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Times Standard

Displaying 701 - 750 of 51163
Datesort descending Page Headline Subject(s)
701 1989-03-23 3 Eureka's garbage rates hiked REFUSE & REFUSE DISPOSAL
702 1989-03-23 3 Eureka council may have broken law by hiring an attorney behind closed doors EUREKA CITY COUNCIL
703 1989-03-23 9 Attorney Janssen reveals clients against mall expansion SHOPPING CENTERS
704 1989-03-23 5 John Brewer, charged in gun spree, to receive psych tests CRIME & CRIMINALS
705 1989-03-23 5 Ex-Eurekan, Rodney Heuschkel, lost in fishing accident ACCIDENTS - WATER
706 1989-03-23 13 Joe Price, former Crab pitcher, battles back from injuries BASEBALL, CRABS BASEBALL TEAM
707 1989-03-23 A-3 Dell'Arte students' spring term project is not a typical day in class THEATRES - DELLARTE
708 1989-03-23 A-5 Sabrina Francis had a promising singing debut at the Eagle House MUSIC & MUSICIANS
709 1989-03-23 A-5 Strange days at the N.C.R.T. THEATRES - NORTH COAST REP
710 1989-03-23 A-6 HSU's "Queen Christina" an impeccable work THEATRES - HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY
711 1989-03-24 1 Eureka gas station robbed Thursday night. THEFT
712 1989-03-24 1 Two car-van crash victims in hospital, one listed serious. ACCIDENTS - VEHICLE
713 1989-03-24 1 L-P starts work on boiler as deadline for appeal expires. LOUISIANA-PACIFIC
714 1989-03-24 5 Local women pick sterilization. BIRTH CONTROL
715 1989-03-24 5 Local students score in math contest. STUDENTS
716 1989-03-24 7 Rami Samuelson writes book, "Love, Mizoram", about her home state in India. AUTHORS
717 1989-03-24 7 C.R. opens PIER 4, a substance abuse prevention program for students under stress. COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS, DRUGS & DRUG ABUSE
718 1989-03-25 9 HSU softball "baby boomer" Amy Circo helps Jacks with arm, bat. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY, SOFTBALL
719 1989-03-25 1 KFMI FM radio station changes format. RADIO
720 1989-03-25 1 Feds to announce salmon limits soon. SALMON
721 1989-03-25 1 Yuroks to choose tribal status; membership deadline nears. YUROK TRIBE
722 1989-03-25 3 National Weather Service getting a facelift that will benefit North Coast. WEATHER
723 1989-03-25 3 Fortuna councilman Rick Silvers wants to clear the record. FORTUNA
724 1989-03-25 4 Judge Buffington says he was misquoted regarding jail. HUMBOLDT COUNTY JAIL
725 1989-03-26 01 Louise Hollis, Eureka meter maid,talks about parking violators. PERSONALITIES
726 1989-03-26 01 Export of timber from public lands troubles U.S. Forest Service and local mill owners. FORESTS & FORESTRY, LUMBER & LUMBERING
727 1989-03-26 03 Bernard DePaoli, former Humboldt Co. District Attorney, faces preliminary hearing on bribery charge. CRIME & CRIMINALS, PERSONALITIES
728 1989-03-26 03 Adorni Project rezoning appeal rejected by Planning Commission. Now appeal to Eureka City Council. ADORNI PROJECT
729 1989-03-26 03 KRED-AM radio's Buck Buchanan wants to help attract Big Brothers for many kids. BIG BROTHERS & BIG SISTERS, RADIO
730 1989-03-26 05 Scout-O-Rama held Saturday at Redwood Acres. BOY SCOUTS
731 1989-03-26 12 Almost 50 million board feet of redwood, cedar, and fir shipped from Humboldt Bay in 1988. FORESTS & FORESTRY, LUMBER & LUMBERING
732 1989-03-26 13 HSU to offer course dealing with hypnosis. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY, MENTAL HEALTH & MENTAL ILLNESS
733 1989-03-26 14 Muscular Dystrophy benefit by Little People's Corner Preschool "Hop-a-Thon". (picture). HEALTH, PRESCHOOL CHILDREN, SCHOOLS
734 1989-03-26 14 March is Red Cross membership month. RED CROSS
735 1989-03-26 14 Washington School PTA awards given at Founders Day celebration. AWARDS, HONORS, PRIZES, SCHOOLS
736 1989-03-26 14 Soroptimist Girls of the Month selected. SOROPTIMISTS
737 1989-03-26 14 Raup Miller, HSU alumnus, has book published by Bayside Press. AUTHORS, BOOKS, HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY
738 1989-03-26 15 Music Institute to begin classes at HSU. (picture) HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY, MUSIC & MUSICIANS
739 1989-03-26 15 Abuse prevention agencies will share in $6000. grant from United Way of Humboldt. CHILD ABUSE, UNITED WAY FUND
740 1989-03-26 15 Dr. Samuel Burre honored. AWARDS, HONORS, PRIZES, PHYSICIANS
741 1989-03-26 15 Videotape of Crescent City tsunami of 3/28/64 available. CRESCENT CITY
742 1989-03-26 15 Humboldt Area Foundation accepting applications for 1989 Summer Youth Program. HUMBOLDT AREA FOUNDATION, YOUTH
743 1989-03-26 15 Vector Health Programs for rehabilitation therapy services now eligible for Medicare. HEALTH
744 1989-03-26 16 Winship Jr. High School PTA awards given. AWARDS, HONORS, PRIZES, SCHOOLS
745 1989-03-26 18 Bayshore Mall blamed for downtown Eureka decline in businesses. BUSINESS & INDUSTRY
746 1989-03-26 18 Adorni Project threatens Convention Center hopes. ADORNI PROJECT, CONVENTION CENTERS
747 1989-03-26 18 Steve Antongiovanni of Coast Central Credit Union, elected national director of C.U. association. BANKS & BANKING, PERSONALITIES
748 1989-03-26 A-1 "Horizon" sections: Living; Working; People. BUSINESS & INDUSTRY, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, PERSONALITIES
749 1989-03-27 03 Department of Fish and Game defends local deer hunts on Barnum ranch HUNTERS & HUNTING
750 1989-03-27 01 Lynne Whitfield files suit over drug raid DRUGS & DRUG ABUSE