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Times Standard

Displaying 51001 - 51050 of 51162

This is an index of Times-Standard articles published between 1989-2005. The index includes the article title, date, subject, and page number. You are not able to view the articles online. To retrieve an article, researchers need to visit the Microform Collection on the second floor of the library during open hours.Times-Standard's microfilm call number is MF10. If you are a distance researcher, please use your local library's interlibrary loan (ILL) program to make a request.

Microfilm Collection Info Northwestern California Newspapers

Datesort descending Page Headline Subject(s)
51001 2005-11-13 A2 Inmate who escaped from work crew surrenders himself at the county jail HUMBOLDT COUNTY JAIL, HUMBOLDT COUNTY SHERIFF
51002 2005-11-13 A2 Eureka Police and Fire Departments continue investigation of waterfront blaze - photo BUILDERS & BUILDING, EUREKA FIRE DEPARTMENT, EUREKA POLICE DEPARTMENT, WATERFRONT
51003 2005-11-13 A2 Many gather at the Wharfinger in Eureka to give views on how mental health services should use money EUREKA, HUMBOLDT COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH DEPT., INDIANS, TAXES
51004 2005-11-13 A3 Veterans for Peace ring bell on Arcata Plaza to honor the soldiers who have died in Iraq war - photo ARCATA PLAZA, DEMONSTRATIONS, VETERANS
51005 2005-11-14 A2 Fortuna man badly hurt when he falls out of his motor home while driving on Highway 101 ACCIDENTS - VEHICLE, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL, FORTUNA, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES, SAINT JOSEPH HOSPITAL
51006 2005-11-15 A1 Humboldt Crabs get new manager, Matthew F. Nutter - photo CRABS BASEBALL TEAM
51007 2005-11-15 A1 Fortuna woman wins $500,000 on penny slot machine at Bear River Casino CASINOS, FORTUNA, GAMBLING, LOLETA
51008 2005-11-15 A2 U.S. Senate approves bill that provides $4.56 million to dredge Humboldt Bay HUMBOLDT BAY, U.S. SENATE
51009 2005-11-15 A2 Checks stolen in Eureka, are altered, and show up in Modesto ARCATA POLICE DEPARTMENT, EUREKA, MASONIC ORDERS, THEFT
51010 2005-11-15 A2 Board of Arcata School District decides to close one school; which one is undecided ARCATA SCHOOL DISTRICT
51011 2005-11-15 A3 A transient in a Eureka home's crawl space starts fire, but broken water pipe controls fire APARTMENTS, EUREKA FIRE DEPARTMENT, HOMELESS
51012 2005-11-15 A3 Driver suffering from seizure causes fatal accident on Highway 101 near Loleta ACCIDENTS - VEHICLE, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL, DEATHS, REDWOOD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
51013 2005-11-16 A1 Glenn Goldan unexpectedly resigns from Eureka Redevelopment Advisory Board EUREKA CITY COUNCIL, EUREKA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, WATERFRONT
51014 2005-11-16 A2 Two Orick men arrested for poaching fallen old-growth trees from Redwood National Park ORICK, REDWOOD NATIONAL PARK, TREES
51015 2005-11-16 A3 Fortuna and Eel River Disposal resolve their dispute FORTUNA MAYOR, REFUSE DISPOSAL
51016 2005-11-17 jA1 Eureka City Schools superintendent, James Scott, recommends closure of Jefferson School EUREKA CITY SCHOOLS, JEFFERSON SCHOOL
51017 2005-11-17 A1 City of Arcata faces controversy over search for a new site for Arcata Endeavor ARCATA CITY COUNCIL, HOMELESS, RETAIL STORES
51018 2005-11-17 A1 Car parked in Trinidad rolls down embankment toward lighthouse - photo ACCIDENTS - VEHICLE, LIGHTHOUSES, TRINIDAD POLICE DEPARTMENT
51019 2005-11-17 A2 Samples of muck from Humboldt Bay are sent out to be tested for toxic substances HUMBOLDT BAY HARBOR DISTRICT, TOXIC SUBSTANCES
51020 2005-11-17 A2 Ferndale City Council decides to pursue alternative sewage treatment plan FERNDALE CITY COUNCIL, SEWAGE DISPOSAL
51021 2005-11-17 A2 Rio Dell receives grant from the EPA to clean up hazardous materials GRANTS, RIO DELL CITY MANAGER, U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
51022 2005-11-17 A3 U. S. Senator Barbara Boxer sends letter of praise to Eureka Police Officer Tim Jones - photo COMPETITIONS, EUREKA POLICE DEPARTMENT, FIREARMS, U.S. SENATE
51023 2005-11-17 A3 Planners of anti-war Critical Mass protest work out guidelines with law enforcement officials ARCATA CITY COUNCIL, BICYCLES, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL, EUREKA POLICE DEPARTMENT, PROTEST
51024 2005-11-17 A4 Blue Ox Millworks contribute to the community - editorial EUREKA, MILLS, RADIO, YOUTH
51025 2005-11-17 10 Dell'Arte school program helps children learn about diversity - photos, supplement CHILDREN, SCHOOLS, THEATERS - DELLARTE
51026 2005-11-17 11 Caldecott-winning author, Allen Say, makes apperance at the Booklegger in Eureka - photos, suplement AWARDS, HONORS, PRIZES, BOOKS, EUREKA - OLD TOWN, RETAIL STORES
51027 2005-11-18 A1 McKinleyville CSD votes down funding for skate park; will concentrate on Hiller Sports Park instead MCKINLEYVILLE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, SKATEBOARDS, SPORTS
51028 2005-11-18 A1 Local rancher and state collaborate to create wetlands in salmon restoration project - photo CALIFORNIA FISH & GAME DEPT., RANCHES, RESTORATION, SALMON, WETLANDS
51029 2005-11-18 A4 No easy answers to location of Arcata Endeavor service center for homeless - editorial ARCATA CITY COUNCIL, FOOD PROGRAMS, HOMELESS
51030 2005-11-19 A1 Woman killed in Eureka collision; driver suspected of DUI - photo ACCIDENTS - VEHICLE, DEATHS, DRUNK DRIVERS, EUREKA POLICE DEPARTMENT
51031 2005-11-19 A1 County health officials look into reports of asbestos at Alton & Pacific Railroad site - photo ALTON & PACIFIC RR see RAILROADS, ASBESTOS, PUBLIC HEALTH
51032 2005-11-19 A1 Critical Mass anti-war protest that went from Arcata to Eureka is declared a success - photos ARCATA, BICYCLES, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL, EUREKA POLICE DEPARTMENT, PROTEST
51033 2005-11-19 A1 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission issues license to PG&E for dry cask storage of fuel rods HUMBOLDT BAY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC see PUBLIC UTILITIES
51034 2005-11-19 A2 Motor home parked on a street in Eureka is site of drug arrests DRUGS, EUREKA POLICE DEPARTMENT, HUMBOLDT COUNTY JAIL, HUMBOLDT COUNTY SHERIFF, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES
51035 2005-11-19 A4 Critical Mass protestors make their views against the war in Iraq known - editorial ARCATA CITY COUNCIL, BICYCLES, EUREKA POLICE DEPARTMENT, PROTEST
51036 2005-11-19 A15 Publisher of local phone directories wins fight against AT&T - photo EUREKA, PUBLISHING, TELEPHONE SERVICE
51037 2005-11-20 A1 Report shows that county's unemployment rate has risen EMPLOYMENT & UNEMPLOYMENT, HUMBOLDT COUNTY
51038 2005-11-20 A2 County public health department reports that whooping cough is on the rise BABIES see CHILDREN, DISEASES, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, PUBLIC HEALTH
51039 2005-11-20 B1 Eureka Rescue Mission saves lives - photos ALCOHOLISM, EUREKA, RESCUE MISSION
51040 2005-11-20 B6 Loss of state funding for local salmon restoration is a bad thing - editorial CALIFORNIA - BUDGET, RESTORATION, SALMON
51041 2005-11-21 A1 Newspaper reporter spends a day with Bill at Sequoia Park Zoo - photos ANIMALS, NEWSPAPERS, SEQUOIA PARK, ZOO
51042 2005-11-21 A1 Closure of schools illustrates sharp drop in enrollment in the county HUMBOLDT COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION
51043 2005-11-21 A1 Annual Mushroom Fair held at Redwood Acres in Eureka - photos MUSHROOM FAIR, REDWOOD ACRES
51044 2005-11-21 A2 KEET-TV to use Hurricane Katrina disaster to educate locals on disaster preparedness EMERGENCY PLANS, KEET - TV
51045 2005-11-21 A7 Eureka Kiwanis Club presents award to 40-year member, Gene Schnell - photo AWARDS, HONORS, PRIZES, EUREKA, KIWANIS CLUBS
51046 2005-11-22 A1 Local Congressman, Mike Thompson, defends fellow congressman who criticized the Iraq war - photo THOMPSON, MIKE, U.S. CONGRESS
51047 2005-11-22 A1 High housing prices and low wages may be driving young families out of Humboldt County - photo HUMBOLDT COUNTY, REAL ESTATE, SCHOOLS
51048 2005-11-22 A1 Many former members of the county's Republican Party unhappy with Chairwoman Lori Metheny - photo HUMBOLDT COUNTY, REPUBLICAN PARTY
51049 2005-11-22 A1 Report finds that only 25% of county's fifth-graders are physically fit - photo CHILDREN, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, PHYSICAL FITNESS
51050 2005-11-22 A2 Rio Dell woman severely injured in accident on Hwy. 101 near Loleta ACCIDENTS - VEHICLE, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL, RIO DELL