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Times Standard

Displaying 1751 - 1800 of 51162

This is an index of Times-Standard articles published between 1989-2005. The index includes the article title, date, subject, and page number. You are not able to view the articles online. To retrieve an article, researchers need to visit the Microform Collection on the second floor of the library during open hours.Times-Standard's microfilm call number is MF10. If you are a distance researcher, please use your local library's interlibrary loan (ILL) program to make a request.

Microfilm Collection Info Northwestern California Newspapers

Datesort descending Page Headline Subject(s)
1751 1989-06-21 7 Ferndale H.S. graduates win bevy of awards SCHOLARSHIPS & FELLOWSHIPS
1752 1989-06-21 7 Local Hellerworks practioners, Jake & Stephanie Schultz, seek to ease tensions HEALTH
1753 1989-06-21 7 Humboldt Access Project will honor volunteers at 3rd annual Recognition Dinner HUMBOLDT ACCESS PROJECT, VOLUNTEERS & VOLUNTEERISM
1754 1989-06-21 7 Charles Blomquist & Troy Bucko off to Boy's State AWARDS, HONORS, PRIZES
1755 1989-06-21 9 P.G.& E. rewards engineer Dallas Huston for outstanding community service VOLUNTEERS & VOLUNTEERISM
1756 1989-06-21 9 Six Rivers National Bank, in organization, appoints Melinda Swank as operations manager BANKS & BANKING
1757 1989-06-21 8 Ambrosini School first-graders grow the tallest bean GARDENS & GARDENING
1758 1989-06-21 19 High marks nothing new to Zane student-athlete Andrea Werner GYMNASTICS
1759 1989-06-22 1 Arcata council sending protest letter to China ARCATA CITY COUNCIL
1760 1989-06-22 1 Hundreds caught in snarl after 3 vehicle accident on 101; Byrn, Rainey & Millard were drivers ACCIDENTS - VEHICLE
1761 1989-06-22 3 Pacific Bell warns local customers of calling-card scam CRIME & CRIMINALS, TELEPHONE SERVICE
1762 1989-06-22 1 Logger hurt near Blue Lake, no details given ACCIDENTS - INDUSTRIAL
1763 1989-06-22 3 Tourists to get free bus passes from transit system in Arcata BUS LINES, TOURISTS & TRAVEL
1764 1989-06-22 3 EPD bicycle auction proves real steal AUCTIONS
1765 1989-06-22 3 Groundbreaking ceremonies slated for 33-acre Arcata sports complex PARKS
1766 1989-06-22 4 Inside the pier situation locally, editorial by Howard Rien HUMBOLDT BAY
1767 1989-06-22 5 Eureka board begins process of reopening Worthington School EUREKA CITY SCHOOLS
1768 1989-06-22 6 Realignment of bridge to be topic at Caltrans public hearing BRIDGES
1769 1989-06-22 10 Old Town district plays a key role in boosting Eureka's image & economy EUREKA - OLD TOWN
1770 1989-06-22 1 Flag-burning ruling spurs local protest FLAGS
1771 1989-06-22 A5 "Jazz of the Lake" caps Benbow Arts Festival MUSIC & MUSICIANS
1772 1989-06-22 A6 Vacant room fills up with Plays-in-Progress, new space of local playwrights THEATRE & DRAMA
1773 1989-06-23 1 Goodyear blimp, Columbia, forced down at airport due to high winds. AIRPORTS & AIRLINES, AVIATION
1774 1989-06-23 1 Premiere of Batman leads to Batmania. FILMS
1775 1989-06-23 1 Eureka schools to share police officer in anti-drug program. DRUGS & DRUG ABUSE, EUREKA CITY SCHOOLS, EUREKA POLICE DEPARTMENT
1776 1989-06-23 1 Sweethearts of the Rodeo sing at Redwood Acres Fair (photo). MUSIC & MUSICIANS, REDWOOD ACRES
1777 1989-06-23 3 Monster trucks featured at Redwood Acres Fair (photo). REDWOOD ACRES, TRUCKS & TRUCKING
1778 1989-06-23 3 Arcata City Council gives city employees financial incentive to quit smoking. SMOKING
1779 1989-06-23 3 City of Eureka to fight Environmental Protection Agency over sewer grant. SEWAGE DISPOSAL
1780 1989-06-23 6 Victorian homes in Ferndale open to public. ARCHITECTURE
1781 1989-06-23 6 H.S.U. Telonicher Marine Laboratory has free summer programs. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY
1782 1989-06-23 10 United Express cuts local July jet service. AIRPORTS & AIRLINES
1783 1989-06-23 20 Arcata budget calls for major work on streets, drainage. ARCATA PUBLIC WORKS
1784 1989-06-24 1 Stanson, police clash again; hotel owner attempts to remove chemical drums. VANCE HOTEL
1785 1989-06-24 1 Boy injured in fall through skylight at Winship Junior High School. WINSHIP JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
1786 1989-06-24 1 Pelican Bay jobs seminar. PELICAN BAY PRISON
1787 1989-06-24 1 Local parents face day-care crunch. DAY CARE CENTERS - CHILDREN
1788 1989-06-24 1 Many local groups offer summer youth activities. OUTDOOR RECREATION, RECREATION, YOUTH
1789 1989-06-24 1 Spotted owl status halts timber sale; bird causes confusion at Six Rivers Forest. BIRDS, ENDANGERED SPECIES, LUMBER & LUMBERING
1790 1989-06-24 3 Structural report on mall condemned; Recall Committee wants full disclosure. RECALLS, SHOPPING CENTERS
1791 1989-06-24 3 Little hands stroke big pets at Redwood Acres kids' zoo. REDWOOD ACRES, ZOO
1792 1989-06-24 7 Nothing out of the ordinary about local Potter's House service by Pastor Mel Montoya. CHURCHES, RELIGION
1793 1989-06-25 01 Humboldt County Grand Jury recommends consolidating 3 fire fighting departments FIRE DEPARTMENTS, HUMBOLDT COUNTY GRAND JURY
1794 1989-06-25 01 Hornet hunters collecting hives INSECTS & INSECT PESTS, MEDICAL CARE
1795 1989-06-25 01 Teen gang membership parent's responsibility. 2 articles. VIOLENCE, YOUTH
1796 1989-06-25 01 "Diaper Derby" at Redwood Acres Fair. Picture. FAIRS & CARNIVALS
1797 1989-06-25 03 Gardens in Scotia discussed. Picture. GARDENS & GARDENING, SCOTIA
1798 1989-06-25 03 Indian teens hold meeting on natural resources at College of the Redwoods CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES, INDIANS, YOUTH
1799 1989-06-25 03 Eureka City Council supports Calif. State Logging Museum in Humboldt County LUMBER & LUMBERING, MUSEUMS
1800 1989-06-25 03 Free shade tree guide from National Arbor Day Foundation offered GARDENS & GARDENING, TREES