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Where Does History Happen?

Now the Cal Poly Humboldt community can pin-point exactly where a historic photographs were captured. As part of her internship in Special Collections, Grace Rotwein created a HistoryPin profile for the Library. HistoryPin is a free social media platform that allows users to pin historical content to Google maps. Just a couple of fun features:
- Each image is pinned on a map. Click on the image to see more information about the image or place. Videos and audio are also pinned.
- You can go on virtual tours and explore digitized collections.
- Check out the street view tab, which you can use to fade between Google street view and the historic image.
- There is a mobile app for HistoryPin. Great feature if you are giving friends or potential students tours of the campus and would like to incorporate historic images.
- HistoryPin encourages crowd-sourcing because it allows users to view content across archival collections and personal accounts. All pins appear on the Google map when you search Humboldt County.
Interested in pinning Humboldt History? Contact Special Collections for more information.
December 18, 2014