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Marijuana Research Collection - Humboldt Growers Association (HGA)
Review of Humboldt County 314-55.1
Medical Marijuana Land Uses
March 23, 2011
Humboldt County Draft Ordinance 314-55.1 is intended to set guidelines for the operation of a cooperative, collective, or delivery service, and the cultivation of indoor medical marijuana for personal use throughout the unincorporated areas of Humboldt County. The Planning Commission is receiving public comment on this draft with the intention of rewriting and finalizing the ordinance in time for the May 12, 2011 special Planning Commission meeting.
The purpose of this paper is to provide insight, comparisons, and recommendations on the draft ordinance. Because the draft is organized into two main sections (the cultivation of medical cannibis for personal use, and the guidelines for the operation of a cooperative, collective or delivery service), the Humboldt Growers Association (HGA) has organized this review in the same way. Please note that in the second section of this paper the word "dispensary" refers to a cooperative, collective, or delivery service.
Humboldt Growers Association (HGA) Review of Humboldt County 314-55.1 Medical Marijuana Land Uses
Humboldt County 314-55.1 Medical Marijuana Land Uses Draft Proposal