this publication. Her series of historical articles, published in the Blue Lake Advocate, brought honors and recognition to her.
In 1967, Mrs. Fountain gave her extensive collection of early day Humboldt County historical materials, designated "the most valuable research source outside the Bancroft Library" to the Humboldt State College Library.
The collection, product of nearly twenty years of research, included 411 annotated notebooks, over 100 large envelopes of clippings from early newspapers, and eight cartons of maps and miscellaneous material.
Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery, Arcata. Susie numbered her friends by her acquaintances, who will long remember her pleasant smile, kindly manner, and wonderful sense of humor. We have lost a real friend!
AU (27 June 1969) Susie Baker Fountain; Humboldt's Own Historian Laureate Dies in Berkeley [photo]-Mrs. Susie Baker Fountain, the chronicler of Humboldt County's history and Humboldt State College's first graduate, died of a cerebral stroke at her home in Berkeley, June 18. She was 76.
She was the wife of the late Dr. Eugene Fountain, who, as a son of pioneer Blue Lake family, practiced dentistry in the Arcata area for over 50 years. He died in August of last year.
Mrs. Fountain took up Humboldt history as a hobby in 1947 and developed it into a serious endeavor following the marriage of her youngest daughter in 1955. When she and her husband moved to Berkeley in 1966, she donated to the HSC Library more than 75 feet of shelf space, containing over 400 full, annotated, three-ring notebooks, 100 large envelopes of clippings from early county newspapers and eight cartons of old maps and photographs.
Her extensive collection of early Humboldt County historical material has been termed the most valuable research outside the Bancroft Library.
Susie Baker arrived in Blue Lake in 1912 from Nebraska, returning there briefly to finish her senior year at the University of Nebraska. The only girl in the class of '13, she was graduated with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and was installed into the honorary scholastic society, Phi Beta Kappa.
In 1914, she entered the newly-opened Humboldt Normal School, the forerunner of Humboldt State College and was that institution's first graduate the following year. In December of 1915, she married Eugene Fountain and returned with him to finish his dental training in San Francisco. Upon his graduation, the moved back to Arcata, living here until 1931, when they moved to the big white house on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and Highway 299 in Blue Lake.
Mrs. Fountain took the deepest looks into local history. She was president of the Humboldt County Historical Society, was the Clarke Museum Board of Directors Vice-President, was recognized by the Huntington Library and was a privileged member of the California Historical Society.
Her historical sketches appeared in both the Arcata Union and Blue Lake Advocate under the title of "Early Days of Humboldt." In 1957 her work won the coveted Bronze Medal in the Top Story Class at the California State Fair and Exposition. The award was presented by Gov. Goodwin J. Knight.
Her research was so complete and scholarly that it was never doubted and what she wrote was law. The fruits of all these years are filed in a special room in the Humboldt State College Library for the use by students. These works will be transferred to the Susie Baker Fountain Humboldt County Historical Room of the Library when a new wing is constructed in the near future.
During HSC Founder's Day ceremonies in 1967, Susie Fountain became the first recipient of the President's Distinguished Service Award.
She is survived by two sons, Eugene of Berkeley, and Matthew of Vallejo, and two daughters, Mrs. June Berger of Berkeley and Mrs. Dorothy Holsinger of Tucson. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery in Arcata.