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Articles and Essays
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Dailies and Weeklies by Will Speegle
There was no lack of newspapers in the early days in Humboldt county and when I came to Eureka you could contact them most anywhere. Weeklies were in their glory, even the Times and the Standard indulging in the publication of weekly editions to augment their daily issues and serve their clientele in distant areas that were only available through arduous stage or horseback travel. . . Read More
The Ever Changing World by Will Speegle
Looking back over a period of comparatively few years there have been so many changes that one can easily grow jittery over what may be the changes that will come with the next quarter century. It isn't so very long ago, for instance, when there was no such thing as an automobile, a radio, a moving picture, an airplane, a phonograph, electric lights, telephones, linotypes, and other things too numerous to mention.
Take the printing business as a criterion for what has gone on in the way of change and improvement. The whole newspaper business has been revolutionized in the past 40 years. . . Read More
History of Humboldt County: Newspaper Enterprises by W.W. Elliott
Early in the year 1853, among the few who endeavored to form a settlement and build up Humboldt County, came Dr. E.D. Coleman. He was a man of nerve and ability, possessed of a good education and a literary turn of mind. Union, now Arcata, and Eureka grew rapidly, the former taking the lead and holding it for some years. When the prospects for Union were the brightest, when the tide of immigration had set northward and was fast flowing into Humboldt Bay . . . Read More
Humboldt County Newspaper Enterprises
from the 1890 Humboldt County Business Directory
The Humboldt Times was established at Eureka in September, 1854, by Mr. E.D. Coleman. Mr. Coleman moved the Times to Union (now Arcata) December, 1854. In December, 1855, Mr. Coleman sold out the Times to W. Van Dyke and A. Wiley. In January, 1858, Mr. Van Dyke transferred his interest to Mr. Wiley. In August, 1858, Mr. Wiley moved the Times back to Eureka. . . Read More
Weekly Record by M.A. Parry
Loleta had two newspapers. Miles A. Simpson published the first issue of the Weekly Record on the first Friday in January, 1897. It was a four page, four column publication. This was the publisher's second venture in the publishing field. Simpson was raised in Ferndale and in August, 1896, had begun the publication of a weekly campaign paper which he called the Silver Dollar. He was an ardent advocate of . . . Read More
When Humboldt Had The Double Standard by Maclyn H. McClary
Humboldt County had a Double Standard as early as 1896. To that end, it wouldn't take an Oracle to say this Northern California county had a lot of Nerve, which it did.
However, the Double Standard was not (as far as this article is researched) a description of the state of the people's morals about 1896. Rather it was a newspaper published daily in Eureka in those days. . . Read More
>Also see articles by researcher Susie Van Kirk.
The Northwest California Newspapers Website is managed by Special Collections located in the Cal Poly Humboldt Library.